Karma, Life Design, and the Holographic Principle of Destiny
Destiny can be a difficult idea to explain or even express accurately, because like so many aspects of the human psyche, it appears to have a twofold nature. There’s one that’s conducted with a sense of awareness and even deliberation, and one that seems to play out in a subliminal and automatic way beyond our ability to control or direct it. We all have what we can call two aspects of the mind, which form our higher and lower nature, as our higher conscious, and lower subconscious mind. These are both different aspects of the same mind and play different roles and functions in creating the perception of a unified reality, in much the same way the right and left hemispheres of the brain operate in tandem with each other. Our conscious mind is related to our higher nature of pure mind which is divine and creative, and our subconscious is related to our physical, animal soul and lower nature, which is noncreative and functions almost exclusively through automated habitual processes. The idea of destiny is directly correlated with the universal principle of ‘will’, which brings into question whether we have a personal will, or if it’s solely a function of our higher mind.
Just as we have two aspects of the same mind, soul, and self that function harmoniously as complementary (polar) opposites within the formative plane of the material world, we appear to also have both a higher divine will, and a lower personal will. The question then becomes whether these are different aspects of the same thing, where one functions on the higher plane as an entire whole, while the other operates on the lower plane, where we’re located within the greater whole as an essential part of it, in order to attain it as an experience of ourselves. Of course the answer is it’s both – our higher will creates the whole life-cycle out of what’s called our karmic seed, where our whole life plan is created in a latent seed form, which is then systematically activated and set in motion through a dynamic series of life events that form a synchronized growth process. At the personal level, our will usually comes as a vision we form for our life that seems to be ingrained in us and takes shape as we grow through our life experiences. Like most mysteries, it appears to be paradoxical in nature based on which plane and aspect of the mind we’re viewing it from, yet in the overall sense, they’re fundamentally different aspects of the same thing.
One of the easiest ways to understand this concept as a universal principle, rather than a belief, is by correlating it harmoniously with the two aspects of the mind in which it unfolds systematically as being both the whole, and the part located within the whole at the same time. In order to do this, we have to view it from the same conceptual model we use for understanding how our own mind and soul operates simultaneously on two levels of the same plane, which are polarized aspects that are intermeshed in forming a single plane as a coherent whole. Where one aspect functions to form, hold together and maintain the whole while also orchestrating all the activity that takes place within it, while the other aspect is birthed fully within it as an intrinsic part of it in order to experience it. On one level were writing our own life story while also composing all the elements necessary to tell that story in a particular way, and on the other level we enter into and play the main character in our own story.
Life by Design
Every attribute that we are bestowed with while in our lower, subconscious, animal body, is derived from the higher, conscious, divine mind, which undergoes a conversion when it moves from creator to the character within its own creation. These two correlated planes of the mind function in polarity with each other, where one seems to be the operator and active component, while the other is the passive component that’s being operated. This makes them seem paradoxical in nature because while apart of the plane that works in a largely automatic and natural manner, we don’t realize that we’re the one who’s actually directing it from a higher state of consciousness. In order to form a clear understanding of how destiny works in determining and guiding the course of our life, we’ll look at it in terms of how each plane operates according to the laws that govern that plane while playing a complementary role in forming a greater whole. I’m going to use the model of the Kabbalah Tree of Life because it’s an ideal model for understanding how spirit, mind, and body are different aspects of the same thing and how our mind functions on three levels to manifest as a single reality on a fourth level as a coherent and cohesive matrix of highly organized light that forms, maintains, and animates what we experience as reality.
The highest aspect of the mind is called the supernal or superconscious, which contains the lower two aspects of the mind in their latent and potential state as a part of its essential nature. In order to create itself as a material being, it has to construct itself as a holographic, 3-dimensional light form. In order to do this it has to divide itself into polarized aspects that move rhythmically between two poles that are set apart from each other. All movement, which is the basis for vibration, occurs through the interaction of polarized aspects that are complementary parts of each other. Just as the superconscious contains the other aspects within it as a part of its essential nature, as it projects an image of itself into the lower, denser plane of light, each part is also a whole in itself, and comprised of three intrinsic parts that function as a single entity (each aspect has a triune nature). The superconscious projects itself into the lower plane of Formation (Astral plane) as the conscious (active) aspect of the mind, which is pregnant with the subconscious mind, which it then projects into the lower regions of the same plane as its counterpart. All planes are formed as a feature of the mind and like the mind are polarized, forming a higher and lower region of the same plane. Each aspect of the mind is formed as a triad that’s comprised of polarities that operate together in forming a third element as a coherent, equilibrated whole.
As the Superconscious projects itself into the lower plane as complementary aspects of itself, it forms originally as the higher conscious mind, which resides within the higher, more refined region of the formative plane, and never fully enters into or becomes an essential part of its own manifestation. It resides on the higher, outer plane that contains the entire material reality within it, and is what oversees, orchestrates, and acts to guide all the activity that unfolds systematically within the whole. The conscious mind is also polarized (a Triad) and contains the subconscious mind in its latent and potential state, which it then acts to project into the lower region of the same plane as a mirror (reverse) image of itself, forming the basis for the physical body and outer reality emanated through the body. The subconscious, birthed with the same image and likeness of the conscious mind, is also polarized and forms a Triad of reversed polarity. The conscious mind is the active, masculine aspect of the mind that contains the feminine aspect within it, which possesses all the attributes and properties necessary to generate a physical vehicle which it can then inhabit as a means of manifesting within and as an essential part of its own manifestation.
This idea is communicated in spiritual texts through the allegory of Adam and Eve, where Adam was created first as a hermaphrodite, and then Eve was made from one of Adams ribs to serve as his helpmate. She was fashioned from his body. This idea has further meaning when we take into consideration that the skeletal system of the body is the organ related to the soul and is what acts as the structuring mechanism of the body, making movement as activity possible, and bone marrow is what generates blood stem cells that can become red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets, and forms what we call our soul’s essence. The higher conscious mind is the positive pole and the subconscious is the complementary negative pole that acts to conceive the creative seed of the conscious mind and build it into an outer reality on the lower plane. These are not only polar aspects of each other as an active-positive and a passive-negative pole, they also move between planes by reversing polarity, forming what can be conceptualized as a zigzag, spiraling, back and forth movement. So what’s considered active on the higher plane is passive on the lower, and what’s passive on the lower is active on the higher.
Will and Imagination
The active force of will on the higher plane forms a seed-image (thoughtform) in the faculty of the imagination that’s injected into the subconscious on the lower plane, providing it with a life pattern (memory) that it gestates and builds into an embryonic blueprint. This embryo formed in the womb of the subconscious is what’s commonly called the etheric double, astral body, or subtle body, which becomes the holographic blueprint for not only generating and giving life to the physical body, but the entire outer reality formed within the sphere of the mind that accompanies the body. This etheric blueprint remains in an embryonic, fluidic state and is continuously seeded by the conscious mind as a means of ushering in the life events that promote new stages of growth and development. It not only acts as the memory for generating and regenerating the physical body, but also for generating a correlated outer world constructed out of the same inner nature and memory as the body. While we can view the outer world as being projected by us through our perception of it, we can also view it as an extension of us, where it’s comprised of not only the known but also the unknown elements buried deep within our own psyche.
Likewise, many have been taught to think of our mind and body as being separate from each other, yet these can also be understood as being different aspects of the same thing, where our body is located within the center of a much larger sphere, forming a centralized perspective within a greater whole (Monad) as a means of experiencing ourselves. In order to properly understand this idea, we’d have to redefine what we mean when we use the term self. Most people relate to the idea of the self as being our body and personality, when, in reality, it may be referring to our entire material existence, because on the higher plane of the mind and soul, the lower plane of material reality exists in its entirety as a memory, and it’s through the relationship we form between the inner and outer aspects of ourselves that we perceive ourselves as another and form an experience of ourselves through our own perception. The outer world of reality and the inner world of feeling are extensions of each other and not separate entities. They exist as polarized aspects whose interaction serves to stimulate each other into existence, and together form a unified field as what appears to be an inner and outer reality.
