Spiritual DNA – Our Souls Signature for Creating Reality

Physical DNA operates not only according to the same laws that govern all of life on the physical plane, but also to the laws of the spiritual or energetic realm of the mind. Not the mind as a product of brain function, as many people believe, but the mind as the subtle electromagnetic field of the body, also referred to as the soul. Just as physical DNA as a combination of information is used to generate the body, giving it very distinct genetic characteristics and behavioral tendencies, which are further developed through family dynamics of people who share the same DNA, the soul is comprised of energetic information as memory. The fully integrated memory of the soul maintains its basic structure as a paradigm formulated out of accumulated memory. Experiences as memory accumulated from multiple lifetimes gives the soul its basic disposition, temperament, and tendencies, which are continuously evolved through the experiences it acts to co-create and attain by how it enters into relationship with the body as corresponding (of the same frequency or nature) memory, which evolves it through the new attributes and emphasis it produces.

This soul memory, unlike genetic or hereditary memory of the race and culture (bloodline), doesn’t give us specific physical characteristics, though it does maintain energetic tension within the body which alters the physical appearance and potential for illness and disease manifested through energetic tension as a form of programming, but it’s the memory that forms our personal signature and the stories we tell by how we live our life and form our personality and identity. In terms of soul expression, biography forms our biology. The souls vibration or internal nature can be recognized through the story we naturally start telling from a very young age. Our personality is fully developed as the combination (all of life comes from combinations) of hereditary and individual (soul) memory. A new variation is formed out of the series of relationships that take place and as we begin forming our identity with our body and life conditions through adulthood, we steadily evolve our soul through continuous adaptations that alters and modifies our mental paradigm.

DNA strand

This soul memory as a mental paradigm that regenerates itself within a new body is what we commonly refer to as karma. Not in the sense of good or bad, or as independent behaviors as many think, but rather as patterns that produce much larger overall effects in terms of the perceptual filter it forms that determine how we interpret the events of our life to give them meaning. The meaning we give things forms a theme out of which our life story begins naturally formulating through our formative conditioning, which we begin cultivating early in life by how we naturally react to what happens to us, and what qualities the events of our life and the behavior of others activate within us that become the basis for our experiences in the present. These overall life patterns that we’re imprinted with at the soul level, recreate the same themes as a story that we begin telling ourselves about things that forms our reality, how we create our experiences, and how we behave (create outwardly) as a result.

Our spiritual DNA as soul memory produces the same perceptions and tendencies, the same type of thoughts and emotions, which naturally lend themselves to begin telling the same type of story about things as a means of making sense out of it. How we interpret things to give them meaning is how we begin developing ourselves through our own soul expression. As we begin expressing the same tendencies, we develop our personal reality out of the same mind-set or paradigm. This mental paradigm is what we carry forward into each succeeding life as an accumulative effect based on how it was evolved through each life experience. We start each life with the summation of all previous lives that form the basis of our mental paradigm, which sets up and initiates the same overall patterns as a life theme that determines what body (DNA) we resonate with and the natural circumstances our conditioning provides us with, that we then experience as happening to us, while at the same time possessing the mental filters and producing the behaviors that cause it. A life theme is usually something like not being loved, not wanted, not good enough, betrayal, abandonment, rejection, and so on. We then act out these themes at various levels throughout our life through numerous relationships. We attract to and pick the people who are of the same nature as we are and who will participate in acting out the same reality, giving us more of the experience we’re programmed with, and whose behavior can be readily interpreted to mean it. Then, through our interaction we simultaneously produce the behaviors that will cause it.

Justice as life creation

Example: if abandonment is our theme, then issues around abandonment are constantly being stimulated in us, both consciously and unconsciously. As they’re stimulate and brought forth in us we form behaviors around them, both as actual dynamics and behaviors designed to compensate or protect us from it, as well as the ones that initiate it. We readily engage only with those who have the same theme as a dynamic, and will act to not only abandon us, but respond appropriately to being abandoned by us. Then anything, any form of behavior or gesture that can be interpreted to mean we’re being abandoned, is how we experience it, while simultaneously abandoning them in the same way we imagine we’ve been abandoned as a retaliation or defensive mechanism (cause and effect). We play all roles in our theme simultaneously as the attitude and behaviors that result in us being abandoned, and respond in kind by abandoning them. Like always begets more of what’s like it. We don’t recognize our own tendencies when we do it to others because we tell ourselves a different story about what we’re doing and why that makes it seem different, or we do it unconsciously as a behavioral tendency that we do without direct awareness, that others perceive as us abandoning or not wanting them, and they respond in turn by abandoning us.

We continue living out of this same theme as a set of dynamic behaviors, some of which we’re aware of and others we’re not aware of, through all of the relationships in our life (parents and family, dating or marriage, work, friends, etc.) usually without ever realizing that we’re the ones producing it by the memory as a thematic pattern that we’re programmed with. We then, after creating many experiences of being abandoned and abandoning others (before they abandon us), begin identifying with our own self-perpetuated experiences, and our entire behavior as a style or way of being, is always acting out abandonment at all different levels of our life. We form our identity through the stories we tell about ourselves and others, and become thoroughly conditioned by that story, and therefore honestly don’t know how to tell a different story. When we try, we feel awkward, clueless, don’t know who we are or how to be, feel like we’re not being ourselves, phony, inauthentic, and so on, because everything about us and who we’ve created ourselves to be is based on telling that story. In this way, we can live our whole life out of the same karma as inherent memory, or several lifetimes for that matter, usually without ever realizing that that’s what we’re doing.

The Golden Ratio

So our soul’s memory as our vibratory frequency forms the dynamic model of our mind as our mental programming. Our memories become the basis for our mental filters, which produce the perceptual patterns of our mind as an interpretation that determine who and how we become. Our mental paradigm forms our soul’s signature by how we express ourselves through feelings, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Our soul’s signature is the story we’re always in the process of telling by living it, and the people and situations we attract and enter into relationship with that are programmed with the same dynamics and will participate in co-creating the same type of story with us. Those who are programmed with a different type of story than we are, we can’t relate to, don’t feel compelled towards, or have an affinity with, and in many cases never really even come into contact with.

This continues as a self-perpetuating motion until we become aware of the fact that no one tells us what to think and how to feel, but us. Even as children we are always the ones creating our experiences by how we interpret things to give them meaning, and the stories we begin telling ourselves in an attempt to make sense of things, which acts to shape us by way of our own creation. Once we become aware of our own tendencies and how we’ve formed our identity around and out of them, and are truly willing to let go of our attachment to our story, we can begin learning how to tell a new story, and transform our lives as a result. Like all things, we can only consciously work with what we’re aware of. Through self-awareness, we begin realizing our own unconscious tendencies and can decide what we want to do instead and willfully act out that decision in a disciplined manner. It’s only through self-awareness and using our power to self-create that we can resolve our karma by breaking the unconscious patterns that govern our life, and intentionally form new ones that are more productive and creative, instead of detrimental and destructive. We have to begin taking control of our own mind and using our will to form our experiences with a sense of intention and purpose, and begin telling a new type of story that will systematically transform us into a new type of person.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Integrative Mind-Body Medicine Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher

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