The Power of Fear – Creating Reality as the Outcome of Ignorance
Whatever we form a fear around we naturally use our mind to imagine as a highly charged reality that we then react to emotionally, intensifying it. Whatever we think about with emotional intensity becomes a kind of prophecy as a prediction that forms a kind of request. Fear acts as a powerful emotional hook that acts to grab and consume us, running our imagination, forming an illusion that we literally act to manifest as an experience. Fear exists as a state of mind that we employ and embody, tuning ourselves energetically too the frequency of the fear as an imagined experience of the reality it implies, becoming a magnet where we literally draw to us what we fear. Our minds natural ability to create our experiences of life comes through what ideas we allow to penetrate our mind while turning them into an inner reality by continuing to think about and imagine them as an actual experience. This imagined experience provides the subconscious mind with a pattern that mimics an actual memory, which it then uses to connect with that same idea in the outer environment while simultaneously producing the behaviors that serve to initiate and produce the outer equivalent of the inner reality.
For this reason, fear can be thought of as one of the most incorrect uses of our creative power to manifest our own reality that stems from a basic form of ignorance as to how our mind works to produce our reality. Anything that works out of the basis of fear is producing a fundamental error. Whenever we’re taught to fear God (or the gods), for example, we make a fundamental error in the use of our own creative power. Whatever we think about becomes the nature of our experience. When we act based on fear of some kind, our very actions validate and produce the reality of our fear as a belief in it. Our belief in what we fear creates the vibration of the reality of the fear in us and we become magnetized with it. It becomes an attraction factor as a form of self-fulfilling prophecy. When we foresee danger from any given source, and take the steps we think will prevent it, we actually act unknowingly to predict it (set an intention for it), and literally act in an unconscious way to produce the outcome of our prediction. All thought, in its most basic sense, is a form of revelation and prophecy.

Whatever state-of-mind we employ, we tune ourselves to energetically and act to draw in (resonate with and absorb) the consciousness of the fear itself as unseen forces in our immediate environment, or what we’ve come to call spirits, entities, and daemons (words that were fashioned to describe and explain the actions and operations of what can only be felt as emotions of some sort), that act to excite the imagination and produce internal realities as illusions. Yet these forces only exist through the power of our own consciousness and are a product of our imagination (astral light). We set our vibration as a frequency through our state-of-mind, and act to resonate with and absorb from the atmosphere around us (sympathetic induction) whatever thoughts and emotions match and serve to produce the internal imagined reality of our thoughts, intentions, expectations, beliefs, etc. We literally invest in the belief of what we fear by thinking about it while living out of the state-of-mind it produces, and as a result we act naturally to create it using our own willpower.
All will is of the imagination. Whatever we imagine with intensity, and dwell in for an extended period of time, we act to create as a personal experience. We are literally the one producing it, just as we produce all of our experiences. It (the reality of the fear) doesn’t exist independent of us. We draw in and organize the information necessary to form a believable reality of what we fear, then we anticipate it, predict it by setting a form of intention for it (foreseeing it), and expect it to happen while taking the necessary precautions to prevent it, often without realizing that the precautions are actually what’s producing it because it demonstrates a belief that what we fear is going to happen. It’s a very basic form of psychology that works through the subconscious mind that’s extremely effective.
Fear causes people to use their mind and actions to cooperatively produce the reality of their fear. They all join together to take the precautionary actions to control, prevent, or overcome what they fear is real, and as a result, invest faith in, and together produce the reality of it. Whatever we form a belief in or around, becomes a perceptual filter and we begin perceiving it in every situation, and produce it in our imagination as an illusion even when it’s not actually there as a form of paranoia. We always see whatever we believe is there to see, because what we’re seeing in any given situation is a product of our own mind and imagination. This is very easy to see by simply looking at two people about to engage in the same activity, one is afraid, the other enthused, and simply look at what each is focused on as a form of anticipation, what they talk about, how they prepare, and how they experience the activity as a result. It’s the same activity or neutral event, two different mindsets that produce two entirely different experiences.
Fear is used as the number one form of marketing and mass (or individual) control. A fear is created through a suggestion delivered with an emotional charge, then dramatized and embellished to intensify the fear, and then a solution is offered that promises safety from the fear. This keeps people doing whatever it is you want them to do, and act willingly and often eagerly to pay for and support whatever you’re seeking support for. Fear is considered a primary form of ignorance, because it’s the most basic way we misuse our mind and will to create our experience of reality. Fear is created in the imagination through a thought that’s emotionally intense. Strong emotion itself can cause fear as a surprised or shocked response that excites the imagination. Once afraid and harboring that mental state, we act to attract and absorb the elements in any situation that will serve to cooperatively produce the reality of our fear. We make the fear come true by forming it in our mind, seeing it in everything around us, and talking about it with others. All reality exists as neutral and objective in nature, regardless of what’s happening, and any threat or danger can be seen clearly without responding to it in a fearful manner. Fear itself as a reaction to an idea or event doesn’t exist independent of the mind that’s creating it. The mind itself is what acts to produce the reality by imagining it with intensity and strong emotions, then experiencing it as though it were true and actually real.

This is the number one principle that must be fully understood and mastered in order to do any serious spiritual and psychological work. If you set up beforehand in any situation to protect yourself, you have to ask, what are you protecting yourself from? The act of protecting is the belief that you need protection from some outside source that can and will harm you in some way. This belief is the most basic form of ignorance there is, because it’s only the fear itself that can cause harm, not from outside sources, but from the vicious thoughts of your own ego. The human mind is bestowed with the higher capacities of creation as thought that shapes internal realities that become the basis for manifesting outer experiences. As we think and imagine, we form an emotional reaction to our own thoughts, and become magnetized with those emotions. This means we not only act to automatically absorb and give expression to more of the same type of emotions that serve to form all of our thoughts, but we also use them as our perceptual lens and filtering system, that acts to filter out whatever doesn’t match our belief, keeping prominent and in a heightened state in any situation only what does, and mentally reorganizing it into the configuration as the reality of our interpretation of what is in fact, a neutral and non-personal set of circumstances. When living out of a state of fear, we see that fear everywhere we look. It becomes a basic part of our rudimentary reality.
The fear comes by how we’re using our mind, or should I say how we’re allowing our mind to be used by another will to create the reality they’re planting in our mind through an emotionally intense suggestion of some sort. As the sensationalized suggestion is given, we willingly take it in as fact without censoring, evaluating, or judging it (discriminating), and begin thinking about it, turning it into a full-fledged sensory reality in our minds eye in a matter of seconds. Once formed into a reality, we produce an emotional response to our own thoughts that alters the chemistry of our body (through our endocrine system) to match the state of our thoughts as a physical equivalent. This produces a natural form of stress as a fight or flight response that keeps us in a heightened and prolonged state of awareness as a form of paranoia. While in a stressed state, blood flow is reduced in the brain and redirected to the extremities to prepare for action, based on the reality that’s causing the stress. This produces a heightened emotional state as a form of anxiety that prevents us from being able to think clearly. It returns us to an instinctual state of acting based on emotional impulses rather than clear and decisive thought that’s accurately evaluating and forming an appropriate response to the situation at hand.
Through emotional charges of some sort attached to ideas, we can control the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of others, and likewise, we’re controlled by the ones being given to us by others. When we work through a masterful knowledge of psychology, force isn’t necessary. By simply planting the proper suggestion (emotionally charged thought) in a person’s mind, they will use their own mind and imagination (will) to create the reality of that thought that acts to naturally produce a set of predictable behaviors. All behavior, in the essential sense, is emotionally driven. The way to control someone, and the way we’re always being controlled, is through our emotions.

Through the act of self-observation, we can reflect on any idea we’re given (media, news, gossip, argument, conversation, article, video, etc.), and simply notice how we first willingly take it in (allow and passively absorb), and as we begin thinking about it we form it into a reality as an experience of it, that then produces an emotional reaction to our own imagined reality. As we produce an emotional response, we feel a distinct stimulation at different parts of our body and our state (how we feel) changes (alignment of mind and body) based on the reality of our thoughts. Because we can imagine them as being real, we form a belief in them as a possibility, and that belief as an imagined reality becomes a natural part of our perception. Once we form a belief around it as being real, we can easily and naturally see it as a part of our everyday reality, and we respond to it as if it’s real, producing natural behaviors based on it.
