Month: March 2015

The Transformative Power of Relationships and How to Create Healthy Ones

Of all the areas of our life that effect us the deepest and with the greatest range of possibilities, our relationships rate the highest. This is true not only in our relationships with other people, but more importantly, in our relationship with ourselves. The relationship we form with ourselves...

Light and Dark Forces – The Illusion of Good and Evil and the Balance of Life

Light, which is often portrayed as white is in reality, invisible. What makes light visible as an illumination is an effect of the elements where photons (light particles) are either reflected off particles and form the colors they reflect, or photons are absorbed into matter and remain invisible, or...

Creating Good Health is not Rocket Science – “The Art of a Healthy Diet”

It’s interesting that the idea of creating good health or being healthy is often perceived as difficult to do. This is probably due largely to the fact that much of our food supply is artificial, processed and loaded with unnatural chemicals, or is a strategic composition of products designed...

The Tetragrammaton – The Sacred Name of God

In sacred geometry, all ideas are represented by a geometric shape (the chemical structure of the physical world) or composite image as a “formula of information” that’s very dynamic in nature because each shape represents a principle and each composite image a relationship. All “ideas” exist originally in a...

Psychology: Understanding the Power of Emotions

“Emotions are Altered States that Project Whole Realities” Many of us realize to some extent the powerful effect emotions have on us in our daily lives, but because we get caught up in the intensity of the emotions we’re experiencing, and begin living and creating out of them, we...

Change – “Innovative Thinking & Re-imagining”

When times change in the general sense of market trends and methods of doing business, businesses must take an attitude of evolving their business models, services and general operations to conform to the changing needs of society. When change occurs at a community, national, cultural or global level, companies...

Intuition – The Synthesizing Faculty of the Mind

Many people ask what is intuition exactly, and how do you know if you have it? In order to use something as a tool or consciously engage in it, we have to have a fundamental working understanding of how it operates in our lives while simultaneously permeating and influencing...
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