Personal Transformation – Breaking Perceptual Patterns by Learning the Lesson they Hold for You
All of what we traditionally refer to as karma comes out of our mental paradigm that forms our perception of the outer world and ourselves in relationship with it (as the creator of it) as a personal creation or variation of a more Universal theme. This imagined reality as...
DNA and Self-Creation – Programming Your Biocomputer through Linguistics, Imagined Thoughts, and Meaning
Scientists who were a part of what was called the ‘Genome Project’ (completed in 2003) made some rather interesting discoveries, one being that the greater part of our DNA (96-98%) is a form of biocomputer that records and utilizes our memories as a form of internal program that produces...
The Mind-Body Connection: Frequency, Sympathetic Resonance, and Coherence
The body and the mind exist in a polar relationship as passive and active aspects of the same frequency. The body serves as a passive receptor and vehicle for the mind, based on resonance. The mind is fundamentally non-local, and becomes located in the body as the entity that...
The Relationship of the Three Aspects of the Mind – The Art of Self-Creation
The primary law of the ‘3 in 1’, represented by the triad in Sacred Geometry, the Supernal in the Kabbalah, the Trinity in Christianity, and the 3 upper chakra’s of the subtle energy system of the body, is considered the primary law, because it’s inherent in every single aspect...
Thought-Forms: Scalar Energy, Electromagnetic Fields, and Bio-Holograms
Both the Pineal gland and the DNA of our cellular structure are composed of liquid crystalline substances that act as a receiver, transducer, and transmitter of consciousness as thought-forms or archetypal ideas that provide a metaphorical structure or blueprint for creating a corresponding idea as a personal experience of...
Soul Evolution – DNA Transference, Holographic Memory, and Transmutation
The mind, unlike the body, isn’t fixed or stationary, but is in a constant process of morphing by exchanging energy with itself in everything around it. The mind itself is three-fold in nature, and exists at different levels and scales while operating as a single cohesive reality. The subconscious...
Learning How to Operate Your Own Mind – The Power of Questions, Wondering, and Curiosity
One of the best ways to Learn how to use the Power of Attraction, is by Learning how to ask Meaningful Questions We’ve all heard the saying, ‘ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you’. But what many...
Mastering Your Own Mind – State and the Art of Transmutation
Everything in the material world is comprised of energy as vibration. All vibration is formed by movement as an interaction between complementary opposites of the same thing. All vibration consists of information and a self-organizing mechanism that organizes the information into a dynamic geometric pattern as a virtual reality...
Energy Practitioners: Working with Subtle Energy as Consciousness
Feeling, Thought, Emotion, and Vibratory Frequency The thrust of Energy Medicine has gotten off to a slow start that has often been sidetracked with endless practices that are born out of a skewed knowledge and understanding of law in terms of how invisible forces produce visible (material) effects. The...
Spiritual DNA – Our Souls Signature for Creating Reality
Physical DNA operates not only according to the same laws that govern all of life on the physical plane, but also to the laws of the spiritual or energetic realm of the mind. Not the mind as a product of brain function, as many people believe, but the mind...