Tag: mind

The Goal of Meditation – Personal Transformation by Becoming One with God

Meditation, as a practice, works off the same principles as trance and hypnosis, and serves the same overall purpose. When we meditate, we completely relax our body while withdrawing all consciousness from it, and we lose awareness of our physical existence. We calm and silence our thoughts and enter...

Vibration, Mental Projection, and Creating New Versions of Reality

 The Vibratory Frequency of the Mind Exists as a Paradigm that Shapes our Experience of Reality The state of mind that we exist in as a form of mood, determines our attitude, perspective, and the emotional theme we use as a filtering system in forming our fundamental perceptions, experiences,...

Consciousness – “Mood, Memory, and Vibration”

“The Akasha Field and the Vibratory Nature of the Mind” The Akasha, which is called by many names – the Book of Life, Hall of Records, Quintessence, Akashic field, the Unified Field, Quantum Plenum, the Ether, and so on – is similar to the idea of a vast library...

Transcending to a Higher Level of Consciousness

“Moving from Personal Consciousness to Universal Consciousness” The first thing we’d have to establish when contemplating this idea as levels of consciousness, is what does higher mean? Higher, in this case means non-personal or in service of humanity (as a whole) and not for selfish reasons or personal gain...

Sacred Geometry – The Secret Language of Universal Laws

Sacred Geometry forms the basis for an intuitive system of philosophical mathematics and universal laws as operations for applying knowledge at the practical level to create on multiple planes simultaneously through resonance as equilibrium. Through resonance we draw down purely mental forces of the higher planes and use them...

What is the Mind?

There’s a tendency to refer to what we call the mind as being equivalent to the brain, or the heart, or some invisible undefined term that encompasses them both. If we look at the mind through the concept of Spiritual Sciences and the Quantum model of Subtle energy, we...

Subpersonalities – Internal Conflict and the Voices in Your Head

One of the most natural aspects of our everyday experience is this constant inner dialogue going on within our mind as a form of discussion, negotiation, or argument between different aspects or parts of ourselves. This natural phenomenon is evident in how we describe it when we say that...

Subtle Energy and the Energetic Nature of the Mind

 Our body has an energetic structure as well as a physical one. This energetic structure is often referred to as the subtle body or etheric body that’s a form of double our twin to the physical body. Energy can move into and through matter, and is not formed like...
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