Quantum Entanglement and Wave Particle Duality – “A Scientific Understanding of the Relationship between Your Higher and Lower Self”

My intention in writing this article is to help breed a practical understanding of the universal laws at work in determining how energetically entangled systems function as a single entity, and how wave-particle duality is a fundamental concept that can be known directly by simply observing the laws that govern our own mind-body system. It’s often the terminology used that’s only relevant to a specialized field of science (quantum physics), and the scientific concepts being used to illustrate and describe something that make them seem confusing, where they appear to lack practical application in the most basic sense. We can only use knowledge in our everyday life when we have a practical understanding of how it operates in terms of our own mind in forming our perception of reality. I’m going to illustrate the principles at work in this idea using the intuitive models and tools provided for us in Spiritual Sciences, which involve Sacred Geometry and the philosophical interpretation of mathematical concepts, coupled with universal archetypes inherent in the human psyche, and correlating principles represented in spiritual texts as numbers and letters, which are metaphorical in nature.

All material substances (particles) come into existence (emerge out of the aether) as a polarized pairs that are identical twins. They’re considered identical because they’re of the same vibratory state, which means they vibrate or spin at the exact same rate and mode of expression, referred to as its signature frequency. One has a constitution made of pure energy (etheric counterpart), while the other one is a crystallized image of the holographic pattern inherent in the frequency. They’re polarized, which means they function in a complementary manner and spin in opposite directions. This same principle functions as what’s called wave-particle duality, which means that every particle is accompanied by an invisible field of energy, referred to in modern physics as dark energy, dark matter, anti-particle, anti-matter, and so forth, with the term dark meaning invisible and unknowable to the physical senses. In terms of Spiritual Sciences – which simply means it includes the invisible interface that underlies all material constructs – this energy is called astral light, primordial matter, prima materia, akashic substance, and subtle energy. All of which are states of consciousness and intelligent universal forces that govern and give life to all physical beings and biological life forms.

The subtle body - "dreaming into being" by Linda Gadbois

Quantum Entanglement basically states that any two or more particles that are born together, which means of the same vibratory state as a signature, remain entangled (coherent) as polarized twins, where they spin and rotate in opposite directions forming a mirror image of each other, and no matter how far apart they appear to be in space and time, they continue to act as if they’re one. This is because they are one entity as an energetic, conscious state. A group of particles that are generated together, interact energetically for an extended period, or share spatial proximity where they begin vibrating in harmony with each other, can’t be described independently of each other, even when separated by a large distance.

The state of each part can only be calculated as a whole or single entity because their physical properties, position, momentum, spin, and polarization are perfectly correlated, and by changing the state of one part, which occurs through the interaction and relationship formed by the mind observing it, all others change at the exact same moment and in the exact same way. The act of calculating one (achieved through observation) decides the result of calculating all others that are a part of the same system. This same principle operates at the cellular level of all physical organisms, where the state of one determines the state of all others, because all cells are generated from a single cell. All organisms are accompanied by an energetic field of energy, called the etheric-body or double, which accompanies the genetic information used for determining the physical characteristics of the body, that provides a spatial map for each cell to undergo a process of differentiation, and then migrate to its specified location within the body. Every cell of the body is formed out of a single cell that vibrates at a particular frequency that has a holographic pattern inherent in it as a form of building instructions, along with a self-organizing mechanism, that systematically assembles itself through a spontaneous process of growth and development.  

wave particle duality

Reality Exists in a State of Probability

Reality as we know it is probabilistic in nature because it exists fundamentally as a greater field of universal intelligence and archetypal memory in a primarily latent state of pure potential (unorganized). This means that all the information needed for producing an infinite number of possibilities as unique variations that form personal realities, is inherent within the astral light of the aether (atmosphere) in a passive and inactive state. All matter (light) is fundamentally passive in nature and acts to conceive and gestate the active force (frequency) of the mind that’s interacting with it. Your signature frequency, which can be known as your mental model, interacts energetically with the field around you to only vibrate the aspects inherent within it that correlate with your frequency, drawing them out in an actively expressing state, where they’re shaped (organized) into the same holographic model as your mind, allowing you to perceive yourself on a greater level as an entire outer reality. In quantum physics this is called collapsing the wave around a single possibility. Your reality is shaped as an energetic interaction and relationship you form with yourself on a greater scale that’s all-encompassing and comprehensive. Everybody sees and experiences an outer reality of their own making. All reality as we’re capable of knowing it, is subjective in nature, because it’s being formed through our perception of it.    

What’s called the Monad in Spiritual Sciences is the parent principle out of which all others emerge as a growth process, and all are of the same vibratory frequency where they continue to function as a single entity, while differentiating to perform specialized roles in forming a greater whole. An entangled system is one whose quantum state is an inextricable ensemble that can’t be separated and functions as a unit or group in producing a single effect. Each part can only be explained or described in relation to all other parts. The term superposition refers to a system whose combined state can’t be considered as resulting from the individual constituents that it’s comprised of because they’re not independent parts, they’re different aspects of a single system, and function as a waveform. One particle of a system can’t be analyzed or explained without analyzing the remaining particles, because they all exist in relationship with each other as a single homogenous unit.

black hole - wave and particle

Wave-Particle Duality

The principle of quantum entanglement, when understood in all its ramifications, is the foundation of what’s called wave-particle duality, which basically states, through measurable activity of phenomenon, that light (both invisible and visible), which forms the subatomic basis for matter, exists simultaneously as both a particle, located within a space-time continuum, and a waveform, which is the space-time continuum. Light as an electric force form what’s called the finer grain of plasma that permeates and holds together the entire universe as an organized matrix of living light (life as varying degrees and aptitudes of consciousness), forms a field of subtle energy as a multidimensional plane through which electrical currents systematically flow unimpeded, causing magnetic fields to form, where living essences emerge out of nothing. All life emerges out of what appears (in terms of sensory perception) as empty space or a greater invisible field, similar to a membrane, that contains everything within it while holding it together as a single lifeform. Polarity, as electrical charges that form the basis for magnetic fields to begin organizing into highly sophisticated and intelligent living systems, stimulates subtle energy that resides primarily and predominantly in a latent (unorganized) state, causing lifeforms to organize into greater and more complex systems.

These fundamental principles, called universal laws, operate consistently as a dynamic system of correspondence on every level of what we know as the phenomenal world. The ancient science of Sacred Geometry provides us with a conceptual model for understanding how this process works, and requires us to use both our rational, reasoning mind, and our intuitive, instinctual mind in order to accurately comprehend how these principles work in forming what we perceive as reality. The basic process of emergence, which forms the basis for creation, is mathematically and philosophically demonstrated through the Tetrad, also called the 4-letter name of God, with the term God referring to the very substance and intelligence that permeates and encapsulates the entire phenomenal world as we know it.

This is “consciousness†as archetypal patterns or frequencies that proliferate through the subtle substance of the aether (astral field of plasma), causing photons (light) to begin organizing into small packets that are charged with a particular frequency, which continue to grow (replicate and differentiate) into a living entity that possesses a unique level, degree, and quality of consciousness. As electrical impulses proliferate throughout an organized (charged) field of subtle energy, a highly dynamic eco-system of correlated consciousness is formed. This process of producing a living being out of a formula (electrical charge) of attributes and qualities that shape and imbue it with a particular set of characteristics, can be readily understood by simply examining how we’re created out of what originates as a seed and egg (ovum) that form into a single cell that contains the primary genetic information for producing our physical body.

Monad - cell and membrane

The Cell and Nucleus, the Brane and Membrane

An embryo is formed by combining polarized (correlated) strands of DNA, one strand from the male and the other from the female, which contain not only the complete information (memory) in a latent state necessary for building a living, conscious being, but also the life-force energy that actively constructs it through a dynamic process of mitosis, where a single cell regenerates itself billions of times to produce a single organism. A cell reproduces by ‘dividing and doubling’, it divides itself in half to produce a mirror image or identical twin, comprised of the exact same genetic memory, and then continues to grow by doubling, where two cells become four, four cells become eight, eight cells become sixteen, and so on, growing and assembling a living being comprised of billions of cells, all formed out of the same genome. The seed, which can also be seen as an electrical charge of a particular frequency, is accompanied by a etheric blueprint formed out of subtle energy that provides a spatial map for where the cells locate themselves as a particular part and major system of the body. It does this through the exact same principle that our DNA forms us into a unique being by pairing two strands of DNA, both comprised of complementary attributes, where some are turned on, while others are turned off, creating a unique formula.

The genetic formula inherent in the nucleus of each cell, is reformulated slightly (differentiated) to establish its unique location, role, and function within and as an essential part of the greater body. The etheric blueprint, formed out of memory, is what actively orders and organizes the entire body to form a greater, perfectly homogenous being which functions in a completely coherent fashion as a single field (wave) of energy and consciousness. Once we truly understand this process, we can realize that while we tend to view ourselves as being comprised of billions of cells, we’re (all life) actually a single cell lifeform. We can understand how all life is formed and functions as a homogenous organism throughout the entire macrocosm by examining the laws actively at work in creating, regenerating, and maintaining our own physical body, which exists as a reflection of the universe on a much smaller scale and functions through the same set of universal principles.


Monad – the Particle and the Wave

Let’s examine this fundamental process in order to begin formulating a basic understanding of the underlying processes at work in creating all life throughout the entire cosmos. In Scared Geometry the Monad is represented as a dot located in the center of a circle. This is a fundamental universal law out of which all other laws systematically emerge as a growth process. The dot in the center, formed as a small dark circle that’s concentrated, represents material substance (particle), and the larger outer circle that contains it, is a wave-form created as an expansion of the concentrated center, while also acting on the center to concentrate it. This represents a single entity comprised of polar opposites that function in a complementary manner to fashion itself as a self-generating, self-sustaining, self-evolving being, formed as an expression of itself. The periphery of the outer sphere acts as a mirror that reflects back to the center its own mental projection, providing it with the means for experiencing itself.

This geometric shape represents the seed within the egg, the brane (nucleus) within an outer membrane (cell), which are formed out of the same state (consciousness) as smaller and greater aspects of itself, and the toroidal shape of the electromagnetic field that surrounds and encapsulates the body, as well as the relationship between the conscious (electric) and subconscious (magnetic) mind as complementary aspects of the greater universal mind. This represents the inner self of the body as a vibratory state, reconstructing itself on a larger scale as an outer world formed through its own perception that allows it to ‘know itself’ through the experience rendered. This can also be understood as our core inner nature, which vibrates at the frequency of our mental model, interacting with the greater field around us, where we only see and bring into an active state, forming a new configuration as a correlated possibility, what matches our model, allowing us to know ourselves through our own mental projection.

6 spheres of the mind and body

The principle represented by the Monad (ovum and seed) contains all other principles within it in their latent state of potentiality and is called the “parent principle†that gives birth to everything in the phenomenal world by dividing itself into inherent aspects that perform specialized functions in creating a greater whole. The material world came into being through an intrinsic “desire to know itselfâ€, which can only be achieved by “perceiving itself†through the outer projection of its own inner nature. This inherent “desire†forms what we call “Willâ€, which is the electric charge/force that’s projected into the passive (latent) field of subtle energy (empty space), impregnating it with an archetypal pattern, which it then builds into a magnetic field as a holographic form comprised of astral (star) light. In order to perceive itself, it had to divide itself into complementary aspects as both an inner (dot in center) and outer (circle as a replica of the dot on a larger scale) that remained intimately connected as being comprised of the same nature, character, and vibratory frequency (archetype).

Another way to understand the Monad as being the progenitor of all other laws and principles comes by thinking of the dot within the circle as being viewed from the top, and when moved around to the side, appears as a rod within a sphere. These can be thought of as a ‘0’ and ‘1’ (binary code), where the one (something) emerges out of nothing (zero), and all other numbers are formed as multiplications of one. For example, 1+1=2, 1+1+1=3, 1+1+1+1=4, and so on. All numbers are formed through the regeneration and accumulation of one. You can also think of this as the electromagnetic pole that runs through the center of all planetary and celestial spheres, causing them to rotate (spin) on their axis, and is what holds them in orbit around their central sun. The symbol used for the Monad is the same symbol used for the sun, which is comprised of electrically charged plasma that holds all other aspects of itself (all planetary bodies are formed out of stardust from the parent star) in a cyclical orbit, forming a larger system that functions as a single entity.

