Month: February 2017

Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity and the Universal Law of the Triad

Tesla’s fascination with 3, 6, and 9, was due to the Laws they Represented What many people don’t realize about Tesla and his method of conceiving ideas, is that he had a very pronounced understanding of the Universal Laws that govern the universe and all of life and always...

The Nature of Emotions and How to Consciously Work with Them

 Illusions are Born out of the Realities we Create While in Emotional States In order to work with something consciously and intentionally, we have to be able to conceptualize it in a way that allows us to gain a working understanding of it. It’s only when we understand how...

Mastering Your Will to Accomplish Goals – Thought, Desire, Imagination, and Action

“Harmony and Alignment is the Key to Creating” Many times we set goals for ourselves as a means of self-development, lifestyle change, or improving our life conditions, where we start off with a feeling of determination and will power, only to have it fade, weaken, and give up relatively...

How to Not be Affected by Others – Learning How to See Things as They Really Are

All Perception is Perceiving Ourselves on a Greater Level One of the greatest powers we can learn in life is how to gain full control over ourselves and our perception of others. By becoming aware of how we form perceptions, and act to create our experiences, we can simultaneously...

Spiritual DNA – Our Souls Signature for Creating Reality

Physical DNA operates not only according to the same laws that govern all of life on the physical plane, but also to the laws of the spiritual or energetic realm of the mind. Not the mind as a product of brain function, as many people believe, but the mind...

Spiritual DNA, the Soul’s Code, and the Subconscious Mind

As humans we have what we can think of as a three-fold nature formed out of three aspects of the mind and soul operating in one body, which merely acts as the vehicle or instrument of the mind. Our mind is what serves to initially construct our body as...

Vibratory Scale, Planes of Existence, and Parallel Dimensions

Vibration is energy that moves in a circular, spiraling motion between two poles that are electric (positive) and magnetic (negative). The spiraling motion of vibration is created from the dual nature of energy known in scientific terms as polarity or electromagnetism, and in spiritual traditions as the dance between...

Resolving the Imaginary Controversy Between Science and Religion

Is God and Nature Different Ideas? Though science and religion seem posed against each other throughout our modern day society, in ancient societies they actually originated as the same thing. These ideas are now separated only by the onslaught of what we have come to call religion and science,...
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