How to Work with Your Subtle Body as Your Mind in Order to Transform Your Reality
Many who have been tutored in the energetic arts have been taught that what we refer to as our subtle body serves as a form of blueprint and etheric double for constructing and sustaining our physical body, but don’t know for sure how to work with this idea in...
The Right Understanding of the Subtle Body and how to Work with the Chakra System of the Etheric Double
The most common way the subtle body is represented in the West is through the chakra system where it’s viewed as a chain of vertical energy centers that are aligned along the spine and divided into separate compartments as different aspects of our self and how those aspects are...
Learning How to Work with the Subtle Body
Working with what we refer to as the subtle body in an intelligent and effective way can be difficult in the most basic sense, because, like the mind that produces it, it’s invisible to the physical senses and operates according to complementary laws. The most fundamental universal law that...
The Holographic Principle – Our Etheric Blueprint and the Nature of Memory
All of what we call universal principles operate as a coherent creative process that creates on multiple scales and planes simultaneously to form what we perceive as a unified reality. One principle lays the foundation for another principle to spontaneously arise out of it as a natural growth process....
How to Consciously work with Subtle Energy
In order to work with an idea at the practical level we have to form a working concept of it that serves to illustrate the laws involved as a relationship and the natural processes that ensue from it. Subtle energy is not a thing, but rather the invisible forces...
How We Set Our Vibratory Frequency – State of Mind, Thought, and Imagination
There are many ideas around how to create and determine our vibratory frequency, which forms the primary basis as a thematic pattern for all of our perceptions and life experiences, but probably the easiest way to do it is by gaining a firm understanding of the principles involved and...
Programming Our DNA – A Practical Interpretation of Scientific Observation and Data
The recent discovery made by science through the Genome Project was that the 90% of our DNA that was labeled junk DNA (which simply means they have no idea what it’s for) is actually a form of cosmic computer that acts as a receiver and transducer for energetic information,...
The Subconscious Mind as the Vehicle for the Cosmic Soul
The Secret to the Manifestation of Cosmic Will The aspect of the mind known as the subconscious mind is also what we can think of as our body consciousness and is symbolized in Esoteric Sciences by the Moon which acts as a “ship of the sky” that serves as...
The Threefold Nature of Our Mind & the Art of Self-Perfection
The True Nature of Choice, Imagination, and Higher Will One of the problems we have in realizing the true nature of not only our mind and selves, but of reality in general, is that we have a hard time not thinking in separative, dualistic terms, while trying to comprehend...
The Chakra System Provides Us with a Model for Using Our Mind to Heal Our Body
The Chakra system of the subtle body gives us a model for creating from a dual perspective as the movement of energy that’s both descending as spirit into matter, and matter ascending back into spirit. The creative process works from both angles because it’s the continuous flow of the...