The Eternal Nature of the Soul and the Illusion of Time and Space
In order to truly comprehend any idea, we have to start by defining the meaning of the terms being used to describe them. While we tend to think that words mean the same thing to everyone, this is never the case, so in order to form the model necessary...
Developing Clairvoyance – “Seeing the Spiritual World”
I often get asked if clairvoyance or intuition is something we can learn and develop in ourselves, or are we just born with the ability as a gift? And I usually reply . . . it’s both, it’s a natural faculty we’re all born with, that is usually chalked...
How We Set Our Vibratory Frequency – State of Mind, Thought, and Imagination
There are many ideas around how to create and determine our vibratory frequency, which forms the primary basis as a thematic pattern for all of our perceptions and life experiences, but probably the easiest way to do it is by gaining a firm understanding of the principles involved and...
The Art of Setting Goals and Manifesting Your Dreams
Setting goals and dreaming is one of the most primary ways we use our mind to create desired realities. While task oriented goals are relatively easy, as they only require us to direct our attention and perform remedial acts, producing entirely new experiences as realities requires more skill because...
The Nature of the Soul – The Kabbalah Tree of Life and the Process of Self-Creation
The Kabbalah Tree of Life provides us with a symbolic diagram for understanding the true nature of our soul and how we can consciously create ourselves through the understanding and utilization of universal laws. It’s created as a hierarchical structure of spheres of consciousness as states of mind (Monads)...
Soul Memory and the Journey of Self-Creation Through the Space-Time Continuum
The true nature of what we call time and space as “material reality” is elusive in the ultimate sense, yet quite obvious when we really look at how we form an experience of it. The problem tends to come when we imagine that both time and reality is something...
Intuition, the 3rd Eye, and the Pineal Gland – How We Receive Communication from Higher Planes of Existence
What we refer to as intuition comes to us in two basic ways and from two different planes. The most basic way comes from the material plane as a form of telepathic, horizontal transmission through the heart center that we experience as feelings and emotions that produce a realization...