Evolution of the Mind, Body and Spirit – The Relationship Between Our Physical and Spiritual Nature
One of the problems we have in understanding our spiritual-energetic nature is we try to view it through the same model as our physical nature. Yet even how we tend to look at our physical nature is largely incorrect because we’ve been conditioned to a firm mindset based almost exclusively on material sciences which is usually only working with a fraction of the information involved, excluding the larger part of our physical make-up which is comprised of invisible fields and forces that are constantly operating within our physical apparatus. While we’ve been taught that our genes and physical make-up is fixed and permanent, and we are left at the mercy of whatever our genetic ancestry has given us, we now know scientifically, that this isn’t true.
Only 2% of our entire genetic composition goes into building the proteins that make up our body giving it the physical characteristics and general condition it exists in, while the other 98% (give or take) appears to be a memory processing bio-computer of sorts that’s being constantly programmed by our mind through our perception. As we perceive the world around us, and we process that information by interpreting it to give it meaning, and we build it into a story as a thematic reality that our mind is designed to tell, we simultaneously program the subconscious mind and DNA of the body with those same perceptions, and it acts to produce the material equivalent, both as our body and our outer reality. Everything around us in the material world of Nature is comprised of the same DNA and subconscious mind, both of which are passive and receptive in nature, and act as a receiver and transducer for various forms of information that it uses to reform the material body.
Just as the inner is always resonating and absorbing information from the outer and integrating it to become like the outer environment of which it’s a fundamental part and must function and survive in, the mind is always in-forming the body which serves as a vehicle and house for the mind within the material realm. There’s a constant morphing and transformation going on between parallel and inter-meshed dimensions as a natural means of adaptation that modifies and equalizes as a necessary evolutionary process that allows one aspect to exist and interact within another aspect. In order to exist, function, and operate within one plane or sphere, we have to become the same as that plane as a mental condition and energetic state.

Likewise, the mind, which constructs the body as its physical equivalent, exists as a field of information that’s in a constant state of transformation through resonance, sympathetic induction, and coherence. It’s constantly being formed, unformed, and reformed by the information it resonates with all around it, that it naturally acts to absorb, integrate and metabolize, shifting and morphing its structure as a paradigm to be able to see and create in new ways. Our mind naturally takes in and becomes one with whatever consciousness it exists within near proximity of that’s of the same nature (kind) as it is (what it naturally resonates with). Whatever is like us we act to naturally unite with and become like by taking on and acquiring whatever unique characteristics it possesses that are of the same nature, which means we can easily and naturally act as a vehicle or means for expressing it.
The spirit, which exists more as a life-force energy that activates and provides the power or energy, so to speak, for producing biological processes as regeneration, growth, and development into fully functioning systems, never actually takes on a form of any kind in the basic sense, but acts more as a fluid-like electricity that temporarily takes on shape of the form it serves to produce by coupling with matter, forming the energetic matrix as a form of lattice that helps structure and hold it together through tension (electromagnetic field), and fuels it’s operation as life giving biological processes. When the spirit leaves the body, it’s no longer held together and consciously operated, and so it dies and begins disintegrating and decomposing.
The soul acts as a medium that’s comprised of both spirit and essence, and uses the lower mind as a vehicle, just as the mind uses the body for a vehicle. The soul is the essence that spirit couples with to produce a material form out of the memory of itself that’s self-produced through the vehicle of the lower (subconscious) mind and the body (DNA). It operates and is formed by the same evolutionary process of adaptation and modification that’s comes from becoming one with different aspects of itself (frequency, type, and nature) to form a new whole. We only grow and evolve into something else through acquiring diverse qualities that enhance and develop our character in some way that changes our experience of ourselves, providing the soul with new forms of memory that modifies how it creates itself. By acquiring new kinds of experiences that act to re-inform it, the soul’s frequency is altered and the pattern as a paradigm inherent within that frequency, and how it naturally acts to structure all aspects of its material existence are altered simultaneously.

