Tag: self-realization

Spiritual Sciences – Originality and Personal Interpretations of Universal Concepts

One of the biggest hindrances spiritual sciences has in being considered an established philosophy, scientific discipline, or religion comes in the fact that it’s always based on originality and creativity, and never on dogma or a single interpretation. There’s no right way of seeing something as opposed to a...

Realizing Your True Self and Embodying Your Power to Consciously Create Yourself

The process of personal transformation (Alchemy) as a form of spiritual regeneration comes as a process that has two basic stages. The first stage is what’s often referred to as our psychological healing, where we shed our false ego built through our formative conditioning, and the second comes by...

How we Create Ourselves through our Life Experiences

Once we gain a fundamental understanding of how consciousness as an energetic flow works, we can acquire the self-awareness necessary to create in a much more meaningful way. The principle represented in Sacred Geometry by the Monad is the toroidal energy system that operates within the material world as...

How to Become Aware of Yourself through Your Reaction to Everything Else

One of the easiest ways to gain awareness around the hidden aspects of yourself that are actively creating in your life is by realizing that all outer stimuli only serves to awaken what’s alive within you as correlated qualities. As inherent aspects of us are activated and brought out...

The Art of Introspection – Self-Knowledge, Awareness, and Tools for Transformation

The cornerstone of all spiritual growth and psychological healing comes through the motto “know thyself†as attaining deeper forms of self-awareness that brings realization and insights into your true nature and why your life is the way it is. The whole basis of healing in the psychological sense comes...

How we Unknowingly Create the Reality of our Beliefs as Personal Delusions

There’s an interesting thing about beliefs that make them hard to realize as not being true. Anything that we belief to be true, and therefore real, we create through our ability to “see it†in any situation. We see it not as an actual reality in and of itself,...

Our First Birth – How we become a Product of our Conditioning

This process is very important to understand in order to heal psychologically and in order to intentionally evolve our soul to higher levels of conscious empowerment by stepping into our true identity as higher creative beings. What we refer to as both our mind and soul is 3-fold in...

How to Release and Erase Memories of People and Events

Memories are something that only exist in our mind as a mental construct and replay over and over due to the intense emotion associated with them. All of what becomes actual memory that we can vividly recollect in emotional detail years later comes from significant emotional events (SEE) that...

Humility, Shedding the False Ego, and the True Path of Liberation

There always seems to be a strange kind of reality around ideas that exist as a form of paradox that breeds constant illusions as misunderstandings produced through incorrect interpretations. What’s commonly referred to as ‘shedding our ego’, or experiences that come as the ‘death’ of the ego, can seem...