State of Mind – The Science and Art of Personal Transformation

 All spiritual development comes by way of embodying and expressing certain qualities that alter our consciousness through employing them, and develop our character accordingly. Qualities are states of mind that form our perceptual lens and alter our vibration as a level of consciousness. Our character, which is the basis of our identity, is our soul’s signature as our style for creating using our mind to control and direct the material elements as self-expression that at once projects, activates, and brings out the same character in everyone and everything around us, using it to create an experience that’s of that quality, and thereby drawing more of it unto us, strengthening and amplifying that same quality in us. This is expressed in the law that’s stated, “what we put out, we draw back unto ourselves ten-fold” (multiplied and amplified).

Of all the practices you can engage in to intentionally develop yourself in very specific ways, this is the primary one, that if you master it, eliminates all the other ones automatically. All the other healing practices, such as eliminating fear, recognizing undesirable tendencies, correcting bad traits or vices, healing traumas and prejudice, and so on, all arise out of and are produced by our state of mind as our general mood. By learning how to intentionally initiate and maintain our state, we literally control the type of reality that systematically arises out of it as its natural expression. All realities are of a specific state as a vibratory frequency. All vibration as a rate or speed of motion, form natural patterns as thematic realities, that simultaneously form the character traits of those realities through the experience it brings.

Our personal universe

Our character and our life story as the dramas and behavioral dynamics we naturally attract and participate in, are all of the same vibration. We act as a channel for the vibration we’re tuned to, which first shapes us as the receptor, we then perceive through this vibration, seeing and activating all around us that same vibration, and creating the outer reality that matches or is of the same nature and theme as our inner state or identity. So we first create the inner reality of our state of mind, then reform how things appear outwardly by using this inner reality to organize and interpret it, then the outer projection acts on us to create us by way of our own creation and the experience it brings. The inner produces the outer, and the outer produces the inner as a cyclical rhythm of inner and outer, outer and inner, inner and outer . . . much like breathing. Expanding and projecting, then contracting and drawing inward. It’s an electromagnetic pulsation that’s self-perpetuating, self-sustaining, and self-creating.

By embodying a quality of consciousness that calibrates and tunes our state of mind to that quality, becoming one with it, it modifies our minds vibration, and forms our perceptual lens that we look through, seeing in others and the outer world only what matches it. As we perceive, we stimulate with our directed attention, bringing out in them the same qualities that we ourselves possess and are using to interpret them to be of the same nature. This energetic interaction (we do this without any physical interaction) works through resonance and serves to awaken and begin vibrating – making active – the qualities of the same nature. As we activate and bring to the surface the corresponding state of mind, it sets the basis for the nature of the interaction, which serves to generate more of the same qualities, giving both people the experience of it, which then draws that quality back into itself in an amplified manner. Because we walk through our day reorganizing it to match or be the expression of our mood, we are always multiplying it, by reproducing it everywhere we go, and strengthening it in us and in everyone we come into contact with. All action (state and attention) produces an equal or greater reaction.

gods DNA

So if we embody a state of reverence, and we clearly define what is meant by the term reverence, such as admiration, adoration, respect, honor, compassion, and so on, and we install that state by forming a picture of it in our mind in terms of what it’s like to actually be that way, or recalling an actual memory where we felt that way, and by creating the reality of reverence internally, we become the vehicle for the frequency of reverence. Reverence, as a quality or state of being becomes the colored lens through which we look, and we only see in everything else what warrants reverence. As we see it, we speak to it, awaken and bring it out in them, and create a joint experience that’s about feelings of reverence, strengthening that state and the corresponding character traits in both people, which acts to accumulate more of those types of experiences as memory that serves to form us. By creating an abundance of a certain type of experience, accumulating and building up the memory it brings, and habituating the character traits it implies, we develop ourselves to that means, creating those type of experiences, and we no longer create out of the states that caused our issues and bad character traits.

Reality, as an experience of the outer world, is produced by the inner state or vibratory frequency of the mind. Our mind, as a mental paradigm or model for perceiving the outer world, is adjusted and modified by states of mind we employ on a regular basis. By recognizing unproductive states of mind that we use to create experience out of and intentionally replacing them with productive states, we literally begin sculpting our mind, forming it out of a new vibration that systematically produces a new type of reality, which then shapes us to that reality. We modify our vibration and the structure of our mind which produces our perception by willfully and deliberately calibrating ourselves to states and ways of being. All of life is formed as an inside job. In order to change the outer, not literally, but rather in terms of how it appears to us, we have to change the internal representation that’s producing it as an effect.

All of our bad character traits, problems, emotional and psychological issues that stemmed from our conditioning and the life experiences born out of those tendencies, are all the result of our inner state, which is what produces them. Our conditioning, all the patterns and dynamics that comprised it, were born out of the state and mood that we were living within, interacting through, and developing ourselves by way of through our living conditions. Our state is causal, and our outer reality is the effects it produces. To work on the effects without ever accurately identifying the cause, prevents us from healing and changing our life experiences. By focusing on other people or the events of our life as a way of trying to heal ourselves of them, by endlessly working through and rehashing them, is a very basic form of incorrect thinking. It’s an error in judgment. To change the effect produced in the external world, we have to change the cause which is produced in the internal world of the mind. It’s not what happens to us in life that matters per say, but how we respond to what happens, and who we become through our chosen response.

fashioning ourselves

It’s very easy to notice that whatever mood we’re in determines what we focus on, what we think about, what emotions we experience in response to our thoughts, what memories we reference and use to create our present experience to be the same as our past experience, and so on. Our mood determines our entire experience and how we reorganize everything to form that experience. As soon as our mood changes, our experience of life changes, and what we focus on, dwell in, and actively engage in changes accordingly. All of our issues and tendencies are the result of the state of mind we were in when we created them. Our conditioning habituated us to the state of mind that produced our life experiences as being of a distinct nature and the theme that naturally comes out of that state. You can’t be sad when focusing on happy thoughts. Likewise, you can’t have happy experiences when focused on and embodying sad emotions and imagining the reality of those thoughts.

So the most basic skill to learn in terms of your spiritual (personal) development is to realize that you can control your state, and deliberately employ the states that will produce the type of experiences you desire to have more of, while simultaneously reshaping your mind and character by way of those states. Your mood, like anything else, is a product of habit, and can be changed by forming new habits in place of the old ones. Choose the state of mind you want to develop yourself out of and the type of reality you want to experience yourself through, and examine that state to recognize its components. There are three basic aspects at play in a state, all of which are in-sync with each other, and any one acts to automatically change the other one. So if you find it difficult to work by way of one of them, you can work by way of the other and it’ll act automatically to transform the other two to be of the same nature.

Our mental frequency shapes our world

The 3 basic aspects of State:

  • What you focus on and give your attention to
  • What you tell yourself about what you’re focused on that makes it mean something
  • What you’re doing with your physiology – your body

All states are created by how we direct our attention and what we choose (consciously or unconsciously) to focus on, and what story we proceed to tell ourselves about what we’re focused on that creates our internal reality around it, all of which is directly reflected in our body. Our physiology as our demeanor, body language, gestures, and facial expressions is always formed by our internal state. Allow yourself to notice that when someone’s happy, there’s a whole physiology that goes along with it; they’re active, energetic, enthusiastic, use their hands a lot to talk, laugh, smile, sit up straight or on the edge of their chair, and so on. Likewise, when someone is sad or depressed, they’re sluggish, tired, pessimistic, slump or lay down, are distant, frowning or crying, and so on. All moods have distinct behaviors associated with them. We don’t have emotions, we do emotions. Emotions are something we allow and do internally, we act them out willingly.

So if you have trouble controlling your thoughts and what you focus your attention on and the stories you keep replaying over and over in your mind, then learn to work with your body. By employing the behaviors of the mood you want, it’ll automatically shift your attention onto the type of thoughts that are of those behaviors, and what you’re telling yourself about them. Change what you’re doing and you’ll notice what you’re thinking about changes also. When you begin getting good at being able to manage your state, allow yourself to notice that different states are ideal for different activities. Learn to study states so you can know what to focus your mind on, what to tell yourself about what you’re focused on that turns it into a story, and what type of behaviors to employ in order to produce it. This is a key feature to enhancing your performance in all areas of your life. Realize that different types of performance come naturally out of certain states. If you want to perform in an optimal way, intentionally embody the state that will produce the expression that you want. By learning and practicing this one skill alone, will have a drastic impact on all areas of your life, and what you now think of as your issues, will simply dissipate because you’ll no longer be living out of the state that acts to naturally produce them through your behaviors. Change the cause, and you change the effect. Your state of mind is the cause of all your life experiences which come as the result.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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