This whole process is very easy to realize through constant self-reflection and observation of what you’re thinking and why you’re thinking it. By stepping outside of your immediate awareness of being in the experience without realizing you’re the one creating it (first person), and taking on a second person perspective of objectively allowing yourself to do and think as you normally would while simply watching your own thoughts from a detached perspective, you can begin realizing how you’re using your mind to create the reality of ideas that you’re being given by others through some form of communication. You can become aware of how your own mind operates in a completely natural way to produce ideas as living scenarios and internal movies of the reality they imply. Once you become aware of how your mind operates subliminally in an automatic fashion, you can begin learning how to operate it in a fully aware and deliberate manner.
Once we realize that any idea being given to us through an outside source of some kind becomes the basis for how we produce all of our experiences, which acts to form our beliefs as a basic form of programming or systematically forming our mental paradigm as a belief system that naturally produces the reality we’re programmed with, we can begin exercising our conscious minds ability to act as the gate keeper to our subconscious, and begin analyzing and using reason and discrimination to edit and censor what we allow in to take hold, and what we reject and keep out. Through an intuitive process of self-awareness we can begin using our ability to decide what we invest our consciousness in and what we don’t. We can begin using the creative power of our will to intentionally invest and use only desirable ideas as a means of creating. We can realize when we’re being manipulated and others are imposing their will on us in an attempt to get us to invest in the idea they want us to as a way of controlling what we think, feel, say, and do. Through the awareness of the fact that we’re always the ones creating our own experience of reality, we can begin taking control of our will and imagination, and begin thinking and creating in a deliberate and intentional manner. We can realize in the most profound sense, that truly the only thing to fear, is fear itself, because it’s an illusion of our own making.

Fear is a mental weakness produced through a basic form of ignorance. Ignorance in the sense that it’s always our mind and imagination that’s producing our experience of reality and what ideas and meaning we focus on and give our will over to by thinking about them, that actually acts to produce them. Only the novice, beginning student, and the feeble minded, don’t realize the true nature of fear. The minute you realize you’re being made to feel afraid of something by how it’s being presented and delivered, you need to step-back, detach from the emotions being used to elicit the fear, and look at it from an objective perspective in order to realize the illusion of it. It’s (an idea) only fearful and scary if you cooperate in making it that way. It requires you to create it in a fearful manner in your own mind as the means of cooperating by lending your will to create it as a co-creation or joint-reality.
Fear is often used in the Secret Sciences as a way of not only separating the neophyte from the adept, or the ignorant from the wise, the child from the adult, but to restrain the weak minded, keeping them out of danger and to prevent them from tampering with things that are beyond them. Fear is designed intentionally to keep them away from things that they know nothing of, and could therefore hurt themselves through their own misunderstanding and incorrect use of their own imagination. This is because all of the Spiritual Arts and Sacred Sciences, as the name implies, are pursued through mental means and masterful use of will, which is the imagination. The higher arts can only be accurately pursued by someone who has mastered their own mind and the ability to use it in a very deliberate and precise manner without being scared and taken in by the magnetic will of others. Mastery is only possible for those who are not prone to emotional reactions, passions, and sensationalism.
All operations that are designed to protect us from daemons or astral entities are due to our fear of them, because they’re actually tuned into and summonsed or produced by our own mind. The idea of daemons and evil, are something we create by accepting the idea of them as real, then creating them in our imagination as actual entities, or interpret ordinary events to be evil, scary, or demonic somehow, and scaring ourselves as a result. This is why those who believe in them see and experience them, and those who don’t, fail to. Because it’s all based on a belief in them and using our imagination to create them, which is what makes them real for us. All fear, in its most basic essence, is the outcome of ignorance, because we don’t realize we’re creating our own fear and the reality of what it is we’re afraid of.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher