Vibration as Patterns of Energy – Fractal Patterns and the Soul’s Personal Signature for Creating
Perception is Reality The nature of vibration is a sound frequency that shapes light into imagery and living ideas as potential scenarios. Vibration forms geometric patterns which structure the material world at the subatomic level. DNA, blood, and body tissue, for example, are formed out of pentagons and hexagons...
The Vibratory Structure of the Mind – Transforming your Mind Through Self-Realization
Our Mind is always Absorbing and Digesting the Consciousness Around Us In order to understand how to grow and develop our mind, we have to get a thorough understanding of the vibratory structure of the mind and how it operates according to this structure. The most fundamental Law that...
Vibration, Mental Projection, and Creating New Versions of Reality
The Vibratory Frequency of the Mind Exists as a Paradigm that Shapes our Experience of Reality The state of mind that we exist in as a form of mood, determines our attitude, perspective, and the emotional theme we use as a filtering system in forming our fundamental perceptions, experiences,...
The Intuitive Interpretation of Subtle Energy – How to Read Energy
All Senses are Interchangeable In order to understand this idea, we have to first realize the relationship between what we call material reality and the mind, or the invisible consciousness that’s always perceiving and interacting with itself within the material world. Our physical senses; sight, sound, touch, smell, and...
A New Way of Understanding the True Nature of the Subconscious Mind
We Exist in a Primary State of Self-Hypnosis where we Self-Create and Form all of our Life Experiences The most basic principle governing the mind (and energy) is the idea of one entity existing in three fundamental aspects. The mind of an individual exists in what we call 3...
Meditation – The Acquisition of Knowledge and Penetrating Deeper Levels of Reality
Learning how to Exercise the Powers of our own Mind When we use the term meditation, who knows exactly what it means, because like all words and ideas it means different things to different people. Some perceive it as stopping all thought as internal dialogue or calming the talking...
The Nature of Personal Illusions and the Minds Ability to Shape Reality
Our Mind is always Generating our Personal Reality . . . . While many people have heard of the spiritual concept of Maya, or the minds ability to make up false realities that it then lives out of as though they’re real, we tend to think that this idea...