Year: 2016

Conscious Relationships that Serve Your Spiritual Development

 Spiritual Sciences, which is all about personal growth and development, doesn’t view the idea of relationships in the same way that many other spiritual or religious traditions do. Being of a scientific nature, it looks more at the true nature of relationships, and what they serve to produce in...

Thought, Self-Creation, and the Nature of Karma

  Karma is the Habituated State of Mind that Forms all of Our Perceptions Many people believe that karma is something that’s incurred only through actions of some kind, or that it’s okay to think about something as long as you don’t actually “do” anything. Pure thought is subtle...

The Dark Night of the Soul – Personal Crisis and the Process of Personal Transformation

Personal Transformation, which is often referred to in spiritual texts as ‘Alchemy’, and in Biblical texts as redemption, is described as a thinning, sorting, and filtering process of calcification, dissolution, distillation, coagulation and so on, as the process necessary to separate out all contaminates and impurities, and restoring the...

God, Karma, and the Nature of Free Will

 Many of us have been taught to believe that God exists as a created, thinking being that acts willfully in our life to produce outer effects that ultimately either causes our pain and suffering or can alleviate it, forming the idea that we’re somehow being punished or rewarded for...

The Spiritual Nature of the Heart – The Seat of the Lower Soul

 While many perceive the heart as being the spiritual center of the body and the aspect where divine knowledge is received and processed by the body, this is not an entirely accurate model, and is the result of misinterpretation of various sorts. In order to look at this from...

Thought and Emotion – the Masculine and Feminine Energies and the Elements

Thought and emotion exist on different planes a part from each other, yet always interactive on the lower, material plane of manifested reality. They combine as form and motivation, and together produce material reality as their offspring. In Sacred Geometry, thought and emotion form the Dyad as the parental...

Soul Evolution – Finding the Lesson in Life Events

Most of us realize that the conditions, circumstances and events of our life contain lessons for us to learn in some way because they act on us to grow and develop us by how we interact and react to them. This usually starts with our initial conditioning which lays...

Forgiveness – The Key to Spiritual Healing

 The most basic principle that’s operating all the time, in every aspect of life, is that whatever we blend with energetically” (mentally, emotionally, or physically) we “take on” and integrate as a form of “shared” consciousness. We usually take on other people’s energy due to the fact that it...

Energetic Entanglement – Relationships that Span Multiple Dimensions

 Defining the Relationship between our Higher Self and Lower Self Entanglement represents a law that’s prevalent at the primary level of reality, and like all laws, describes the behavior and relationship going on in every area of life. Matter as particles are composed of even smaller units known as...
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