The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens
Every biological life-form there is has both a physical form and an invisible energy field (soul or mind) that’s also known as it’s etheric-double or mirror image that serves to “inform” and animate it with a specific set of instinctual behaviors and tendencies. The material body is formed out...
Energy Practitioners: Working with Subtle Energy as Consciousness
Feeling, Thought, Emotion, and Vibratory Frequency The thrust of Energy Medicine has gotten off to a slow start that has often been sidetracked with endless practices that are born out of a skewed knowledge and understanding of law in terms of how invisible forces produce visible (material) effects. The...
Vibratory Scale, Planes of Existence, and Parallel Dimensions
Vibration is energy that moves in a circular, spiraling motion between two poles that are electric (positive) and magnetic (negative). The spiraling motion of vibration is created from the dual nature of energy known in scientific terms as polarity or electromagnetism, and in spiritual traditions as the dance between...
The Soul as the Subconscious Mind and the Holographic Nature of Reality
The mind exists in a unified state that’s intrinsically dual or polarized in nature. It exists in a paradoxical state as being both local, or located within a particular situation, and non-local, or residing outside of the same situation, at the same time. It resides simultaneously as both a...
The Axis Mundi – Black Holes, Wormholes, and Stargates to Parallel Dimensions
Throughout Spiritual Sciences the Axis Mundi has been portrayed as a tunnel or portal that connects higher dimensions to lower dimensions, or Heaven and Earth. This concept of a portal between dimensions has also been called the cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar, center of the world, world tree,...
What is the Mind?
There’s a tendency to refer to what we call the mind as being equivalent to the brain, or the heart, or some invisible undefined term that encompasses them both. If we look at the mind through the concept of Spiritual Sciences and the Quantum model of Subtle energy, we...
Subtle Energy and the Energetic Nature of the Mind
Our body has an energetic structure as well as a physical one. This energetic structure is often referred to as the subtle body or etheric body that’s a form of double our twin to the physical body. Energy can move into and through matter, and is not formed like...
The 4 Elements – The Etheric Body and the Nature of Memory
While there are many ways to look at what’s referred to as the 4 Elements, which represent the material realm, one of it’s most primary interpretations is as the very substance of what we think of as the material world as the experience produced by the mind that becomes...
A New Way of Thinking and Perceiving – Everything is Conscious Energy
Matter is Various Forms of Consciousness How we look at things and the model we view them through as a means of attempting to understand them, determines what we see as a result. By looking at the world with new eyes, we experience everything in a brand new way....
Energy Medicine – Working with Energy Through an Understanding of Polarity
Sympathies and Antipathies are Passive and Active Forces that Form and Transform Physical Manifestations The most fundamental law of growth and development come through the interaction of passive and active forces as attraction and repulsion, compliance and resistance. Whatever we become a part of as a relationship of some...