Category: Mind Development

Forgiveness – Transforming Judgment, Detachment, and the Key to Liberation

 The idea of forgiveness can be a somewhat slippery subject in terms of what it actually means and how to do it. Many can put on the facade of appearing to forgive on the outside while still harboring the feelings that led to the perceived need to forgive on...

DNA Transformation – The Law of the Tetrad

The Universal Laws demonstrated in Sacred Geometry provide us with the practical tools for learning how to use our mind to regulate our body...

Spiritual Guidance – Psychics, Spirit Guides, and Our Higher Self

The idea of spiritual guidance, like all things, means different things to different people, so in order to talk about it in a meaningful way, we have to start by defining it. Spiritual guidance indicates receiving information about something that concerns us from a non-local source other than ourselves....

Thought-Forms: Scalar Energy, Electromagnetic Fields, and Bio-Holograms

Both the Pineal gland and the DNA of our cellular structure are composed of liquid crystalline substances that act as a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of consciousness as thought-forms or archetypal ideas that provide a metaphorical structure or blueprint for creating a corresponding idea as a personal experience of...

Self-Purification and Cultivating Our Higher Nature

As we go through life, we’re always becoming through a process of amalgamation, where we enter into relationship with everyone and everything around us, blending with them energetically, taking on their compatible attributes and transforming our nature by using them to express and create experiences that we then relate...

Soul Evolution – DNA Transference, Holographic Memory, and Transmutation

The mind, unlike the body, isn’t fixed or stationary, but is in a constant process of morphing by exchanging energy with itself in everything around it. The mind itself is three-fold in nature, and exists at different levels and scales while operating as a single cohesive reality. The subconscious...

Memory, DNA, and the Subconscious Mind

Taking Control of Your Mind and Creating Yourself in a Deliberate Manner All living organisms operate out of the same basic group of principles represented in Sacred Geometry by the numbers 0 through 9. DNA operates out of the same principles as the mind, and may even be considered...
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