All of life that exists in the phenomenal world is created by combinations as coupling between various levels and degrees of the energetic and material world. Each level of complexity is achieved through added layers of consciousness that bestow it with higher and more diverse capacities that act to increase the complexity of its existence. All of the lower world of physical Nature has a soul, mind, and body or physical form. The soul is the accumulated and coherent memory of the kind, type, or species of which it’s a part of, that acts through the subconscious of the collective unconscious to configure the DNA accordingly to produce the etheric hologram (phantom) used as the blueprint for cellular regeneration, specialization, and spatial orientation (mapping) to produce the form as the bio-system of its memory. DNA is like the hardware and the soul the software that determines what operations are performed and conducted by the hardware. The soul, like the mind, is triune in nature as a Higher Soul, collective soul, and individual soul, all of which are produced by the higher aspect coupling with the lower and producing that same aspect on a lower plane as the process of descending from a higher plane of pure energy and unity into a lower plane of division and being located within a greater reality, all of which are various aspects of itself used to produce the reality it exists within (fields nested within greater fields) or by expression of the memory its composed of that come through experiences of its own making.
We are constantly in the process of forming and reforming based on what we resonate with, and absorb and become one with in everything around us. Our body, which is the product of our mind, is in a constant state of regenerating itself. While our basic appearance and characteristics may not change much outside of maturing and aging, our internal nature as our character (soul) has the ability to change quite drastically based on what we blend with and bring into expression somehow through and as us. Yet, at the same time, because all growth and evolution is based on resonance with the same thing all around us, and the fact that we only grow in an intentional manner through awareness and using our own mind through directed attention, choice, and will, evolution that takes place in a completely unconscious and natural way, can be quite slow, and we can easily digress instead of progressing. It’s only when the higher faculties of the soul and mind are skillfully employed that we grow in a deliberate and substantial manner. If our higher capacities are not awakened within us, and we live with no real awareness of our true ability to self-create in an intentional manner, we simply live out of our conditioning like animals through trained behavior born out of a conditioned mindset, and we continue to blend with, readily take on and become one with, and bring into expression more of the same character, ideas, and experiences, reinforcing and strengthening existing memory instead of transforming and evolving it.
When we remain primarily unconscious and a part of the collective unconscious of humanity produced by our identification with our animal body that’s designed to function and operate in a completely automatic fashion through instinct and conditioning, and we never become practiced in developing our ability to think and reason for ourselves, and decide who and how we’re going to be, then employ those qualities to create our experiences of ourselves, acquiring the memory of those experiences in an accumulative and integrative fashion, reprogramming and reconditioning ourselves by way of our own hand, we become lost in the illusion born out of an unconscious state.
As humans we are both divine and animal. We have a higher nature and a lower nature, bridged and brought together as one by the medium of our individual soul, which contains the memory of both. Our divine nature exists as higher capacities of the mind that can directly influence and direct the reality produced by the lower mind, which exists in a primarily unconscious state that lacks the awareness and ability to self-create. In our lower state we are a product of our conditioning, and are trained to perceptions and behaviors by others who use their will to feed us suggestions. The lower mind of the material world is passive and receptive in nature and readily takes in the suggestions as ideas that form the thoughts and mental impressions of others, and uses them to generate more thoughts of the same nature, programming itself by way of those thoughts.
As we think, we imagine, and build whole realities out of our thoughts. These thoughts tune us to the vibration of those thoughts which has a self-organizing mechanism inherent in it that produces the material equivalent as a pattern or dynamic structure. This material structure produced by the thoughts of the mind, equally programs all DNA and the subconscious, not only in the body as the channel for the thoughts to express, but also of the environment surrounding us, which is also a product of the subconscious mind as part of the collective unconscious that governs all of life and Nature, within which we exist as an inherent part. All of our experiences of what we perceive as an outer reality are produced by our subconscious mind, which works by passively taking in whatever thoughts and ideas are active around it. It only acts as a receptor of the will, which are thoughts and ideas being projected and transmitted all around it, or in the ideal situation, by its own will as the conscious mind which acts as the gatekeeper of the lower mind and decides what’s allowed to impregnate it, and grow into a reality as a result, and what’s not.
The will is the higher capacity of the mind that can direct the attention of the lower mind, and give it commands as seeded ideas that it wants to grow and produce, first internally through the imagination, then externally through our perception of it around us and our activities based on it. We can alter the content of our mind by deliberately choosing how we re-inform it. By intentionally giving it certain types of thought, we work on ourselves to recreate ourselves. By choosing what we expose ourselves to in terms of outer ideas being played out around us, what situations and activities we willingly participate in and associate with, what people we maintain relationships with of various sorts, and begin instead to remain fully conscious of how we’re creating ourselves through unconscious absorption and programming.

When we remain fully awake and aware in even the most ordinary parts of our life, and actively choose what we let in and allow to take hold by continuing to think about it, and what we act to censor, edit, and keep out of our subconscious mind, we begin creating ourselves in a deliberate and powerful way. We step fully into our only true responsibility with a fully awake and aware mind. We begin the process of creating ourselves exactly as we want to be, instead of just ending up the way we are due to our conditioning where we were created and established by others through a predominately unconscious state and a complete lack of self-awareness.
Once we wake up within our own life and become fully aware, we begin realizing that in every moment we’re deciding what to let in, take on and become a part of, and create ourselves to be like as a result. We realize that even when we’re in relationships and situations that we need to be in in order to live, that we still maintain the ability to choose what we allow to affect us, and what we don’t. We can choose what we focus on, give our attention to, and think about, and what we don’t. When we walk away and leave a situation we can choose not to take it with us and continue thinking about it. We can bring a new awareness to our relationships and realize how they’re acting to develop us based on the character traits and dynamics being consistently demonstrated and acted out, and we can make new decisions based on the clarity that this brings as to whether or not to maintain them or let them go. We can decide with a new level of awareness what new types of relationships we form with new types of people, only choosing ones that we admire and respect and want to become more like. Ones that actively demonstrate desirable qualities and character that we’d like to develop in ourselves by way of the interaction it provides.
By realizing that we grow, develop, and evolve through whatever we naturally absorb, merge with, and blend together with energetically, we become more responsible and proactive in our own life. By realizing that our subconscious mind acts in a natural, non-willful way to absorb whatever ideas are being played out around it that it’s exposed to and exists within near proximity of, we can learn to only place ourselves intentionally in desirable situations, and actively act as the gatekeeper to filter what we consciously choose to let in or keep out. We can learn to utilize the power of our own will to intentionally program ourselves with the ideas we want to experience as a way of developing ourselves by way of those experiences. We can become aware of why we’re the way we are and employ the means to change our mind and our lives in whatever way we want to.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher