Category: Sacred Geometry

Vesica Piscis – The Law of Relationship, Birth, and Reformation

 The Vesica Pisces is what’s called the womb of life, and is represented in sacred geometry as the Dyad, and in other symbolic systems as the Yin and Yang, or masculine and feminine aspects of a greater whole. The Dyad, symbolized as a Monad or mind-sphere that separates (or...

The Monad: The Trinity, and the Law of Three-in-One

The mind is a paradigm, structured and produced through an accumulative process of integrated experiences that become memory. Our memory base acts as a filtering system that forms our center of awareness and is what we look through in order to perceive the outer world. Atman, the pure universal...

Sacred Geometry – The Secret Language of Universal Laws

Sacred Geometry forms the basis for an intuitive system of philosophical mathematics and universal laws as operations for applying knowledge at the practical level to create on multiple planes simultaneously through resonance as equilibrium. Through resonance we draw down purely mental forces of the higher planes and use them...

The Law of the Triad – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence

The world is a vast soup of energy that’s always stimulating and interacting with itself in others. Each entity or material body contains energy and is stimulating – emanating or putting off a charge – that’s being received by everything around it that contains the same type of charge...

The Law of the Dyad: The Seeds of Karma

“Casting Images in the Astral Light” Prayer is the primary form of how we connect to our higher power and request personal experiences, and is the primary means for first revealing karma (unconscious connections) then creating through it by living out of the memory of it. The idea of...

The Pentagram – “Mind-over-Matter”

“Shaping Words into Realities” The pentagram is probably one of the better known symbols of Sacred Geometry, and also one of the most misunderstood. While many associate it to Witchcraft and Satanic Cults of various sorts, or see it as the sign representing the devil, in reality, it’s none...

Decoding Sacred Geometry: The Tetragrammaton

“How the Mind Manifests Personal Reality” Sacred geometry communicates the universal language of Universal Law, vibration and potential that impregnates matter with an animated form. God speaks to us in the language of mathematics, not as a bean-counting process that most have been taught, but as a philosophical system...