The Dyad - vesics piscis

The Dyad – Womb of the Universe

In order for the Monad to know itself, it had to reproduce itself as an identical twin, forming into complementary aspects that were both electric and magnetic, pushing apart and projecting away from each other while simultaneously pulling together and remaining connected to each other. These electromagnetic properties served to create a greater field that served as a mirror (reverse) image of the inner state, where internally it could view itself outwardly, and from the outer periphery of its own projection, it could turn and look back at itself, forming both a subjective and objective experience. This division from itself formed the basis for complementary aspects of the mind, soul, and self, known as the higher conscious mind and its complementary aspect of the lower subconscious mind. These twin aspects also form the basis for the evolutionary (immortal) soul and the animal (mortal) soul, as well as the universal and personal self, all of which operate through the same fundamental principles in forming a single reality.

The Dyad, which is formed as two Monads (minds as energy fields) that overlap and blend into each other, connected by the same central internal nature, where the center of each one resides on the boundary or periphery of the other, form the basis necessary for creating experience as a continuous flow of electromagnetic energy between an inner pole and outer boundary. These two fields, which are actually complementary aspects of each other, form what modern physics calls an interference pattern, where the same energy as a packet (cluster) of photons (light), when projected onto an outer barrier or boundary, interfere with each other in forming a larger pattern as an organized field of light. The central part, where the two fields overlap and merge into each other, form what’s called the vesica piscis, where a new pattern is formed based on what aspects of the same frequency are turned off or turned on, cancelled out or amplified, forming a new pattern. The electric (masculine) aspect projects outward, activating correlated aspects within the outer field, organizing them into a matching pattern, and then, when reaching the outer boundary of its discharge, switches polarity becoming magnetic (feminine), and returns to the center that projected it. As the magnetic impulse returns it intersects and blends into the wave that projected it, and based on phasing, which can be thought of as a dynamic form of timing, some aspects of the same frequency are cancelled out or contradicted, while others are amplified and increased, changing the active properties to form a new variation or possibility for the same archetypal impulse (offspring).

The Triad

The Triad – Merging Complementary Aspects

This merging and recombining of the same energy through an electromagnetic impulse, forms the basis for ‘experience’ on the inner planes of the mind. This results from constantly forming new variations through a process of differentiation, where the same fundamental information is reformulated through a process of cancellation and amplification. This operation can also be thought of as a form of ‘natural selection’, which directs the evolution of all life through a process of adaptation and modification, to produce new variables as a natural process of growth and development. The combining of complementary aspects of the same archetypal frequency to form a new variation is represented by the Triad, which is initially formed on the inner, higher plane through the reconciliation of polarities in forming a third element as a 3-dimensional construct. This 3-dimensional construct is formed on the inner plane as a thoughtform, vivified with the same electrical impulse that served to assemble it and bring it alive with sensation, forms the ‘etheric blueprint’ as a vibratory frequency and mental state, which acts to concentrate itself into a crystalline matrix of polarized light on the lower plane, forming what we perceive as an outer, material reality. Matter, in its most fundamental state is composed of crystallized or frozen light that appears stable and somewhat stationary.

The Triad is the mental body that concentrates light (subtle energy) into a living matrix of polarized light, out of which a correlated outer reality naturally ’emerges’ in our consciousness. This living matrix of solidified light, formed initially on the inner planes of the mind out of memory of itself, remains both fixed and fluidic at the same time, and is always changing based on its ability to interact with itself (same state) in everything else, forming new experiences as variables of the same archetypal makeup. Where it’s in a constant state of evolving itself through the return influx and integration of its own projection. This method of producing experiences of itself as a part located within a greater whole of the same nature, forms the ‘diamond body’, as a reflection of the Triad onto the lower, parallel plane of a denser frequency, forming the diamond shape of the Tetrad.

Tetrad Vesica Piscis

The Tetrad – The Reality of a Thoughtform

The Tetrad is originally formed as a reflection of the Triad on the higher plane, which forms the basis for the ‘higher and lower’ being mirror images of each other, in the same way the Dyad and Monad form the inner and outer on the same plane (as above so below, as within so without, in the wondrous working of the One thing). Just as the Dyad forms an outer reflection of the Monad (same shape) on a higher plane, while also forming the basis for reproducing itself on the lower plane through a vertical movement (up and down), when the diamond (formed of two triangles) is turned back to a right angle on the lower plane, it forms a square. A square is the symbol used to represent the material world (4th dimension), and is the geometric shape that represents how polarized light propagates through space at right angles in forming a hologram of highly organized light. The parallel action of polarized light forms an ‘equal armed cross’ as a right (90 degree) angle that flip-flops or reverses its movement as it propagates through space in constructing a 6-dimensional light form.

A square viewed as a cube, has 6 faces (planes), and 8 points (corners) connected by 12 lines in a vertical and horizontal orientation. 6 doubles to produce 12, both of which are fundamental properties associated with time, and 8 is formed by two 4’s, which represent two parallel planes that are mirror images of each other (upper and lower, inner and outer), and the principle of periodic renewal of cycles. Time is also a dual or polarized dimension, where you have a straight line produced by ‘moving through space’ from one point to another, accompanied by a spiraling motion or spin, that’s cyclical in nature, and repeats periodically as it moves along a linear timeline. Time, in the most basic sense is measured by the rotation of the Earth on its axis or poles (rod within a sphere), where the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, while also orbiting the sun.

If we view dimensions as expanding from a central point (Monad, Torus, and EMF) instead of in a linear fashion from one point to another, we have four directions: East, South, West, and North, and ‘up and down’ or ‘higher and lower’, forming 6 directions that make up an organized field of light formed as a toroidal or spherical electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic field (EMF) isn’t comprised of 2 forces that oppose each other, it’s composed of One force that’s both electric and magnetic at the same time, and reverses polarity as an expansion and contraction, or electromagnetic respiration. What this tells us is that all reality as we know it is comprised of a single force that divides from itself and differentiates into an infinite number of variations, all of which are a fundamental part of a greater cosmic eco-system, formed as a greater whole. In this way, the One becomes the many, and the many become the One. Just as our body is formed out of a single cell that reproduces itself billions of times, differentiating each time to play a particular role and specialized function in forming a single entity on a much larger scale and level. And as a hologram, where the part is a reflection of the whole, and the whole is formed out of the sum of its parts.  

Pentad - pentagram - holographic principle

The Pentagram – The Etheric Element of the Mind

The pentad, which can also be viewed as a star within a circle (Monad), represents the purely energetic nature of the mind, which not only holds the 4 elements of the material plane in balance to form a single reality, but coalesces the 4 elements to form a 5th element as a single entity. This functions in much the same way as polar aspects which can only be reconciled in forming a third element, and how a thought concentrated on the inner planes of the mind form the vibratory frequency used for organizing the outer world into the same archetypal pattern. This principle, like all principles, is highly dynamic and functions equally on all levels and planes of consciousness in forming a single reality as a mirror image of itself. Each point in the star, when constructed as a single movement of straight lines, is formed out of a triangle, composed of 32-degree and 64-degree angles (5 and 10), halving and doubling as a means of multiplying. When all five outer points of the star are connected by straight lines, they form a Pentad or Pentagon. The interior of the star forms an upside down (reverse) star-pentad, representing the holographic principle of the relationship between the part and the whole, and the ‘inner and outer’ as being polar aspects of each other on different scales.    

The pentagram also represents mind over matter, with the mind being the greater field of consciousness that contains the etheric body within it as a part of its own nature, and the greater or outer reality being projected through the body as a process of assimilation. Our mind is comprised of our soul’s memory of itself, constructed into a mental model formed through the conjunction of our universal soul merged into our personal soul, to produce a novel variation that brings new types of experience, which form the basis necessary for facilitating our own evolution through time. As we blend into outer variations of ourselves, forming an interference pattern where different properties that comprise our inner nature are switched on or off, nullified or amplified, a slightly new pattern is formed that we then integrate into our existing memory, modifying it according to any new aspects acquired. This is the most basic way we can act intentionally to evolve ourselves based on what we exist in near proximity of, associate with on a regular basis, and maintain long-term relationships with.

Resonance - torus of the human energy field

Entanglement – the Mind Body Connection

The top triangle-point of the star represents the etheric model (hologram) of the 5th element formed on the higher plane of the true conscious mind that serves to determine the genetic formula for building the body based on how it’s configured. This is how particles become energetically entangled when they’re not born together. When the etheric blueprint of the soul’s memory is formed into a hologram by the higher mind, it vibrates at a particular frequency. This frequency as a spatial model then merges with the genome of the body, and through sympathetic resonance, only activates and combines the attributes and qualities that are of the same archetypal nature as it is, forming a material equivalent of itself as an outer shell or garment, which it then uses as a vehicle and means for expressing and experiencing itself. Each time the soul’s memory as an etheric blueprint that carries the signature frequency of it’s character merges into and combines with a physical specimen formed out of a particular genome and bloodline, it forms into a new variation of its basic makeup, which provides it with new types of experiences.

When two correlated frequencies combine through resonance, they begin vibrating in harmony with each other, forming coherence as a new frequency (polarities combine in producing a third element). This causes them to become ‘one’ energetically (entangled), and they function as a cohesive unit for the duration of their union, where the higher soul creates memory of itself as and through the physical body, while also serving to program, and therefore evolve the genome and heretical bloodline with its own memories. This causes them to remain entangled energetically through shared memories. When the physical body dies and the higher soul separates from it, the memory is retained as a permanent part of its nature and character, where it’s recorded, so to speak, on the astral body of the higher, universal soul, which continues its evolution by merging into and building a new body to inhabit at a future point in time, which will provide it with the means for acquiring new types of experience.

Etheric Double

As the soul becomes one with correlated genetic memory, forming a coherent field as an inner and outer reality combined to form experience, its memory is recorded both in the genome of the family bloodline, and in the essence of the soul as the same ‘energetic state’, and they remain connected through time, until one or the other changes its memory to the point where they no longer resonate with each other. This is why as we build and inhabit our current body, we have a subtle recollection of memories attained in previous lives, where we maintain the same character, and continue to live out the same karmic patterns and tendencies as a predisposition that we’re born with and that’s built into every aspect of our being. This is also the reason why ancient cultures placed such a heavy emphasis on maintaining the purity of family bloodlines and had intuitive recollection of the ancestral memories of their elders. It’s because it was built into both their genetic makeup and their spiritual makeup, which were combined through sharing the same vibratory frequencies as patterns that imbued them with the same character, temperament, and tendencies.

In a like manner, each aspect of the mind is whole in itself (represented as a triad), and contains all other aspects within it as a part of its essential makeup. Each part acts to birth another part as a projection of itself on still lower planes of the same overall dimension. Each dimension is comprised of four levels or intermeshed planes formed as a hierarchical structure comprised of concentric circles (fields within greater fields of the same nature), where three elements combine to form a fourth element as a material manifestation. These three aspects, the superconscious (which is the whole), and its polar aspects of the conscious (electric) and subconscious (magnetic), formed as identical twins that are complementary in forming the same thing, are all born out of the same mind and soul, and as they divide and project into multiple parallel planes that make up a greater dimension, continue to function as a single unit. There’s no way to handle them as being separate from each other, or as operating independently of each other, because each part of the mind plays a fundamental role in creating the same thing. They’re of the same state and nature as an archetype, and form a multidimensional construct as a single reality, which is produced as a mirror image of the universal archetype projecting it.

Holographic reality made of thought

As what originates on the subtle level of pure mind as a holographic thoughtform (etheric blueprint that vibrates at a particular frequency) combines with a corresponding family bloodline and genome through sympathetic resonance, it acts to adjust what’s activated and what’s not, forming a complementary physical body as an outer shell or sheath that’s ideal for continuing its evolutionary development. As we combine and become one with a corresponding bloodline, shaping ourselves as an etheric being through the experiences attained and by how they’re molded into our existing memory, altering our signature frequency, we continue to incarnate along the same timeline into the same genome and type of memory.

Energetic entanglement and wave-particle duality are key principles in the modern day concepts of teleportation, where a physical object is disintegrated at one location and reintegrated at another location, requires what’s called a timeline, which is formed as memory. Nickola Tesla, who was a modern-day leader in the process of teleportation and time travel, discovered that in order for two or more objects to be transported through time and space together, they had to be of the same memory and timeline. The reconstruction process, so to speak, is formed out of the etheric blueprint as a vibratory state, which is comprised of memory. If two objects or places in time weren’t conjoined as being apart of the same memory, they would follow different timelines when disintegrated, because it’s the memory as an energetic state that forms the pattern and the active lifeforce for reconstructing it in a different location or point in time. This is the same principle that causes us to be noticeably attracted to certain ideas, activities, and places that form the general pathways and course our life takes on in a completely natural manner.

Dr. Linda Gadbois        

Transpersonal psychologist, Mind-Body Health Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher

Gold bar
Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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