Intuition – Energetic Currents of Consciousness and the Synchronistic Flow of Spiritual Guidance

All of life at the energetic level flows in currents as frequencies. A frequency is formed by all information or ideas of a similar or corresponding nature being interconnected and one leads to another through a chain-of-association. Likewise, we all exist in an energetic frequency that naturally connects and forms a synchronistic flow with everything around us that’s of a similar nature to us. Our thoughts come naturally as a part of the current we exist as a part of, and are what serves to guide and direct our attention onto specific ideas. As we go through life within these currents we only notice, pay attention to, and interact with what’s of the same nature as we are. A frequency forms the inner nature of something that serves to animate it with a certain level and quality of consciousness. Our inner nature is a state as a condition that’s comprised of a series of fluctuating states as moods that form a range of vibration. This range of vibration as various moods that are all cohesive and coherent in nature together forms a frequency that flows as a current of energy and type of consciousness.

Whenever we concentrate all of our attention onto an idea, becoming fully present with it as an intimate imaginary process, we enter into the flow of that current and a form of spontaneous unfolding starts taking place where the idea takes on a life of its own and begins expanding into deeper aspects as insights of various sorts, and forms a chain-of-association with other ideas and it moves us along a synchronistic path that continuously expands on itself. One idea leads to another idea, which expands on it while leading to another, and next thing you know, after thoroughly investigating each one, you’ve acquired an extensive breath of knowledge around the idea. As an insight it formed around one aspect of a greater idea, a natural connection is made to other ideas of a similar nature that are correlated somehow. This synchronistic flow of ideas will lead to other ideas that you would have never thought of logically or if left to your own means.

Whenever we set an intention of some kind and become inquisitive in regards to it, we set a process into motion by seeking information about it, then give our full attention to it, concentrating on it, taking it in and assimilating it, seeding our mind and imagination with it in a single minded fashion, and we act to prompt the spontaneous unfolding of a dynamic matrix of correlated ideas. As we concentrate fully on an idea, our mind enters into and merges with it, penetrating its depths and we gain new insight into what previously went unknown. As we merge into and become one with an idea spiritually (mentally), we tap into its invisible aspect, and it begins revealing itself to us. Once it begins spontaneously unfolding within us, all we have to do is remain present with it and observe it while relinquishing all mental commentary and need to try and control it. If we try and explain it to ourselves as it’s revealing its hidden nature, we either influence it to match our preconceived notions about it, or we break the flow and it returns to a mundane status. In order to maintain the magical flow of the invisible world becoming knowable, we have to relinquish all thought about it and simply take an attitude of being entertained by it. We have to passively witness it without discrimination or imposing a belief on it.

energetic currents

This is the intuitive process that leads to all true creativity and original thought. The true power of the mind doesn’t come from our ability to generate our own thoughts about things, which are usually rehashing memories of various sorts, but rather from our ability to tune into the ideas that are already present in the ether all around us, and act to absorb them while letting them rise up within our mind and express as our inner imaginings. We tap into existing ideas as a current of information that comes as whole ideas that are connected to other ideas in a synchronistic fashion by resonating with them. All of life exists as a dynamic series or interrelated correspondences and analogies. All ideas originate as metaphors and archetypes, and lend themselves to an infinite number of unique variations based on how they enter into relationship with the individual mind perceiving them.

As we tune ourselves to a frequency by thinking about something in a concentrative, single minded manner, we calibrate ourselves to the frequency of that idea and we begin resonating with it all around us. Through resonance we tap into it energetically, and act as a receptor for it, that’s also an adapter. As we tune into ideas in our mind, which begins as memory regarding the idea, and begin thinking about it based on what we currently know about it, we start a process in motion that then takes on a life of its own. We vibrate at the frequency of the known aspects (which who knows if they’re even remotely accurate), and as we access that same idea in the ether (atmosphere) of the greater mind, it’s vibrating at a similar, though different vibration. As we merge with it (sympathetic induction), a process of adaptation and modification takes place where it’s adjusted to the theme of our paradigm, which is necessary in order for us to fully comprehend it, and it transforms into a congruent median between the two, and forms coherence as an altered vibration of both the original and the personal idea. All ideas that exist in Archetypal form are modified to form variations when they serve as an original idea at the personal level. All personal creations that came as a form of down load or spontaneous vision, are the result of an amalgamation. The blending of two different substances or vibratory frequencies that a combination of both. All reality as we’re capable of knowing it is a perception (creation) of our mind, is subjective in nature and a variable as a unique version produced by the formula of the combination (same principle that governs DNA in creating a new form).

As two ideas come together and merge into each other, forming what we scientifically call an interference pattern (Dyad), where the same idea interferes with itself as another similar idea, the elements they share in common are readily compatible and are amplified, emphasized, and increased, while the ones that contradict each other tend to cancel each other out and disappear (return to a dormant state). This forms a new variation of the same idea as a unique formula or altered vibration. As we merge into Archetypal ideas, or penetrate the surface of partially known ideas, we are constantly upgrading our ability to grasp and comprehend more and more complex aspects of it. Each time the idea is modified through the incorporation of new information, it sets the foundation at a higher level for the next incorporation. The more and more we study and concentrate on ideas, the more capable we become of comprehending those ideas with great depth and diversity. We literally raise our vibration in steady increments through the constant integration of more in-depth information only obtained from entering into the flow of that idea through deep concentrative states.

Crown chakra and our connection to our higher power

When we study on a daily or regular basis and dedicate a fair amount of time to the pursuit of knowledge through deep concentration, our study takes on a life of its own as a synchronistic flow that leads us along a path of discovery. As we think, merge into and concentrate our attention, ideas form in our imagination and we begin seeing them from very different perspectives, each of which affords us greater and greater insights into the idea that broadens our ability to perceive it in a fully holistic and unified manner. As we think deeply about something while imagining it as a concept or internal representation of reality, we automatically form associations to other ideas that provide us with a path of continued study as a synchronistic flow. One idea fully realized, naturally leads to another, or in order to fully realize one idea we have to incorporate many interrelated ideas because of the magnitude of its scope and the vastness of its implications and possible applications. Nowhere is this truer than when studying universal laws, which of course is the true basis of all knowledge.

By entering into the flow of life and the ideas that make up life, and pursuing a life of continuous growth and development as the acquisition of knowledge that’s available all around us, we enter into a magical process of intuitive synchronicity. When we use our mind in the way that its designed and meant to be used, and we nurture the fire within us that yearns and longs to know and create, and we give our full attention to ideas that we feel a deep and natural connection to, we step into a magical flow that ushers us along through a state of fascination, wonder, and awe. As we merge into and act as the host for living ideas to dance and unfold joyously before us, filled with feelings of reverence and euphoria while watching them, we form a natural love and devotion for the experience they provide us with. When we really begin comprehending the true nature of life, and how even the smallest and seemingly insignificant phenomena is a magical and miraculous event, it fills us with an indescribable form of joy that makes us want to sing and rejoice while marveling at its intoxicating beauty.


Anytime we become fully present, form a purely passive and receptive state of mind while giving our full attention to something, subduing all mental commentary as internal dialogue, and allow an idea to enter into and consume our imagination while calmly witnessing it, allowing it to spontaneously unfold and reveal itself to us in terms of its hidden and invisible nature, we acquire the knowledge of it through a purely intuitive manner as the direct experience of it. In this way we can absorb things and comprehend them through the experience of them that we can’t explain, which means it doesn’t come as a result of our mental model of self-generated thoughts, but exists as real outside of our model. Through the experience of it, it’s naturally integrated into our model, upgrading it through the incorporation. As we experience something that’s not produced by us, and it serves to modify our mental model of the world, it becomes a part of all our basic and natural perceptions. Once we’re able to form a perception of something that we weren’t able to before, we readily and naturally perceive it from that point on. A kind of shift takes place as the modification of our perceptual lens and filters. Once an idea is integrated into our mind, it becomes a permanent part of us and our perception of reality, because our mind is what produces our reality.

The way to spontaneously obtain knowledge of a higher form (universal) and develop our ability to enter into a meditative, trance-like state of passive awareness, is to become present without any distractions or a divided mind, and concentrate solely on an idea in a single minded fashion. Allow the idea to rise up in your imagination while subduing all resistance or mental commentary and narrative, let go of all needs and attachments regarding the idea (beliefs), and start the flow by thinking about it in regards to what you currently know. Feel yourself enter into the magnetic current of the idea as merging with and into it, and allow it to take on a life of its own, being and doing whatever it wants to be and do, and simply observe it from a passive and fully relaxed state. Don’t try to change it or need it to be something specific, just let it reveal itself to you in its own terms while allowing a natural chain-of-association to take place as a dynamic series of interrelated ideas of the same nature. Give yourself over to be a neutral and free-flowing channel for the idea to express through. Then as you begin slowly breaking your concentration and coming back to a mentally active state, think about it as a way of retaining it. Just as moving from a dream state to awakened one, as we change states we often forget or have trouble remembering what we comprehended about that idea while in that state. I usually write it down, draw, and develop it a bit as a way of retaining it with full awareness so I can apply it somehow in my life to create by way of it.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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