This is why your outer world doesn’t change until your inner world does, and they change as an exact correspondence to each other. As we change our inner nature by developing our character, our experience of the outer world changes in the exact same degree and proportion. This is because they’re different aspects of the same thing, where the part contains the whole and the whole is comprised of the sum of its parts. The outer world is a metaphorical reflection of the inner world, and vice versa. Reality in the most basic sense is holographic in nature, produced by splitting a coherent, concentrated beam of light in two, forming polarized aspects, where one is directed by a mirror to be imprinted with an image (memory), forming a 2-dimensional form, and the other is reflected back onto the image as pure (scattered) light, blending into it, forming a 6-dimensional construct, that emanates from a central axis outward, forming a highly organized body of light.
We exist simultaneously as the central axis possessed of electromagnetic poles, and as the outer sphere or toroidal field produced by an electromagnetic pulsation, where the same energy projects (discharges) outward in an active state, electrifying everything in its path, and then upon reaching a peripheral boundary, reverses polarity, becoming magnetic, and is drawn back into its center, where it then reverses polarity again, forming another projection. While we can view this as two separate forms of energy that are complementary to each other, in reality they’re a single force that’s polarized and functions systematically through two states, one that’s projective and one that’s receptive, and together they act to conceive and materialize their own projection. This doesn’t happen as a circulating motion – it happens at once, forming a coherent field of light that appears stable and stationary in the most basic sense, while also housing a great deal of activity that takes place within it. The outer forms the stage and setting that’s a complimentary theme for the inner character to act out its life story in a completely natural and congruent manner. One of the ways to grasp this idea is to realize that we’re on a globe (Earth) that’s spinning a thousand miles an hour on its axis while moving through space orbiting the sun at thousands of (67,000) miles an hour, while also being a part of a greater solar system that’s moving billions of miles an hour (140 miles a second) through our galaxy, and we experience reality as a fairly stable, somewhat calm construct of light.
Karmic Seed of Destiny
On the plane of the Superconscious, the entire life cycle of the soul is formed as an intrinsic design in its latent, unformed state of pure potential. This design, comprised of a dynamic set of attributes, qualities, and characteristics in varying degrees of development and potency, is formed out of the essence of all our previous experiences combined into a single state and coherent memory. This same principle works within our current life where all our experiences are molded into a single memory, called our paradigm. At the end of each life cycle, when the higher soul separates from the body, it absorbs all the experiences attained in that lifetime, and assimilates them to form a particular nature as our character (archetype), coupled with the memory of our own life creation. This holographic memory forms the life theme of our character and of our souls essence (inner nature), which combine to become the seed for our next life cycle as a continuation of the same idea.
An easy way to understand this idea is by looking at any seed in nature where, a cherry seed, for example, only has the potential and capacity to grow into a cherry tree. It can’t grow into an apple or peach tree because it’s perfectly designed with all the properties and elements necessary to produce a cherry tree. So, we can say with accuracy that the cherry seeds destiny is to become a cherry tree. The state and health of the cherry tree, however, is determined by what climate and conditions it’s planted in and how it grows within those conditions. If planted in the appropriate conditions – climate, soil, water, sun, etc., it grows into a healthy, robust tree, if not, it becomes spindly and frail and never grows to its full height and potential. But either way, as it matures and bears fruit, the fruit contains the seeds for producing more of the same type of cherry trees. The same principles operate consistently through all life as we know it, and we can come to understand our own nature and processes of growth and development by observing the laws of Nature.
Our karmic seed, contains the entire life plan as a life cycle, along with all the attributes and qualities in exact proportion, for systematically playing out the life plan as a natural process of growth and development within the environment and life situation we were born into. As the karmic memory-program of our souls continued development is projected (planted) into the lower, Astral Plane of Formation, it’s constructed into the astral form of our souls memory by the life force energy of our higher will, where it continues to operate through the systematic movement formed by polar aspects of the mind that are complementary to each other. On the higher plane of pure mind, memory and will (life force) are complementary features of each other, where the light body (hologram) of memory is constructed outwardly as a projection and outer reflection, forming the seed and egg for birthing itself on the lower plane of the subconscious.
The Astral Plane of Memory – Will, Thought, and Emotion
This middle plane, called the astral plane, which connects the higher archetypal plane with the lower material plane, is also polarized, and exists as two levels that house complementary aspects of the mind while functioning in a harmonious manner. Each one performs a different operation in creating a single reality. As the conscious mind births and projects the subconscious into the complementary, lower region of the astral plane as a reflection of itself, a conversion takes place, and what functions as will on the higher plane becomes emotion and desire on the lower plane, and what functions as memory on the higher plane generates thought on the lower plane. All emotion is correlated with instinct (memory) to produce automatic reactions and behaviors, and thought is the basis for forming and recalling memories.
While they switch positions as they move from a refined state of consciousness to a denser one of unconsciousness, they still function in the same way and serve the same basic purpose. In an unconscious state they function as automated processes formed out of memory (instinct) driven by emotional impulses, and in a conscious state, they function as thoughtforms that serve to internally generate equivalent emotions. Will is the active-electric force on the higher plane and emotion is the motivating force on the lower plane, and likewise, memory is the passive force on the higher plane, while thought is a passive construct on the lower plane. On the lower plane memory and thought are formed the same way in the faculty of the imagination, and one can be used to transform the other one, and both serve to generate feelings and emotions while also possessing the ability to transform them. As we think by forming internal representations, we generate emotions in response to our own thoughts, and as we dwell in memories of the past, we keep ourselves tuned to the same emotions we were experiencing when we formed the memories, and act to recreate the same type of emotional dramas of the past, in the present. As we form thoughts given life by strong feelings and emotions, we set the vibratory frequency internally for organizing and assembling the same type of ideas outside of us as a means of experiencing our own mental creations.
The higher mind contains the entire lower plane within it as a form of predestiny, where if we remain in a primarily unconscious state and never realize that we have the ability to direct our own life using the power of imagination and will, our destiny plays out in a completely natural way that seems beyond our control. If however, we begin waking up to the fact that we have the ability to use our conscious mind to direct our subconscious in manifesting our life in a more intentional manner, we can participate in our own evolution by advancing ourselves along our souls path. Either way, we still follow a somewhat predestined path because it’s ingrained in our very nature, and comes naturally through our vision for our life, what we desire and feel passionate about, what we naturally gravitate towards and have an interest in, preferences, character traits, and so on. The difference is we can impose a new direction on our life, heal ourselves of psychological issues, practice mastering our lower nature, and greatly advance our own evolution by simply learning how to operate our own mind-body system. Our physical world doesn’t matter in the ultimate sense, because its temporary and dissolves at death, it’s the type of experiences we create through our physical circumstances that are eternal and become imprinted as a permanent record in the Akashic field of Astral Light.
Life Patterns
When we live out of a predominantly unconscious state, where we imagine ourselves to be separate and set apart from our own outer projection, we experience everything as happening to us and beyond our ability to control it or direct its course of activity. We don’t recognize our own karma as being the fruit and seed of previous incarnations and so we lack a sense of direction and responsibility. In this instance, our destiny comes as an automated process that takes place without our direct awareness, where we’re being pulled along in a life current, and we experience ourselves as being an alien within our own manifestation. We don’t realize that our world is being created by us on the higher level of our conscious, willful mind, and that we have the ability to wake up and become conscious of our own dream, and pull ourselves ashore, where we can view life as it flows by in an automated state. Once we’re able to realize what our karma is and how that forms the basis for the unconscious activity of our current life experience, we can step into our higher mind and begin actively participating in creating and evolving our own life pattern. We can impose a direction on our life instead of being swept along in a helpless fashion.
There’s really no such thing as a personal destiny or personal will because these are a primary function and operation conducted by our higher mind which exists as the greater whole, and not as a part that transitions blindly through synchronized phases of the whole. But this can be difficult to understand due to our limited awareness of our self and our life being contained within the greater whole, and therefore unable to comprehend or conceive of it in its entirety. When we remain unaware of the fact that our life is our own creation, and we don’t understand the true nature of karma, we don’t recognize how we’re creating all of it using both our conscious and unconscious mind, then our life is predestined and transpires in what seems like an automated process. While in a predominantly unconscious state, destiny is approached more as a vision for your life that lays the foundation for a series of goals. We’re taught to visualize the reality we want to create as a material object or situation, instead of focusing on the type of experience we want to attain as a feeling. We then approach will as though it’s about effort in making something happen that may not be happening naturally on its own, or by resisting our own tendencies and compulsions. In this case our life is predestined and pretty much takes place without our director awareness of what’s happening and the reason it’s happening.
Karma, Will, and Destiny
Karma, will, and destiny are the same thing in the most fundamental sense. There’s no meaningful way to separate these ideas in terms of how they work together in forming the same reality as a coherent state. We can only separate them by classifying them according to their native plane in order to gain an understanding of how they function as a universal (primary) law. The higher plane of the conscious mind is the active life force that constructs a living matrix of light out of the holographic model of memory, which is then translated on the lower plane of the subconscious as emotion, passions, and desire. Destiny is formed by habitual patterns of memory compelled into an active state by the life force energy of will and emotions. As long as we live out of habitual routines and reactive behaviors that form correlated thoughts and feelings, nothing changes and we remain locked into our own karmic patterns which repeat in a rhythmic fashion based on how they’re adapted to different situations that cause them to play out in a somewhat different way.
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Once we become aware of our own nature and dual aspects of our mind and how they function harmoniously in creating our reality and life out of karmic patterns, we can begin utilizing the different aspects of our being in a masterful way to self-create and determine what our life is going to be about. We can design and execute our own life experiences, which can be attained through a variety of material situations and circumstances. The faculty of the mind shared by both the conscious and unconscious, which serves as the medium of communication between them, is the imagination. Will on the lower plane functions as a kinetic force, whereas on the higher plane it’s a constructive force that designs a etheric template by translating thought into a picture or image that imitates an actual memory. This etheric holographic construct is used by the subconscious in the same way it uses memory, to build it into the existing outer reality as a means of experiencing it.
All memory, which exists as an internal mental construct formed out of astral light (subtle energy), is created by the higher mind through the faculty of the imagination, which is what the lower subconscious mind uses as patterns of activity (instinct) that are activated by emotion and play out in an automated fashion. We can take an existing memory and transform it in our imagination, producing an etheric template as a metaphor that provides our subconscious with a creative directive and command for what to build as an outer experience (our subconscious is obedient). We have to provide it with a seeded-idea as a thematic pattern that it can build into our existing mental model in a congruent and ecological way where it becomes a natural part of our outer world allowing us to form an experience of it. The experiences produced are then absorbed back into our mind and integrated into our current life memory base (model), growing and evolving it by way of any new variations acquired.
On the higher plane of creation, will acts to construct images that represent an idea in such a way that it’ll generate a natural emotional response. The subconscious uses this metaphorical idea as an actual memory and builds it into our existing mental paradigm where it becomes known through our ability to perceive it as a natural part of our outer world. This occurs naturally through different stages of growth, where ideas come to us through a form of inspiration, and as we take them in and begin thinking about them, we shape them into a sensory reality in our mind’s eye by adapting them to our mental model. Once they’ve integrated into our mental sphere, they’re birthed as a natural outgrowth.
Our mental paradigm, which is constructed out of synthesized memory, forms the mental filters and lens we look through to perceive and reconstruct our outer world to form a mirror image of it. It vibrates at a frequency that reforms the outer world to match it through resonance. Once we recognize the memory-patterns we’re playing out consistently in our life, we can work to alter them using the higher power of our will by reshaping them metaphorically in our imagination to form a new pattern that will bring a new type of activity and experience. This must be done in a gradual manner where the new pattern can be harmoniously integrated into the existing pattern, modifying and upgrading it. When we attempt to introduce an idea that’s too far apart or different from our existing paradigm, it can’t be logically integrated and is rejected instead. Change has to be produced in a gradual manner as a natural growth process that harmoniously moves from one state to an alternate state. The new idea being introduced has to be complementary to the existing idea and formed as an increment or phase of development. By utilizing the magical powers of our imagination we can act on our own memories to transform and morph them.
When we work in this manner to gradually transform our karmic patterns formed as memory, we begin taking control and directing our own destiny by systematically resolving our karma. As we become conscious and aware within our own life creation, we can learn how to operate our own mind in becoming self-determined, sovereign, and the author of our own life story. As we transform our inner archetypal nature the outer world changes as a direct reflection of it, and we combine the two as a means of experiencing ourselves in new ways, producing new types of memory that are accumulated and built-up overtime, reshaping our current life memory to tell a new type of story. As we act on ourselves to reshape our character and inner way of producing experiences, we simultaneously dissolve karmic patterns, replacing them with new upgraded ones, and we become the author of our own destiny, which ultimately forms the karmic seed for our next life cycle, and we progress consciously in becoming our own creator.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Mind-Body Medicine Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher