Month: October 2017

Religion and the Sacred Sciences – Dogma, Individuality, and Intuitive Creativity

Probably the biggest difference between the terms religion (as its come to be known) and spirituality, is one of a group experience as opposed to allegories and analogies that have to be intuitively interpreted in order to see the laws that are operating within the stories that attempt to...

The Masculine and Feminine Principle of the Soul, Mind, and Body

 All spiritual ideas that represent laws and principles are conveyed in symbolic form as metaphors, analogies, and allegories that demonstrate the principles as creating in the material realm. The material world itself exists as symbolic form of the spiritual. The spiritual plane exists in a state of wholeness as...

Creativity – The Relationship Between Choice, Will, and Creating Reality

It doesn’t take long to realize that in life all things exist in relationship to each other. There’s really no such thing as an independent or solitary act. Everything comes as a result of something else, or as a synchronized series of events that play out over a period...

The Mark of the Beast – “666” and its Encoded Significance as a Mode of Operation

I began this idea through research I was doing on DNA transformation by studying the law associated with its geometric structure. DNA is composed mostly of Hexads (6) with linking Pentads (5). DNA transformation in a completely natural way involves the very operations indicated by its structure (and the...

How We Stay Stuck in Mental Patterns, and How to Transform Them

One of the most valuable things we can learn psychologically is to really tune into the nature of patterns. All of life operates by way of a dynamic interconnected system of patterns. Patterns are not only formed out of memory as habits or routines, but also out of how...
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