Tag: transformation

“13” – The Principle of Death, Regeneration, and Birth

There’s probably no number or idea that has been consistently misinterpreted to instill fear as a misunderstanding of the principle involved than this one. Yet by examining the occult meaning of this number we can gain a new understanding of the universal law it represents as the means of...

Humility, Shedding the False Ego, and the True Path of Liberation

There always seems to be a strange kind of reality around ideas that exist as a form of paradox that breeds constant illusions as misunderstandings produced through incorrect interpretations. What’s commonly referred to as ‘shedding our ego’, or experiences that come as the ‘death’ of the ego, can seem...

Self-Creation and the Art of Modeling

One of the most fundamental ways we can develop certain qualities and ways of being in ourselves is by modeling others who actively demonstrate those qualities. We all know this as children where it comes naturally by pretending to be like our favorite characters and heroes, and as teenagers...

“12” – The Initiate, the Great Work, and the True meaning of Self-Sacrifice

In the occult sciences all single numbers (0-9) represent laws, while all composite numbers represent formulas as processes and the laws that need to be skillfully utilized in order to do them. Numbers provide us with mathematical formulas as philosophical relationships necessary for creating, all we have to do...

The Secret to the Subconscious and Willful Creation

One of the things that can make creating in a deliberate and willful manner confusing is that we’re always using one aspect of our mind to direct and command another aspect, both of which speak a different language and work by different means to create what we experience as...

How we Progress as a Soul through Employing Higher Knowledge

Our true spiritual development can seem a bit elusive because we’re often not clear on the difference between acquiring knowledge in its theoretical form and bringing it into practice as a means of “creating ourselves†by way of it. Many people can discuss what we can think of as...

Meditation, Self-Realization, and Transcending the Illusion of Reality

While many people approach the idea of meditation as a method of some kind that’s designed to produce a predictable effect, and believe there are only certain ways to “truly meditateâ€, the fact may be that it’s a process through which we train our mind to step outside of...

Becoming Self-Aware and Learning how to Resolve your Own Issues

One of the most primary ways we have of becoming aware of our own unconscious tendencies formed through our formative conditioning is by realizing that the outer world (and other people) exist in polarity with us and are always acting to show us parts of our self that can...

Understanding the Psychological Basis of our Spiritual Quest

       One of the most fundamental truths that we need to honestly comprehend in order to learn how to consciously create our self and our life, is in realizing the true relationship between the mind and body. While there’s a fundamental misconception that the body somehow gives rise to...

Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Personal Growth

As a kid growing up, I was born into a very challenging life. My mom was a single mother with five kids, one of which was mentally retarded, my father was a severe alcoholic who became very abusive at times, and we were on welfare. We lived in a...