Energy Practitioners: Working with Subtle Energy as Consciousness
Feeling, Thought, Emotion, and Vibratory Frequency
The thrust of Energy Medicine has gotten off to a slow start that has often been sidetracked with endless practices that are born out of a skewed knowledge and understanding of law in terms of how invisible forces produce visible (material) effects. The problem is further compounded by the failure to grasp the true nature of what we call energy as it pertains to human psychology and the physical body. Just as there’s confusion around the difference between the mind and brain, and consciousness and the mind, there’s no accurate distinction made between the spirit and the soul, or the spirit-soul and the body. Because of basic errors made in in the perception of it as the paradigm used for understanding it, practices that have been developed to work with it in a creative and healing way, have been largely ineffective, and in some cases even harmful.
One of the most basic forms of ignorance comes from approaching invisible forces as subtle energy through the same laws that govern material manifestation, or approaching it from the perspective that subtle energy can be manipulated and controlled or redirected using the physical conduit through which it flows, meaning that the material body produces and is in a causal relationship with consciousness itself, and literally produces or generates it. This idea is a fundamental error in thinking, and like all premises that are formed out of an error, everything that evolves out of it is a reflection and by-product of that same error. The body doesn’t produce consciousness, it merely acts as a vehicle or instrument for it. The Subtle realm of conscious energy exists in polarity (the active life-force that inhabits a passive body) to the gross realm and operates according to opposite laws that are complementary in nature (electromagnetism), and act together through the relationship they form to produce a coherent reality.

The consciousness of the body, exists as the mind (soul) which is an individualized composite built up through an accumulative process, that first produces its physical equivalent as a material reality that provides it with an experience that’s formed into a memory by how it’s interpreted to have meaning, which is of the same nature as the mind that’s producing it, and is integrated into the vibratory structure of the mind, updating or developing it as a paradigm or mental model. This law of self-expression that produces physical realities as projections that superimpose patterns over the external, outer world, called our perceptual lens, reorganizes matter into a composition that matches it as an outer expression of an inner feeling.
Subtle energy, which penetrates the body (moves into and through it), while also existing outside and separate from it, is felt in the body as feeling sensations, that are actually stimulating various parts (endocrine glands and major organs) of the body forming a corresponding state, by saturating the body with the chemical equivalent of the vibratory frequency. Subtle energy is consciousness that has accumulated into an individual pattern as a model that resonates with the body, organizing it at the molecular level to form an analogous expression as the physical equivalent of the quality of consciousness itself, forming and determining the energetic state and health of the body.

In order to heal the body and change how it’s being stimulated and organized, we have to work directly with the individual consciousness as their psychology. Their psychology is the expression of their mind as their soul, which functions in a certain way as self-expression that simultaneously self-creates. A persons psychology, formed primarily of values, beliefs, memory, conditioning, preferences, tendencies, temperament, disposition, and so on, as their mental paradigm, forms their perceptions and behaviors as their personality, lifestyle, and habitual routines that create and regulate their health and emotional well-being as a natural by-product of how they care for themselves and conduct their life. So anything that’s of the body, originates through the active and inactive forces of the mind. The material body is the passive receptor of the consciousness of the mind that forms (and reforms) it while operating through it as it. The mind is causal and the body is the effect. We cannot work with the effect as a means of changing the cause. We have to always work with the cause to alter and transform the effect it produces as its opposite, yet equivalent counterpart. In this way we can realize that all physical manifestations of the body are psychosomatic in nature (whether unconscious or conscious) and the product of the soul-mind that organizes and operates it.
Physical Manipulation and Emotional Release:
Many of what we call energy practitioners (which have no defined criteria for the title itself) works almost exclusively through various forms of physical manipulation (massage, pounding or slapping, tapping, stretching, hands on, electrical frequencies, vibration, etc.) designed to release pent up energy held in various parts of the body as tension, inhibited energy flow, and stress, believing or professing that it’s and energetic cure, without ever seeming to realize that the mental complex that produced it to begin with, simply reforms it. So while there may be a temporary relief, it’s often short lived and is simply recreated and reestablished as an energy block, congestion, or concentration by the mental complex that produced it in the first place. Because this approach doesn’t produce a lasting effect it’s not considered evidence based medicine, and is therefore labeled pseudoscience. This is the equivalent of the Sorcerer and the Magician, where the Sorcerer hasn’t taken the time or put forth the effort to acquire real knowledge of the craft, to be able to manipulate matter using the mind, and instead tries to manipulate the mind using the body. They go through the motion while never employing any real science.

Anytime an energy block is opened and cleared, it’s experienced as an emotional release. We experience a simultaneous emotional change that’s the result of releasing the tension held in a certain part of the body. Emotions of any kind, but particularly negative emotions, produce tension in various parts of the body. The emotional release isn’t the healing itself, but rather provides us with the pathway that connects the thought as a memory, stored within the body as the emotion of the memory. Emotions are always connected to thoughts as the memory of the thought held in the body. These memories, often called mental complexes, represent whole patterns as a universal theme (archetype) used to create a personalized experience of the same nature, converting it into a personal memory of some form. By identifying the emotion of the energetic tension held within the body, we can identify the corresponding thought process as memories of some sort causing it.
By working with the psychological aspect as the thematic thought process married to the emotion as the physical response to our own internal perceptions, we can break the pattern of the thoughts by transforming or re-experiencing the memory itself. Memories as perceptions that contain certain type of thoughts and emotions as a story-line of some sort, program our subconscious mind by giving it a prototype or template for producing the physical equivalent. Emotions are the chemical components of our thoughts. Thoughts produce a chain of association that simultaneously stimulates (produces and electrical charge as a messenger) the chakra system, nervous system, and endocrine system of the body manufacturing the hormones that alter the body’s state to match the mind, while regulating all functions of the body through the chemical messengers as in-forming the body. Emotions not only produce our behaviors, but alters how our whole biological system works.

The true basis of Energy Medicine is exactly correlated with the ancient practice of Alchemy as Personal Transformation that works on the body to reconstitute it through the mind. By working with the mind, we can change our perception, beliefs as thematic patterns, our emotional states, the chemistry that alters our molecular structure, and change how the biological system of the body expresses and functions. The mind produces the chain-of-association that results in distinct behaviors, lifestyle, and physical condition of the body. All of this is done without ever addressing or working directly with the body itself, but rather using it for what it actually is . . . a feedback loop as to the hidden structure of the mind producing and maintaining it.
This is why Allopathic Medicine fails in the most basic sense to heal illness and disease, and Alternative methods are falling into the same tendency. Because they work by way of the body, which is simply the end result of a much more subtle process. Conventional medicine, which can have a tendency to produce more problems than it solves, fails to appreciate the true power of the mind and creative spirit as the invisible conscious forces of which the body acts as a mere vehicle for. They work through the fundamental error that the body produces consciousness, because they fail to recognize or even understand in the most basic sense what consciousness is, let alone how it operates.

Medicine of all forms has unfortunately fallen into the same realm as material science and often doesn’t even address or acknowledge the much greater aspect of what we call material reality that’s purely invisible, yet holds together and organizes matter into patterns that have distinct behaviors inherent in them along with a timing mechanism as a growth process based on accumulation and integration of information as memory that literally modifies and reforms the material body through the mysterious and unconscious process of cellular regeneration. By working with the invisible forces of consciousness and the individual mind, we can change the state and organization of the body, changing the nature of its molecular form, biological function, and genetic expression.
Consciousness in the most primary sense of the human mind, which is a smaller scale version of the group, species, world, and universal mind, serves to form our thoughts, which exist independent of the body and act as the energetic charge or messenger that operates the nervous system of the body. Feelings as vibratory frequencies form thoughts as coherence between the heart and brain, which serve to stimulate the subtle energy system of the body producing emotions in response to our thoughts as the chemical equivalent. Emotions are experienced as tension in the body that’s located in different spots, and is referred to as producing energetic congestion or blocks that prevent a relaxed and free flow of energy within the entire subtle / physical body. The subtle body is what regulates the physical body as a bridge between the mind and body.

Our emotional states tend to be caused by mental complexes as patterns that form behavioral dynamics by altering and regulating the chemistry of the body. Our thoughts (ideas we run through our mind) produce an energetic stimulus (sensation) in the parts of the body that correspond and are correlated to the thoughts (chakra and endocrine system) which produce the chemistry (hormone) of the thought as emotion. Emotions alter the state and condition of the body to match the thought, and are how thoughts first enter fully into and manifest in the material realm as a reality by how it not only forms, but also operates matter through behaviors that act out (express) the idea of the thought. Repeated stimulus as thoughts and emotions that we dwell in and continue to maintain over an extended period of time form tension in the body as energetic congestion that form blocks, and eventually manifest as a physical malady of some sort. We can tell the nature of the thought producing it based on what part and organ of the body it manifests in. Thoughts that produce distinct emotions are consistently felt in specific parts of the body.
So to relax tension in the body as an emotional release, opening up and restoring the energetic flow within the subtle body to a harmonious state, tends to only produce a temporary affect, because the consciousness (vibratory frequency) of the mind, in a relatively short period of time, simply reforms the tension as a complex or pattern. All vibration as subtle and conscious energy acts to organize matter into patterns through a form of tension, which takes on natural functions and behaviors. Form which produces a system, always indicates the functions, operations, and behaviors it naturally takes on. So whatever form (material substance) is shaped and held together through energetic tension (mental complex), expresses in very distinct ways as creative and biological processes. The cause of all material manifestation is a product of the mind as the consciousness of the body. In order to permanently change the energetic expression of a system, and therefore how it forms and functions, we have to change the nature of the consciousness responsible for forming and animating it.

Vibration as a feeling contains within it an idea (pattern) in its latent form as an archetype or universal idea. Through resonance, it enters into (is inducted) and impregnates the individual mind (auric field), which turns it into a virtual reality as an imaginary thought. The imaginary thought produces an electrical charge in the brain that travels through the nervous system to alter the state of the body to be of the same frequency as the thought by changing its chemical composition and how it behaves. The idea as a virtual (potential) reality, is used by the heart to connect with that same idea (frequency) in the outer environment by resonating with it. By producing the inner reality and behaviors of the idea while simultaneously connecting with the means of fulfillment in the outer world as a co-creation with others and the environment, we willfully act to produce the reality of the idea as both an inner and outer experience of it.
So anytime we’re taking the approach of actually working to heal the body instead of fixing it, managing its symptoms, or providing a temporary form of relief, we have to approach it by acknowledging the fact that the only person who can heal the body is the person who’s in charge of creating and running the body through its perception, thoughts, and emotional states. All healing is self-healing. As Doctors and Practitioners all we can ever really do is provide the education or facilitate the experience that will allow others to do their own work and make the lifestyle changes necessary to heal themselves as a result.
The true way to work in energetic terms is to use the proper frequency necessary to induce the proper state of mind, while introducing a suggestion as an intention to form the imaginary thought as an inner experience of the desired reality as if it’s already true and happening (as a memory), which cultivates the proper emotions as the chemistry of the body, which alters its state as its vibratory frequency to match the reality of the thought. The mind and body are always in-sync energetically, and the mind is what produces all of the manifestations of the body, and is the only thing that can permanently transform those manifestations into something else.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher