Category: Professional Development

Creating a Well-Formed Outcome: “How to Make Smart Goals even Smarter”

There’s an art to setting goals that will make them much more achievable, called “SMART goals”. SMART is an acronym for making goals more Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. Goals that are developed mentally as a sensory experience of the outcome you want to accomplish, are far more...

Self-Mastery: Learning How to Not be Affected by Others

Many of us spend our whole life a slave to the attitude, behaviors, and opinions of other people. We’re in a constant form of reaction from one moment to the next, beings jerked around like a puppet on strings, often crushed by a rude comment. If someone is hateful...

Developing a Moral Code of Conduct as the Practical Application of Universal Laws

One of the most profound practices that have been largely abandoned in our modern era is the practice of developing a moral code of conduct as standards that we hold ourselves to as the means for governing ourselves through all kinds of situations. While many have been taught to...

The Art of Setting Goals and Manifesting Your Dreams

Setting goals and dreaming is one of the most primary ways we use our mind to create desired realities. While task oriented goals are relatively easy, as they only require us to direct our attention and perform remedial acts, producing entirely new experiences as realities requires more skill because...

The Importance of a Business Model

“A Model Forms the Essence, Personality, and Identity of a Business” Just as our personality and identity form the basis out of which all our personal expression comes as a natural and automatic by-product, the model for a business serves the same function. It establishes the basis for what...

Training the Trainer – “Maximizing Human Resources”

People do the best they can with what they have to work with, they always make the best choices available to them at the time A Managers most basic responsibility is to manage, develop and maximize the company’s resources. In order to do this they must learn how to...

Professionalism: Adequacy vs. Excellence

It’s all a Matter of Attitude! What kind of an attitude do you take in regards to your own development and performance? Do you strive only to meet the requirements that are necessary in your life or profession? Or do you strive to be the very best at what...

Creating a Vision Board of Your Goals

“Visual Mapping of a Desired Reality as a Series of Goals” Creating a vision board made out of a collage of pictures that represent goals as a reality you wish to accomplish, is one of the most effective ways to achieve your goals. Many of us have heard that...
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