Understanding Your Sexual, Life-Force Energy and How to Use it Creatively
Unfortunately, the most magical part of our mind-body system, our sexual energy, has been ruthlessly slaughtered with unclean and raunchy ideas that impose a form of moral conflict and endless confusion around how to use it to significantly enhance our creativity and improve the quality of our existence. This...
Learning to Become an Excellent Communicator – Self-Expression as Performance
Developing skill in becoming an excellent communicator is probably the most valuable skill there is in terms of transforming every area of your life. All creation and transformation occurs fundamentally through words and dialogue, which start off as our thoughts and become what we speak and talk about with...
Awakening Your Inner Lover – “Experiencing Pleasure”
All experience is first created in the imagination as a reflection of our mood or state of mind. We create an inner experience that becomes the organizing factor of our outer experience. We create it on the inside, then project out onto our environment and create a corresponding expression...
Mastering Communication – How Communication Works
When most of us think of communication, we think of words spoken or how we explain, describe, or express an idea so that it can be understood by whomever it is we’re communicating with. And while this is certainly one form of communication that’s undertaken in the most common...
Archetypes – “Universal Themes that Form Individual Expression”
Once we fully understand the nature of what we call archetypes we can immediately understand how powerful they are as creative tools. An archetype is what we call an original universal pattern or model from which things of the same kind are copied or fashioned – a kind of...