The Difference Between the Personality of Our Lower Nature and the Identity of Our Higher Nature
An “idea”, which originates in an invisible and generalized state, can only be understood in the practical sense by forming it into a working mental concept that serves to demonstrate how it functions as a fundamental part of our everyday reality. In order to understand the dual nature of...
The Nature of our “Self” as Our State of Mind, and How We Create Our Reality
As humans, we’re always locked into a very fundamental paradox due to the fact that we have what you might think of as two different natures or aspects of ourselves, which, when left to operate in a purely unconscious and natural way, tend to contrast and seemingly contradict each...
Personal Existence and the Relationship Between the Subconscious and Self-Conscious Mind
What we refer to as our personal (bodily) existence comes through our ability to perceive ourselves as a “whole reality”, rather than a fragmented part of an even greater reality that exists independent of us. Our perception of reality is formed as a manifestation of the relationship between the...
Defining Reality – Objective, Subjective, and the Nature of Illusion
There tends to be a constant form of confusion around the idea of what we call reality because it’s produced as a mental construct that’s of both an objective and subjective nature. In the objective sense reality exists as what we call the “natural world” which is comprised of...
Energetic Imprinting, Conditioning, and Dynamics – Liberating Your Soul from the Unconscious Tendencies that Bind You
Our soul is comprised of essence as memory that comes from the relationship it forms with the body, which resides in a predominately unconscious state, and how they work together to create experiences of reality. The subconscious mind of the body also runs off of memory which it uses...
Memory, DNA, and the Subconscious Mind – Taking Control of Your Mind and Creating Yourself in a Deliberate Manner
All living organisms operate out of the same basic group of principles represented in Sacred Geometry by the numbers 0 through 9. DNA operates out of the same principles as the mind, and may even be considered the subconscious aspect of the mind referred to as body consciousness, that...
The Mind Generates Reality – We are the Sole Creators of Our Experiences
All Reality as we know it is Subjective Reality One of the most basic misunderstandings or confusion comes from our interpretation of reality as opposed to our experience of reality. Many people believe that what they’re experiencing as reality is the same thing that everyone else is experiencing, or...
Conscious Programming – “The Art of Self-Creation”
The conscious mind has the ability to program the subconscious mind, yet we have to first realize that they actually speak (work by) different languages. The conscious mind is abstract and thinks in terms of verbal language as words that lack behavior as actualizing, whereas the subconscious mind is...