Change – “Innovative Thinking & Re-imagining”

When times change in the general sense of market trends and methods of doing business, businesses must take an attitude of evolving their business models, services and general operations to conform to the changing needs of society. When change occurs at a community, national, cultural or global level, companies that fail to recognize the change and modify their business models accordingly begin the process of dying. By gaining a fundamental understanding of the nature of cycles as birth, life & death, or a beginning, middle and end . . . that make-up an ongoing process that evolves through time we can identify behavior within any given business that indicates where they’re at in the current cycle.

If a business begins failing, sales drop, revenue shrinks, and they react not by identifying the nature of the changes and modifying or updating necessary areas, but instead by cutting back, reducing or eliminating, they have in fact begun the process of going out of business. Change is a constant and evolving force that governs the Universe as we know it. Once change takes place, it never reverts back, but always progresses forward in some fashion. All of life progresses and steadily moves towards greater complexity. As a business owner, when your current business model fails to promote health and induce consistent growth, you must respond by identifying the nature of the change, the new needs and services that the change warrants, and readjust your model and methods of doing things to supply the new demand.

Rather than panicking, cutting back and reducing, it may be a better idea to provide your people with new resources that will increase their proficiency, develop greater competence and improve their ability to perform. The greatest resources that most companies have are their people, yet poor training programs continue to plague even the most sophisticated of businesses. It’s your people that make your business what it is. Here is where we stand to either lose the greatest amount, or initiate the greatest gain. No other area of your business or Practice is more directly manageable than your people. As a business owner, you more than likely stand to gain more in this area than any other area of your business.

When we make the necessary adjustments to our business model, upgrade and develop new and innovative ways of doing business, or serve to grow, develop, and reform our services, we move effortlessly along gaining momentum by flowing with the current rather than getting sucked into a whirlpool of our own making. If change is welcomed and fully embraced for the stimulus it offers we can keep our businesses growing and prospering through any season. When change is resisted or ignored, it tends to overcome us without us even knowing why or how sometimes. Your current model will continue producing the same result over and over. In order to change the result, you must change what you are doing, or how you are doing it.

As soon as you begin experiencing measurable fluctuations in your business or a drop in clientele, you should investigate and review the nature of the change, and explore creative ways to modify your method of doing business to accommodate the change. Often businesses will wait to long to respond, or will struggle to the point of no return before they reach out for help, or bring in an expert to help them make the necessary changes to their organization ensuring their survival.

Many times by the time I was called in to help diagnose and recommend the necessary changes, the business was already out of business and simply didn’t know it. When a business still has cash flow, they can begin the juggling act and prolong what becomes a long and arduous process . . . a form of slow death. The time to get help through outside experts is as soon as you notice a measurable change in the flow of your business and still have plenty of resources to carry you through the process of designing and executing the change itself.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Personal Trainer and Coach for Personal Transformation and Self-Mastery

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gold narrow long with transparent background