Tag: Illusions

The True Reality of Forgiveness – Waking up in the Midst of Your Own Dream

A Problem can’t be Solved from the Same Mind that Created it . . . In order to truly understand the reality of forgiveness, we have to look squarely at the nature of what we call reality. Reality, in the general sense that it’s commonly used, is whatever we...

Mastering the Creative Power of the Word through the Self-Realization of Thought

 Our Thoughts Create our Experience of Reality as a Personal Delusion  Many of us have heard about the true power of our own thoughts, which become expressed through talking, and the power of talking to direct the thought processes of others, but we often still don’t know how to...

How we Form our Thoughts – The Role Suggestion Plays in our Daily Lives

I often get asked if everyone can be hypnotized? Or are there some people who can’t? What this shows me is that most people don’t understand what hypnotism is or how our mind naturally operates by way of it. A better question would be, is there anytime we’re NOT...

Becoming more Conscious: How we Replace Reality with Illusions

 When we say that we tend to live a life of illusions that we mistaken for reality, many don’t know for sure what this means, or how it is that we all do it in a very natural way. Because our mind functions largely out of what we call...

OBE – Altered States of Consciousness vs. Normal Consciousness

“Losing Touch with Our True Reality” One of the unique features of the human mind is it’s ability to move within many altered states as a form of interdimensional travel or shifting in awareness. While many people don’t realize what’s actually going on when this happens, and think it’s...

Psychology: Understanding the Power of Emotions

“Emotions are Altered States that Project Whole Realities” Many of us realize to some extent the powerful effect emotions have on us in our daily lives, but because we get caught up in the intensity of the emotions we’re experiencing, and begin living and creating out of them, we...
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