Evolution of the Mind, Body and Spirit – The Relationship Between Our Physical and Spiritual Nature
One of the problems we have in understanding our spiritual-energetic nature is we try to view it through the same model as our physical nature. Yet even how we tend to look at our physical nature is largely incorrect because we’ve been conditioned to a firm mindset based almost...
Mental, Emotional, and Physical Purification – The Prerequisite for Transcending to Higher Forms of Consciousness
The definition for the purification process is to remove toxins, pollutants, and contaminates, returning it to an original state of purity. It’s the process of making something spiritually or ceremonially clean. Free from anything that debases, pollutes, adulterates, degrades, or contaminates it. Clean of all foreign elements. In the...
The Law of the Monad – The Brain, Membrane, and Will of the Spoken Word
The Monad is represented in a geometric form as a sphere or circle with a dot in the center, symbolic of the inner expanding and extending to become the spatial sphere of the outer. The information of the core, germ, or brain expands equally in all directions and fills...
Personal Transformation – Breaking Perceptual Patterns by Learning the Lesson they Hold for You
All of what we traditionally refer to as karma comes out of our mental paradigm that forms our perception of the outer world and ourselves in relationship with it (as the creator of it) as a personal creation or variation of a more Universal theme. This imagined reality as...
Self-Awareness and Realization – All Knowledge can Only be Acquired through Direct Experience
To fully grasp this idea, wipe the slate clean of all preconceived ideas of good and bad, right and wrong, should or shouldn’t, and move into a space of simply observing and realizing what is. Be present in your experiences by giving your full attention to them while stepping...
The Dual Nature of Truth – The Relative and the Absolute
Truth, like all ideas that prevail within the material realm, is dual in nature. The entire material realm is formed by a universal (common) and personal (individual) aspect that are complementary in nature. These complementary aspects are separated from each other by degrees that that form a scale as...
DNA and Self-Creation – Programming Your Biocomputer through Linguistics, Imagined Thoughts, and Meaning
Scientists who were a part of what was called the ‘Genome Project’ (completed in 2003) made some rather interesting discoveries, one being that the greater part of our DNA (96-98%) is a form of biocomputer that records and utilizes our memories as a form of internal program that produces...
The Mind-Body Connection: Frequency, Sympathetic Resonance, and Coherence
The body and the mind exist in a polar relationship as passive and active aspects of the same frequency. The body serves as a passive receptor and vehicle for the mind, based on resonance. The mind is fundamentally non-local, and becomes located in the body as the entity that...
The Relationship of the Three Aspects of the Mind – The Art of Self-Creation
The primary law of the ‘3 in 1’, represented by the triad in Sacred Geometry, the Supernal in the Kabbalah, the Trinity in Christianity, and the 3 upper chakra’s of the subtle energy system of the body, is considered the primary law, because it’s inherent in every single aspect...
Self-Mastery: Mastering the Ability to Control and Direct your Thoughts and Attention
While knowledge as theory gives us the basis for practice, we only truly learn (live and earn) by bringing the knowledge into practice somehow in our daily life. We only truly know what we attain through direct experience and can willfully demonstrate as a part of our normal abilities...