Learning how to Understand the Illusory Nature of Reality

Definition of reality: a thing that’s actually experienced or seen as a physical existence: A state or quality that exists or has substance.

The idea of reality is one that has eluded many throughout history because we’ve been taught to think of it as a solid, fixed, objective, and universal matrix, when in reality it’s actually a mental construct produced out of fluctuating light particles that are organized into what appears to us as a consistent and stationary reality. While we can say that theoretically there maybe such a thing as an “objective” reality, one comprised of the basic elements that make up Nature and human creation, where everyone seems to see the same tree, flower, or car, the truth is every object(s) or situation is mentally reshaped into a unique version of itself by the individual mind perceiving it. While the basic reality remains the same in terms of portraying a general idea, its how we “experience” it that makes it seem different to everyone. The same “field of information” exists in a “state of potentiality” and is ordered and organized into a different configuration by each individual who’s mentally interacting with it. We can use many ways to try and define reality as a group consensus or shared idea, but the fact still remains that perception is reality, and all reality as we’re capable of knowing it is subjective in nature because it’s shaped in relationship with our own mind as a resonate frequency.

What we perceive as the natural world that we all share in common is structured as the result of the Earths resonate frequency. The Earth, like all heavenly bodies, is a conscious sentient being as a living soul that vibrates at a certain frequency. The entire natural world of the planet beats at this frequency like a cosmic heartbeat. This harmonic frequency exists as an electromagnetic spectrum ranging from 3Hz to 60Hz, with an average of 7.83Hz, producing a standing wave that makes it appear stationary. Every piece of matter (light as photons) resonates as a frequency or series of correlated frequencies that appears as both a wave and particle simultaneously. We are all technically speaking tuned energetically to the same wave-form as a unified field of information that makes up the Earths consciousness, and as a result, share in the same overall reality. This is commonly referred to in all spiritual traditions as the original creation.

vibrating in harmony with the earth's frequency
The Energetic Nature of the Soul-Mind

Each individual soul-mind (lower soul) within the Earths electromagnetic spectrum consists of both a subconscious and self-conscious aspect, which are both a part of the universal collective unconscious of the planet. While many believe that the self-conscious aspect of the material mind is conscious, the fact is it’s birthed by the subconscious fully within the material body of Nature (as a mammal) and typically remains unconscious by being fully identified with the body and personality. The self-conscious mind (what most think of as the mind and self) is what witnesses the outer creation of the subconscious or planetary mind, while failing to realize that it’s their own creation, and imagines instead that it exists apart from them as something being created by an objective and neutral force that’s independent of them.

A wave-form is comprised of a range of vibratory frequencies that form a coherent spectrum as a field of information in its potential state as infinite possibilities for reality based on how the information is organized into coherent patterns. Every vibration has both a pattern as an idea and a self-organizing mechanism inherent in it. This self-assembling feature is what acts to organize information into specialized patterns. This means that it abstracts from the wave-form of the whole only the information that can be intelligently utilized to create the idea it’s imprinted with, and as a result, acts to create an altered version of the same basic idea. The mind of the individual, which resonates at a specialized frequency as its mental model formed out of its unconscious conditioning, enters into relationship with the collective consciousness of the Earth (including humanity), and deletes, abstracts, and distorts selected information into a new configuration as its perception.

Our mind-soul is an energetic field that interacts with all other energy fields around it, morphing them to take on the same appearance (thematic pattern) and likeness (qualities) as itself. The whole as a vast array of possibility is reshaped to resemble the individual. All information inherent in the whole is metaphorical (archetypal) in nature and lends itself to be shaped into infinite variations through a process of adaptation and modification. As we perceive something, we’re simultaneously interpreting it to mean something, and out of the meaning it has for us we create our experience of it. As we form our own experiences of reality as an individual creation, we identify with our own experiences and shape ourselves accordingly. The “I” of the self is a personification born out of the selected qualities of a universal whole (holographic principle).

Fractal pattern
The Principle of Vibration and Energy

The way vibration works is that any two substances that are tuned with the same tuning mechanism (frequency of the Earth), resonate with each other in a complementary fashion. One energy field (mind) acts to enter into and vibrate the same qualities it possesses and is actively expressing in another energy field of a similar nature. As they merge into each other they form an interference pattern (Dyad) that acts to change what’s active and passive in each one, forming a new variation of a complementary nature. The energy of one vibration is inducted into the energy of a complementary vibration (within the same spectrum), and both vibrations are altered by what’s amplified or canceled out through their union, producing a modified version of both as a new variation of shared qualities. As a new pattern is formed by how they combine, they slowly begin vibrating in harmony, producing a coherent frequency. As they begin vibrating in harmony with each other as a joint-reality, a foundation is established as a stabilized system for consistently producing shared experiences of the same nature.

