Year: 2014

Soul Essence – “Patterns of Potentiality”

One of ways we can understand the Soul, is as an energetic patterning that exists in its potential form. It is comprised of latent potential that is naturally awakened partially during our formative years through our conditioning, while other potential remains latent and must be awakened intentionally through deliberate...

The Nature of the Monad – “The Primary Law of the Mind for Self-Creating”

The Monad can be thought of as a sphere of consciousness that’s energetically charged (programmed) with specific types of information as its potential for expression as a process of growth and development. The Monad represents a mind-field as a morphogenic field that flows in an electromagnetic toroidal pattern that’s...

Archetypes – “Universal Themes that Form Individual Expression”

Once we fully understand the nature of what we call archetypes we can immediately understand how powerful they are as creative tools. An archetype is what we call an original universal pattern or model from which things of the same kind are copied or fashioned – a kind of...

4 Steps to Getting What You Want

While we entertain the idea of success as getting what we want requiring long and elaborate schemes and strategies to achieve, in reality, it only requires four basic steps. If you do these four steps, you can achieve anything you set out to achieve. 4 steps to success: 1)...

New Years Resolution: Reflecting on Your Life

Reflecting on your Life . . . . . . . With the new year coming, and feeling the energetic effects of the winter solstice which is magnetic, withdrawing energy from the outer world back into itself for germination and incubation, we have a natural tendency to reflect back...

Symbolic Imagery of Dreams – “Understanding the Metaphorical Language of Law”

Often what confuses us when we’re attempting to interpret symbolic imagery and metaphor of various forms, is that we’ve been taught that it’s the spiritual realm that exists as symbolic to the physical realm. Yet in reality, exactly the opposite is true. The physical realm exists as the symbols...

2 Forgotten Healing Herbs of Christmas

(skin balm recipe included!) Posted by Nick Polizzi We’re eight days away from Christmas and the team and I have been busy unraveling some of the medical mysteries associated with this ancient midwinter tradition. Tucked quietly into many of the world’s most celebrated holidays are hidden codes, sacred symbolism,...

Spiritual Healing – “Life Crisis Transforms Us”

When we ask the question what is spiritual healing, while all spiritual ideas are dynamic and multi-dimensional (have layered meaning), we would have to first begin by bringing definition to the terms being used as ideas that imply the processes involved in working intentionally with them through awareness. Human...

The True Nature of Healing

“Transformation that Evolves Us to a Higher Level of Creativity” Personal transformation is when we take something that has fully manifest in the physical realm, and return it a fluid like creativity. When we stop growing and become stuck in repetitive dramas as life patterns, we stop evolving, and...