Intuition, the 3rd Eye, and the Pineal Gland – How we Receive Communication from Higher Planes of Existence

What we refer to as intuition comes to us in two basic ways and from two different planes. The most basic way comes from the material plane as a form of telepathic, horizontal transmission through the heart center that we experience as feelings and emotions that produce a realization of some kind as a form of “knowing†(that doesn’t come from thinking). The other form comes as more of a vertical transmission of information from a higher plane through the third-eye, which is the subtle organ that corresponds to the pineal gland seated in the center of the brain. Transmission from a higher source usually comes as an inner voice (commanded by a higher authority) that’s translated into an image, imaginary reality as a scenario or mental impression, and is nearly always “original†in nature. Meaning it’s not generated by us out of our normal thoughts or existing memory, but comes as a deeper realization into things that we didn’t know or wasn’t aware of before. It tends to “show us things” we didn’t know before. It comes as ideas that pop into our mind out of nowhere as a form of inspiration or sudden realization, that can often be an answer to a question or something we were wondering about, that seems to be guiding us in finding the answer.

Intuition of the material plane is the same universal force that drives instinct, and is what gives animals their “6th sense†(6 associated to the 6th chakra of the 3rd- eye) and is what allows them to be aware of things that are invisible to the physical senses, and can only be “sensed†as an inner feeling that stimulates emotions, which produce automatic and natural behaviors without a thought process. Whereas intuition from a higher plane comes as a form of thought and mental impression that plants an idea in the imagination where it’s transformed into a living reality and provides us with new insights and means for inventing and creating material reality in a new and original way. You can easily recognize this form of intuition because it’s not an idea that you produced out of existing memories, or as a variation of something you already knew, but rather as showing you something that you weren’t aware of or able to see from your normal perspective. It comes as ideas that exist just outside of your mental paradigm that serve to expand and increase your awareness around an idea.

Mental connection to higher planes

Intuition from a higher source comes as an idea that enters your mind spontaneously (while in a receptive state), usually in response to a desire, question, or intention of some kind, and like a seed that’s planted in fertile ground, it begins growing as a harmonious and synchronistic unfolding that “reveals itself†to you while you simply observe it from a passive state. It forms a natural chain-of-association that connects a series of ideas by how they relate to each other. It forms mental impressions that reveal the true significance of things at a deeper level, that even when you can’t connect them to other ideas in your life in a logical and direct manner, you know there’s a reason they’re being shown to you. As you go through your day, it keeps popping into your mind by how it relates to other ordinary ideas that you encounter throughout the day.

Once it enters your mind as an imaginary experience, it doesn’t go away and only continues to grow and evolve, showing you deeper and deeper aspects of its significance, and you start noticing how it’s related or acting to guide you in other areas of your life. Sometimes it comes as distinct guidance, and at other times as simply showing you things that increase your self-awareness so you can make new decisions as a form of self-guidance. It’s always teaching you a new way perceiving that brings a whole new reality into play that has a kind of “magical quality†to it. It acts like a secret idea that’s been hidden within the ordinary reality around you that you never saw before. Yet once you’re able to “see itâ€, you immediately notice it in any situation in which it occurs or relates to.

These ideas as mental impressions continue to multiply and grow because you start getting notions about things, or you start noticing other ideas that are related to it that stand out or spontaneously come to mind. All transmissions come by way of an “accumulative effect†that begins growing an idea as a series of realizations that develops it through a continuous process of adaptation and modification in deeper and more significant ways. Certain ideas are “magnetic†in nature (alive) and when they come into your mind have an “attractive field†(electromagnetic field) that draws you deeper and deeper into them, while connecting you to the same idea in your environment. This is similar to the choreographer who carefully orchestrates how the bigger story (pattern) of your life unfolds and comes into being out of nowhere. The creative process for how an idea becomes the basis for experiencing reality.

Road to the Cosmos


Several years back I became imprinted with the number “44â€, which began through a simple conversation with a friend in regards to the significance of numbers that stand out to us in our environment. Once I was imprinted with the idea of 44 and 8, it began showing up in every area of my life where numbers were involved. While hiking one day, it began raining and I sought shelter under a rock outcropping while gazing at a beautiful mountain scene, smelling the fragrant air and the intoxicating energy that I was submerged in, a powerful feeling came over me and I saw myself in a mountain cabin, serene and peaceful, dedicating my time to writing, painting, and transforming my life situation. This came as a deep feeling of sensing myself fully within the experience of it, and I realized it was exactly what I really wanted to do, though I had no idea how I was going to do it, because the means wasn’t apparent at that time. But from that moment on it became a form of goal as an intention for creating that I continued to imagine as an experience.

I was getting ready to move out of my existing home, in which I was friends with my landlord, and casually expressed wanting to find a place in the mountains to live. He then commented on the fact that they owned a “vacation cabin†in an area of the mountains that was very secluded, approximately 50 to 60 miles away that sat on a small lake. I asked him for the address, but he didn’t know it off hand, and said he’d get back with me on it. So I decided to drive up to the area and look around to see if I liked it, with the thought that I might be able to figure out which cabin it was. As I got to the small town that it was just outside of, I stopped at the small gas station to get a map of the area and find the back roads that had lakes, which they all did, as the area was populated with several lakes and all the roads were dirt roads.

I randomly picked one to start with because it stood out in my mind, and as I drove down it I came up over a hill where there was a small lake, and saw a moose standing at the edge of the water. As I stopped to look at the moose, I saw several small cabins around the lake, one of which was directly behind the moose. So I decided to drive around the lake and look at the different cabins. As I drove along, I looked for addresses, which were difficult to find, and as I came up on the cabin that was directly behind the moose, I saw the address was “44â€. With this realization a deep sense of excitement came over me and I knew at that moment that it was the cabin I was going to live in. And of course it turned out to be the cabin my landlord owned and rented to me the next day.

Book of Life - karma of the soul

We’re Guided through our Life Dreams

Our dreams and life purpose come to us in much the same way. We have mental impressions as imaginary ideas born out of a strong feeling that’s magnetic in nature and always acting to draw us deeper and deeper into them. We feel a deep connection to and for certain ideas and we’re always imagining ourselves doing them as a form of daydreaming. Even when we can’t really see what they’re guiding us into, we are definitely aware that they serve as a form of navigation system for creating our life experiences. If we try to ignore them or give them up in favor of a different path, they never really die or go away, but continue instead to live inside of us. They remain alive in us as a deep and relentless longing for them, and we often “miss them†like a long lost lover whose memory aches in our bones. This is how destiny calls our name while biding time awaiting for our return.

These mental impressions are significant to us because they produce a strong emotional response in us that’s very compelling and attractive. They usually fill us with a sense of wonder, awe, and fascination. They act to invoke deep feelings of love in us and a strong desire for them. This is the experience of connecting with our self in the outer world, or as an idea that we naturally participate in and create our life experiences out of as a result. They entice us with a form of benevolent seduction because we awaken and become more alive in response to them. These ideas live in our heart and are grown with our mind, like seeds deep in the earth, laced with memories that seem distant, yet eerily familiar, stimulated by the warmth of the sun causing us to rise up to it with an innocent eagerness and playful enthusiasm. A seed, that once it sprouts, grows in us until it consumes us and we “become†by way of the experiences it brings. It’s the means through which we “become one with it†and create ourselves through the identity and path it provides as a clear purpose and direction for our life.

Tree of Life and the nature of the world

How we Receive Communication as Ideas from a Higher Plane

The Pineal gland is the only single-shaped endocrine gland that corresponds with the subtle organ of the “third-eyeâ€, and represents a “single vision†for our life as connected to our Divine source, in what has been called “God’s Will†for our life. When God’s Will as the will of our Higher Self, becomes our choice for our life’s path, a kind of “quickening†takes place in the sense that things manifest in a synchronistic fashion in a much shorter period of time. When we resist it, fear it, doubt it, or need guarantees in order to commit to following it, it torments us. It becomes the basis of our inner turmoil and robs us of our inner peace and deep sense of purpose, which is the true foundation to freedom and happiness.

God, as our Higher Self is always talking to us through a form of hypnotic suggestion as implanted mental impressions and ideas that are coupled with a natural love for them that makes them seem very compelling. They come through our subconscious mind in an automatic and immediate fashion and stand out as significant because of the emotions they invoke in us in response to them. It’s not guilt, fear, or intimidation, nor is it presented as what you “should doâ€, but comes as a knowing, a familiarity, and a natural love that seems to answer the question as a longing that lives inside of us, always beckoning us on, silently whispering our name, showing us where to go, and what to connect with in order to get there.

It doesn’t come through an outward source, although signs and messages that relate to it and seem to remind us of it do, but comes instead from an inside source. It comes as an idea that you recognize as being your true self, that’s a part of your true nature and what you’re perfectly designed to do. It comes through what you have a natural inclination towards. There are no agenda’s or expectations attached to it, just a gentleness that’s also firm and never wavers. It doesn’t speak to you not in another person’s voice, but silently in your own mind as your voice commanded by a higher and more divine source. It’s like a parent urging you on, or a lover extending their hand to you and gently leading you onto the dance floor where you flow together in a single motion. It’s an intimate and loving connection that you feel at one with. It’s a relationship with the Higher Aspect of yourself who always has your best interest in mind and only acts to teach you by increasing your awareness around things, allowing you to make better and more beneficial decisions for your life.

Gate to alternate dimensions

The Pineal is our physical antenna, transmitter and receiver from higher worlds of pure vibration. The transmission of information from higher planes comes as the potential for creating the realities of life, and is represented by mental imagery that’s coupled with a strong feeling sensation that acts to invoke a strong emotion in response to it. The mind as the “subtle body†operates the physical body through the Endocrine System through a form of “stimulus- responseâ€, or cause and effect.  The Pineal gland regulates “state†and produces a chain reaction with all the other Endocrine glands to produce and regulate the chemistry of the body to match the state of the mind.  Our state-of-mind is produced by whatever mental imagery we focus on and think about as an imaginary reality. All ideas from the Higher Plane come as archetypes (thematic ideas) with the inherent properties of sound and visual form and are translated into a plausible reality in the imagination of the individual acting to receive them.

The mental impression that’s formed becomes the pattern for creating a certain type of reality, and the emotion invoked in response to it is what connects us to that same idea in our external environment, and acts to attract it while simultaneously reorganizing the field of information around us to be of the same nature. We are connected to everyone and everything around us through emotions, which are connected to certain types of ideas and are what ignite and bring them to life. The 3rd-Eye and Pineal gland is how we receive ideas from higher realms as a form of vertical transmission that seeds the heart (and nervous system) with the feeling of that idea, producing a corresponding horizontal transmission that organizes and connects us with that same idea in everything around us. The ideas we get from the higher plane are expressed emotionally within our current situation, and connect us to others living out the same idea as a part of a greater dynamic that’s of the same or similar nature. The higher source of consciousness transmits through the subconscious mind, which is passive and receptive in nature, providing the “program†that serves to lead us into a specific idea as the fulfillment of our dreams and our true destiny.

Sacred Geometry

The Soul speaks to the Subconscious through Metaphor and Symbolic Ideas

This idea is represented by the capstone (Higher Self) of the “all-seeing eye†on the pyramid (triune mind) that’s actually an antenna and mirror that reveals the “micro and macro as being complementary opposites of the same thingâ€.  This idea is further symbolized by the equal armed cross. As above, so below, forms the vertical arm of the cross as information coming from the plane above, that sets the equivalent emotional frequency as a living (active) pattern (form), which transmits and receives information of the same emotional nature on the material or lateral plane. This transmission within the material plane is represented by the horizontal line of the cross, which intersects at the heart or center, and in Sacred Geometry by the Vesica Piscis of the Dyad as the “womb of the universeâ€, which expands and separates from itself as the Monad, then births reality out of the same qualities it shares in common with another to form a joint reality.

The higher mind, represented by the single point at the top of the triangle (3rd-eye as the unified mind), divides into polar opposites of itself as it descends into the lower plane of material reality as dual aspects – body and soul, subconscious and self-conscious, and inner and outer – and acts “on itself†in the lower plane by informing and programming the subconscious aspect of Itself. This primary form of mental programming comes as feelings and mental impressions that are of an internal and subtle source, yet strangely powerful, compared to the mental programming that comes from the outer world which is loud, often intense and obtrusive, and being formed out of multiple agendas all taking place simultaneously that only acts to awaken within us emotions and ideas of the same nature. Emotions are the language of the material plane and are of a universal nature, where we all experience them in pretty much the same way, whereas the thoughts we form in response to them are unique to us as the memories we formed while experiencing those same emotions.

The soul, which partakes in both the spiritual and the material world as the medium that ties them together, is what produces both the inner and the outer reality, which it then creates the illusion of having to “choose between†in terms of how it identifies with the reality of its own making and the experiences that naturally ensue out of its decision. If the soul mistakes itself for “being†the body, only sensing itself “as†the body, and lives life for the sake of material gain and the fulfillment of selfish desires, “building itself†out of the material plane, it “bonds itself†to the material body and “dies†(its identity) with the body. If the soul realizes it’s true identity as a spiritual being and answers the call of its destiny to serve the greater whole of humanity, and utilizes its ability to “create itself†by identifying instead with its higher self, then it builds itself according to spirit, and magnetizes itself to the spiritual plane. The soul itself exists as an “archetypal idea†that it creates of itself rather than an actual personality that’s limited to a specific body, time, and place. By releasing all attachments to the material plane as a means of creating its “sense of self†as something and someone specific, it resides in an immortal state and as a result transcends the death of the body.

6th chakra of the 3rd eye

The Nature of Conflict between Known and Unknown aspects of Ourselves

Our Pineal and corresponding third-eye is our transmitter and receiver to the higher realms of our true divine nature. We’re always being led through intuitive methods as subtle ideas that are superimposed over outer ideas revealing the true nature of things as an opposite and direct reflection of each other. They contrast with each other in order to define and bring clarity. Inner turmoil is designed to show us where we’re in “conflict with ourselves†between conscious and unconscious aspects that are working together to produce our experience of ourselves as a cohesive reality. It shows us where we’re having trouble making decisions, where there’s a contrast between the inner and the outer, between how we feel in contrast to the expectations of others that seem to contradict each other. Where we feel one way and know in very clear terms what we want to do, but feel afraid to do it because of the consequences it will render. Where self-doubt, sabotaging tendencies and beliefs seemingly prevent us from doing it, or we constantly talk ourselves out of it without ever actually taking action on it to create it.

Internal conflict is always showing us a choice that we’re having difficulty making, or where we think we’ve made a firm decision yet remain in a constant state of debating it by going back and forth. If we simply make the decisions we need to, the conflict ceases and we immediately move forward in creating the reality of our decision, though it may simultaneously act to set another one in motion. But if we don’t make the decision we know we need to make and we continue on the same path causing the inner turmoil, we just continue going back and forth, and act to torment ourselves through an anguish that’s self-inflicted and maintained in a habitual manner.

third eye and crown chakra

Pulling it all together

We’re always in the process of receiving, transforming, and transmitting information as imaginary ideas from multiple planes simultaneously through intuition. The higher and lower plane as a vertical transmission is polar in nature as complementary opposites, whereas the material plane as a horizontal transmission is sympathetic in nature. We can only receive a transmission from the higher plane while we’re in a passive and receptive state within the lower plane. All communication from our Higher Self comes through our subconscious mind, which exists in a constant passive and receptive state, and becomes known to us consciously through feelings, dreams, notions, mental impressions, sudden impulses, intuitive insights, enhanced awareness, and as an inner voice. The subconscious is what produces our perception of the outer world, and reflects the metaphorical idea it’s been seeded with as a projection onto the outer world where we often experience it through a form of coincidence and synchronistic unfolding that has a magical feeling around it, or as a realization around the inner nature of things.

When a transmission comes from a Higher Spiritual source, it comes as a feeling that contains a “whole idea†as an imaginary reality that serves as a metaphor that provides the programming necessary for producing it as an outer reality of the same or similar nature. All ideas are “original in natureâ€, and not “self-produced†from the personality of the body and the memories of our formative conditioning. As we form a comprehension of them they act to educate us as to the true nature of things in terms of how the spiritual is what’s always acting to create and animate the material world. They never make decisions for us, but act instead to bring us a deeper awareness around things that show us new ways of perceiving them, allowing us to make new and more intelligent decisions for our life. They come as a form of guidance that expands our awareness around whatever it is we’re asking or wondering about that dissolves our limitations which are always born out of an incorrect perception of ourselves.

Communication that’s telepathically transmitted from the lower, material plane comes as emotional charges of some form that only act to invoke memory, which was self-produced by our personality through how we were raised, and uses that memory as the means to create the present to be of the same idea as the past. Emotions produce automatic behaviors in us in exactly the same way instinct informs and creates automatic behaviors in animals. As we receive an emotional charge, we immediately reference and associate with a memory that was created out of the same emotional state and repeat the same behaviors in an instant and automatic fashion.

Speaking the world into existence

All thoughts that we telepathically tune into and act to receive within the material plane are a form of memory that’s been created by other humans at some point throughout history. As we form imaginary realities with a strong emotion associated with them, we imprint that memory on the ether, which is the same plane of information all of life is tied into within the lower plane as a form of recycled archetypes. We only have the ability to tune into and act as a receiver for the same type of thoughts born out of the same type of emotional states that we’re programmed with. It’s always our emotional state, and not our thoughts, that connect us to everything else within the material world.

When an idea as a imaginary thought comes from above, it’s always original in nature and acts to produce a unique form of reality that doesn’t stem from our current memories within our current body or personality. As the idea is turned into a reality by adapting it to our paradigm and current life situation, forming what you could call a symbolic idea as a “seed†(program), it’s brought down into the heart center of the subconscious (4th chakra) where it becomes sensational, and acts to invoke emotions (3rd chakra) that are arousing (2nd chakra) and produce our physical reality (1st chakra) as an equivalent outer experience of the inner reality that started in the imagination.

As it enters the heart, symbolic of the subconscious, it forms a horizontal transmission as a kind of gravitational field (electromagnetic field) and connects us to that same emotional reality in everything around us. The reality as a vibration has a self-organizing mechanism in it that acts to organize and configure the outer reality to metaphorically match the inner reality. We can receive transmissions from the material plane while in a fully active state with our conscious, thinking mind, whereas we can only receive communication from higher planes when we pacify the active aspect of our thinking mind. It’s only from a calm, peaceful, and meditative state that we’re able to be a “receiver†for communication from higher planes. This communication is prompted by prayer and “asking†for guidance of some kind, or from our normal state of wondering about something, which acts as a form of inquiry or request for more information as awareness.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Mind-Body Integrative Health Consultant, and Spiritual Mentor


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