The Mind-Body Connection: Frequency, Sympathetic Resonance, and Coherence
The body and the mind exist in a polar relationship as passive and active aspects of the same frequency. The body serves as a passive receptor and vehicle for the mind, based on resonance. The mind is fundamentally non-local, and becomes located in the body as the entity that organizes and constructs it, then inhabits in order to express and create on the physical plane. The mind, unlike the body, is pure energy and is not fixed or formed in a stagnate and stationary fashion, but is in a constant state of informing, unforming, and reforming, based on what it absorbs, successfully integrates and brings into physical expression as an outer experience. Whatever frequency in the immediate environment that resonates with the material body (is vibrating at the same frequency), is abstracted and absorbed or drawn in, reformulating and seeding the mind with new qualities that it uses to create experiences, which, when accumulated in a repetitive fashion, modifies the vibratory consciousness of the mind, evolving it to a new frequency.
What we refer to as the mind is equivalent to a field of structured information (memories) as a dynamic matrix of vibratory frequencies that are fluxing and flowing through a constant state of evolution based on what it merges into, mixes with, and becomes one with in the material sense. The mind is constantly being modified based on how its influence by what it’s exposed to, that’s absorbed and assimilated in an automatic fashion, and what relationship it forms with other mind-body systems. Whatever frequency as a quality of consciousness it draws in (sympathetic resonance) and is able to integrate and assimilate, modifies its vibratory structure through the incorporation of new information as memory by forming coherence with it – becoming like it as a conscious state. As it takes in and incorporates new memory and ways of being, old ways of being that no longer vibrate at the same frequency, die and are cast off or forgotten, and are no longer a part of the system.
The Spiritual Plane of the mind exists as a living matrix of interwoven frequencies as a larger unified whole, which is comprised of all aspects of the lower material world which is of the same frequency. We tend to approach the spiritual realm through the same separative thinking as we do from the limited perspective of the material plane. As we move up the vibratory scale of hierarchical planes that together form a multidimensional unified whole as a cohesive and interrelated reality, we have to think in an expanded and inclusive way as induction rather than deduction and reduction. Each higher plane contains the entire lower plane that precedes it and acts as the basis or foundation for it, much like a musical scale where the progressive culmination that results in the last note, moves to a higher scale and becomes the first note in that scale, out of which the progression continues to build throughout that scale to a higher and more expansive vibration. This is a metaphor for the idea of being the alpha and the omega, or the One being both the beginning and the end. What ends one realm begins another. We move between realms by progressively vibrating at a higher and higher frequency until we reach the lower range of the next higher realm, and through resonance, we’re drawn up into it, transcending the lower realm.

The material plane exists as the lower aspect of a hierarchy of multiple dimensions which together form a progressive vibratory range as degrees of consciousness. These degrees of consciousness exist within the spiritual plane as archetypes in their potential form that are available to employ by embodying in order to express the reality inherent in them. In quantum physics this is referred to as the wave and the particle. The wave as a unified field contains in its potential form all the possibilities for material reality. When the individual mind, which vibrates with a certain frequency, enters into relationship with the unified-field of the universal mind, it resonates with only one possibility out of an infinite number, collapsing the wave around that one possibility as a particle (packet of information), that it then conceives and interprets in a unique fashion to create a personalized version of that type of reality. Through a dynamic process of adaptation and modification as a relationship formed between the individual and Universal mind, the original archetype is reformed by bringing out and amplifying some qualities, while deactivating and subduing others, shaping its character into a unique variation as the means for producing the physical reality of that idea as a personal creation.
Whatever idea we formulate in our mind by thinking about and imagining it, forms the basis for expressing that idea by becoming it in physical form, creating the experience of it, which we then absorb back into our mind as a memory. All we’re ever doing as a soul is absorbing information as archetypal ideas (whether universal and instinctual, or man made as mass consciousness), integrating, adapting, and modifying them by conforming them to our paradigm and story about things, then acting them out to produce experiences that allow the soul to acquire its own self-made experiences as the means of self-creation. The soul is comprised of memories formed from the body acting as a receiver and channel for ideas that produce equivalent realities. The soul is not directly of the material realm, and is what acts to construct and fashion the body to be its physical equivalent or double (twin as a reflection), that then serves as the means or vehicle for expressing through, acting as a transducer for interpreting vibration into a corresponding form as a living reality that it then obtains through the process of witnessing. We only truly learn (live and earn) through experience. All things are only known and therefore obtained through the direct experience of them.
The soul’s perspective within the body isn’t the one in and directly associated to the experience, but the aspect of the mind that observing it both from within and at the periphery – just outside of it where it observes it from a more extended perspective where it witnesses the whole event. Through witnessing the whole event from both an associated and dissociated perspective, the soul absorbs the experience in its entirety from multiple perspectives and simultaneously absorbs the experience of other people who are a part of our experiences. This is what forms the basis for karma, where we live out the same type of experiences as dynamics from multiple perspectives, and where we form what we call the life review that we go through as a part of the death experience, where we feel everything we caused others to feel through our behaviors.

What we call the soul, is three-fold in nature just as the mind is, because they’re basically the same thing, and originates on a higher, parallel plane that not only oversees and orchestrates the entire lower plane, but experiences it from a higher perspective of both the subconscious and self-conscious aspects. From this perspective, the subconscious is a part of the collective unconscious of the Earth, and includes the entire outer reality, and the self-conscious is the internal ‘me’ (personalized) aspect that experiences everything from within it as a centralized, individual perspective.
On the material plane the subconscious exists as the non-local mind, and the self-conscious (brain oriented) as the local mind. From an expanded, all-inclusive higher perspective, both the subconscious and self-conscious are located in time and space, and act out an idea through a linear timeline from beginning to end as a way of experiencing it. The true Self as the Higher Soul exists in a non-local fashion from a higher dimension or kingdom (chemical, mineral, plant, animal, human, and divine) and observes or witnesses (watches) the events of the lower plane as holistic patterns where it’s both a part of every aspect of the outer reality, and the single, internal aspect of the individual self. Both of which exist as an inherent part of the same frequency as an archetypal theme and character that acts to consistently tell the same type of story as congruent and consistent types of experience.
The true (eternal) soul as the Higher Self (also referred to as the guardian angel), exists in eternity outside of the dimension of time and space, and is immortal (birth, life, and death require time and space) in nature. As it descends to the lower world of material form, it divides and becomes dual in nature (electromagnetic), containing both the masculine and feminine, the outer and inner, the subconscious and conscious, the mind and body, and produces a whole inner and outer reality as the memory (karma) it’s comprised of (frequency it vibrates at).
Both the Higher Self and the self-conscious mind are active, while the subconscious mind is passive and receptive. The subconscious acts as the medium (soul of the lower world) which can receive communication as suggestion and direction from both the Higher and lower, self-conscious-ego mind of the body. This is why spiritual guidance from our Higher Self comes as intuition, inspiration, and through meditation and dream states. The self-conscious mind which is an outgrowth of the subconscious mind as brain consciousness that’s identified exclusively with the body it’s born in, and forms what we call the ego, which creates itself strictly by material means, has no direct connection to the Higher Self because they’re both active states. Because of this, the conscious mind can only receive communication as a form of telepathy through the subconscious mind which creates a reflection of it as a mental impression and feeling that mimics recalling a memory by playing it out in the imagination. By entering into meditative states, where the active, thinking mind is subdued and we exist purely in the subconscious mind of feeling, presence, and direct experience, we can become semi-aware of our connection and thought transmission from the higher plane as a dream-like vision that we simply witness and observe as the metaphorical enactment that unfolds like a dance, and the direct experience of the ideas it illustrates.

All communication from the higher plane come to us as ideas that aren’t intentionally prompted, but come spontaneously as an intuitive insight or notion about things. They come as imaginary ideas (a form of memory) that provide instruction as a template for living it into a reality in order to experience and obtain it (absorb it) as an actual memory, which serves to alter the mind-soul and body through the creation and integration of the memory. All DNA of the body, as a physical component of the subconscious is programmed or informed through experience as perception that forms memory as the meaning of the experience. While the conscious mind thinks in literal terms as describing, explaining, or justifying the actual physical reality, whose only purpose is to act as a stage or means for creating an outer experience as an event, the body and subconscious, which is emotional and experiential in nature, retains the experience gained based on the meaning it has, and what it simultaneously means about us as a result.
The soul isn’t concerned with the material events themselves, which are temporary, fleeting, and irrelevant outside of setting other events into motion through cause and effect, but is only concerned with the qualities and characteristics that are developed (called forth) and established because of the experiences. Our experiences, which are ultimately self-created as a product of our mind, express and produce states of mind as qualities of consciousness that form our character as our inner nature or way of being. While the conscious, thinking mind, that’s a part of the material realm, tends to repeatedly run the same memories through its mind over and over, using them to create more of the same type of experiences in the present that have the same overall meaning in terms of others and the world in general, the soul is only concerned with what it means about it in terms of what kind of person it is because of self-generated memories. The actual events only serve to create the experience, which is retained by the soul as memory of itself. Not as a physical body within a physical world, but as the inner nature that animates and gives the body all of its natural tendencies and characteristics and causes it to constantly produce the same type of experiences over and over again.
When we remove our focus from other people and the outer world in general, and in every situation realize that we are the sole creator of our experiences, regardless of what the situation and events are, and begin working with that by always asking ourselves instead . . . who am I right now? How am I going to be in relationship with this situation? What type of experience do I want to create? What part of my character do I want to develop by way of this reality? And based solely on our own behavior, regardless of others, what does my behavior develop in me in terms of my character, and what does it mean about me? What does it show me about myself that I’m not normally aware of?
The whole goal of the soul in life is to bring what normally operates as purely unconscious tendencies into awareness, so that we can begin working with them in a conscious and deliberate manner. To move from the lower realms of instinct and automatic behaviors to the higher levels of self-creation and actualization of a higher ideal. To begin embodying higher forms of consciousness and ways of being that steadily raise our vibration to the point where we can begin resonating to a higher frequency and ascend or be pulled up to a higher dimension. All dimensions vibrate at certain frequencies as a level and quality of consciousness that acts as the creator and maintainer of that reality. As long as we live out of our lower, instinctual nature that simply repeats our formative conditioning, we’ll never ascend to the higher realms of active intelligence that willfully self-creates and acts to command the instinctual forces of the lower planes.
Mind-Body Integrative Medicine Consultant and Spiritual Mentor

