Month: August 2015

A New Way of Thinking and Perceiving – Everything is Conscious Energy

Matter is Various Forms of Consciousness How we look at things and the model we view them through as a means of attempting to understand them, determines what we see as a result. By looking at the world with new eyes, we experience everything in a brand new way....

Love, Equilibrium, and the Power of the Imagination

The Law of the Hexad Sacred Geometry represents universal laws that shape and govern multiple interlaced dimensions of the spirit (invisible forces), soul (formed consciousness), and matter (ethereal substance). Each geometric shape or configuration, like all symbolic imagery used in Spiritual Sciences, represents a relationship and requires each individual...

The Unified Theory and the Law of the Mind

 While science tends to say that it still hasn’t discovered a theory that unifies everything, or the single law of Nature with which all natural phenomena can be accurately assessed without exception, its as if it fails to recognize that the “mind” is what makes the perception of all...

Fate, Astrology, and the Seven Archons of the Material Plane

The material realm of the Earth is governed primarily by the subconscious aspect of the mind, which is the aspects that governs all of Nature and the animal kingdom as the instinctual field of mass consciousness, or what some think of as the collective unconscious. This field of intelligent...

Consciousness, Perception, and the Nature of Experience

When we look at the true powers of the mind and what’s actually happening in terms of our ordinary experiences, we can see the mysterious forces at work all around us and being used, often without our awareness by us. What we call perception is directed consciousness that enters...

Changing Your Vibration Through the Law of Polarity and Cultivating the Art of Attention

Our vibration is our mood or mental state that’s determined by or comes as the expression of feelings, moods, emotions, and behaviors. Whatever we focus on, give our attention to, and think about, modifies our state accordingly. Our will naturally directs our attention, and whatever we place our attention...

The Taoist Philosophy – Principle of Action Through Non-action

The Taoist philosophy focuses on principles that provide the basis for self-mastery. While many feel somewhat confused by how the Taoists state things, and believe that it’s not logical in nature, and while that may be true, what it’s really doing is stating something from a perspective that most...

Karma – The Golden Rule and the Law of Ethical Causation and Impartial Justice

Karma is a major component of Eastern Philosophies and Ancient Wisdom, all of which include as a foundation the idea of reincarnation and the eternal nature of the soul within the timeless realm of consciousness that exists in multiple levels and varying degrees simultaneously. While many people grasp the...

The Power of Focus and Attention – Learning How to Operate Your Own Mind

Whatever we give Attention to, we bring to Life Inside of Us One of the primary principles of the mind is that energy follows and flows into thought. Whatever we focus our attention on and think about, we form an image of by imagining it.  As we think and...