Energetic Imprinting, Conditioning, and Dynamics – Liberating Your Soul from the Unconscious Tendencies that Bind You
Our soul is comprised of essence as memory that comes from the relationship it forms with the body, which resides in a predominately unconscious state, and how they work together to create experiences of reality. The subconscious mind of the body also runs off of memory which it uses...
Emotions, Dynamics, and Reactive Behaviors – How We become Who we Are
One of the easiest ways to understand how we become the way we are is to look at the natural relationship that exists between the inner and the outer, and between ourselves and another. We are all born into this world as a seeded inner core of qualities and...
Personal Transformation – Breaking Perceptual Patterns by Learning the Lesson they Hold for You
All of what we traditionally refer to as karma comes out of our mental paradigm that forms our perception of the outer world and ourselves in relationship with it (as the creator of it) as a personal creation or variation of a more Universal theme. This imagined reality as...
Spiritual DNA – Our Souls Signature for Creating Reality
Physical DNA operates not only according to the same laws that govern all of life on the physical plane, but also to the laws of the spiritual or energetic realm of the mind. Not the mind as a product of brain function, as many people believe, but the mind...
Soul Evolution – Finding the Lesson in Life Events
Most of us realize that the conditions, circumstances and events of our life contain lessons for us to learn in some way because they act on us to grow and develop us by how we interact and react to them. This usually starts with our initial conditioning which lays...
Consciousness – “Mood, Memory, and Vibration”
“The Akasha Field and the Vibratory Nature of the Mind” The Akasha, which is called by many names – the Book of Life, Hall of Records, Quintessence, Akashic field, the Unified Field, Quantum Plenum, the Ether, and so on – is similar to the idea of a vast library...
The Psychology of Relationships – We Hurt Others in the Same Way We were Hurt
Relationships act as a Mirror for Reflecting back to us Unconscious Aspects of Ourselves What many people don’t realize is that we’re never conditioned to only one role or position is a dynamic as a behavioral pattern, but rather to the whole pattern. Whatever patterns as family dynamics that...
Learning to Recognize and Understand Your Life Story and Identity
We’re always the ones Creating ourselves and our Life Experience by the Story we begin telling about things Our mind exists as a paradigm that forms a unified expression as a personal reality through a natural form of storytelling. As humans, we’re always in the process of telling a...
The Sexual Law of Energy – The Sacred Dance of the Masculine and the Feminine
The most primal activity inherent in the entire living world, is sexual behavior. Not necessarily in terms of the physical act of propagating and sexually reproducing, but as the most basic law governing energy as resonance. This law is the very activity as a relationship with itself on multiple...
Relationships: Looking for Patterns in the Chaos
“Recognizing Dynamic Themes as Interactions with Ourselves in Others” When we realize the true nature of the individual mind as the electromagnetic field that is grounded in, permeates and envelops the body, that is comprised of a dynamic network of interwoven patterns as memory of some sort acquired through...