Our world born out of our DNA
The Holographic Principle of the Mind and DNA

This same principle of vibration, sympathetic induction, and coherence, operates and can be used to transform our genetic code, which is what forms both our physical body and outer reality to be of the same nature (pattern). DNA is composed of basically two complementary pairs of information, one from the mother and the other from the father, and through a process of natural selection, which can be visualized conceptually as switches, some are turned on and some turned off, to form a unique version as a new combination. Our DNA is an aspect of our subconscious mind and the information it contains as our genetic code  is formed into new configurations through our evolving perceptions. Our perceptions, which are formed out of our mental paradigms and belief system, are constantly changing through the incorporation of new information, which is simultaneously upgrading and programming our DNA.

DNA can be thought of as a form of bio-computer that runs programs of organized information that’s configured by our mind and interacts telepathically with the DNA in every other living system, all of which are composed of different combinations and degrees of the same overall information. Just as our perception alters the appearance of our outer reality while simultaneously evolving our physical existence to be harmonious with it, our DNA influences all other DNA in near proximity of us to take on the same qualities. Our genetic code is an intelligent system that’s shaped by the mind to structure reality in a complementary and harmonious fashion. As we consume and assimilate the DNA of other living animals who experience emotions, feelings, and some form of thought, we eventually take on the same qualities as an energetic modification of consciousness.

4 bodies of our astral body

Once we understand how energy as the mind works to form reality as a corresponding vibration, we can realize that what we think of as an objective reality is fully formed as endless variations within the same electromagnetic spectrum. Just as the Earths consciousness as electromagnetic frequencies range somewhere between 3 – 60Hz, our brain forms correlating frequencies as what we commonly refer to as brainwaves. Our brainwaves are Delta (.2-4Hz), Theta (4-8Hz.), Alpha (8-12Hz), Beta (12-40Hz), and Gamma (40-60Hz), which all form as progressions of each other from an unconscious to a highly conscious state of cognition and information processing. The average resonance of the Earths frequency is 7.83 Hz, which is the state between sleep and awake, also called the hypnotic or trance state. This is the collective unconscious of all life as the subconscious aspect we all share in common as a joint reality. When locked within the illusion of material reality, we form our identity as a soul out of our material existence through a basic form of hypnosis as our formative conditioning.

In Quantum Physics we know that the experimenter influences the outcome of the experiment. This phenomenon doesn’t occur through the reason for the experiment (what’s being sought), how it’s set up, the expectations for an outcome, and what information is included or excluded through how the information gathered is interpreted, but from a purely unconscious state as the individual minds ability to influence the particles of light into new configurations through its very perception. All information exists as a wave of potential that’s collapsed around a single possibility as a form of natural selection by the mind observing it. All of what we call reality is subjective in nature formed by taking a universal theme and reorganizing it to match and be a product of our own mental paradigm as a variation or unique possibility. We can only see and therefore comprehend in any situation what can be produced and sustained by our own paradigm.

Mental paradigm forms our world

All reality as we’re capable of knowing it through our perception of it is subjective in nature. Five people who are all a part of the same outer event as a direct experience of it, will see it in a different way, interpret it to mean something different, and form a unique perception of it. The same person when asked to describe or explain it after the fact by recollecting the memory of it while in a different state of mind (out of context), will continue to alter it based on or as modified by their state. Reality comes as the unified pattern of a dynamic range of vibration as a frequency that forms an electromagnetic spectrum. Out of this spectrum as a wave-form or field of information, an infinite number of variations can be produced by the individual mind based on how it exists in relationship with the whole. As it resonates with the whole, it collapses the wave of infinite possibilities into one as its perception of it, producing the particle as a fixed idea.

All individual creation comes by taking a universal idea as a theme comprised of archetypes as living metaphors, and forming the information available into what becomes a personal creation that still holds true to and exists in harmony with the theme from which it was taken. All of reality as we know it works out of the holographic principle where the same information that’s contained within the whole is used to produce the part as a specialization that differentiates it in order to play a unique role and function within the whole. All perception of reality is produced by our mental paradigm as fractal patterns. All growth and development takes place by the principle of the Golden Ratio (Phi) where the accumulated memory of the most recent past combined with the present, forms the basis for the future as a progressive evolution of variables.

All individual growth comes as the production of new variables that are then absorbed back into the paradigm of the whole where they’re integrated, modifying it according to the nature of the variations, forming a new whole. As we learn from the lessons of our own life experiences, we evolve ourselves by way of our own creation based on what type of information available in the whole we choose to abstract, conceive of, and integrate as experience, then continue to evolve by how we consistently use it to produce more of the same type of perceptions of reality.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Metaphysician, and Spiritual Teacher

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