Sacred Geometry – The Tetrad and the Universal Law of Creation

All spiritual knowledge exists as laws, and Sacred Geometry is the symbolic language that’s used to illustrate and communicate these laws. Universal laws are the invisible forces and primordial intelligence of the natural world that operate as “processes” that organize and animate the physical forms that make up the reality of the material world. These laws are not the forms themselves as such, but the energetic intelligence that forms the holographic substrata (astral matrix) that gives rise to the phenomena of the gross realm of creation. The Tetrad or Tetragrammaton, represents the material form that’s created by organizing the four elements of the material world that are directed and shaped by the higher capacities of the mind. When we learn how to properly interpret the laws represented by the Tetrad, we find that it provides us with “basic instructions” as the creative process necessary for creating our self and our reality.

All Universal Laws operate as a process of growth and development where one law systematically emerges out of the active expression of the one that precedes it. As one unfolds it lays the foundation necessary for the next one to spontaneously unfold as a natural sequence. All laws are represented by a series of correspondences that not only have geometrical shapes associated with them, but also numbers, letters, colors, archetypal forms, sounds, qualities, characteristics, and cohesive ideas that are inherent in certain psychological states. