Becoming More Self-Aware
The most basic process for becoming more self-aware is to learn how to be present in your body and aware of your immediate environment. Your body is your vehicle (medium) for attaining awareness of yourself and for creating how you interact with the world around you as a means...
Compassion – The Nature of Perception, Judgment and Self-Realization
While many people perceive compassion as an act or something you do, true compassion is the result of a state of mind that you embody as a way of perceiving others from a non-judgmental perspective. It’s the primary way we come to understand others by understanding ourselves in them....
The Shadow and the Ego – Self-Creation and the Art of Personal Transformation
The soul exists essentially as threefold in nature between multiple planes, and as dual in nature within the material plane. All of life as we know it is comprised of both masculine and feminine energy as an inner and outer aspect of the same mind or idea. This same...
The Nature of Projection, Judgment, and Emotional Reactions
The idea that whatever we see in others and have a strong reaction to is something that we also have in us, can be difficult to understand because of course we don’t see ourselves as being anything like them and may even despise them for being that way. We’re...
The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle
All sound as vibration has a pattern inherent in it as well as a creative or formative power commonly referred to as a self-organizing mechanism. As we speak a word, the meaning of the word becomes a living form within our imagination. As we produce a vibration through thought...
The Unified Reality of the Lower Plane and the Nature of the Subconscious Mind
There’s always a Divine Paradox playing out in the most basic sense as what appears to be a single reality that’s actually three-fold in nature as multiple planes that act together to create the perception of a single, unified reality. This is because what we refer to as the...
Evolution of the Mind, Body and Spirit – The Relationship Between Our Physical and Spiritual Nature
One of the problems we have in understanding our spiritual-energetic nature is we try to view it through the same model as our physical nature. Yet even how we tend to look at our physical nature is largely incorrect because we’ve been conditioned to a firm mindset based almost...
Projection is an Absolute Science – “Unveiling Hidden Aspects of the Subconscious Mind”
The idea of projection can be difficult to understand in the practical sense because most of us have no real awareness of our own subconscious mind, and the true nature of denial and emotional suppression. As a general rule we naturally tend to perceive ourselves as being separate and...
The Nature of Emotions and How to Consciously Work with Them
Illusions are Born out of the Realities we Create While in Emotional States In order to work with something consciously and intentionally, we have to be able to conceptualize it in a way that allows us to gain a working understanding of it. It’s only when we understand how...
How to Not be Affected by Others – Learning How to See Things as They Really Are
All Perception is Perceiving Ourselves on a Greater Level One of the greatest powers we can learn in life is how to gain full control over ourselves and our perception of others. By becoming aware of how we form perceptions, and act to create our experiences, we can simultaneously...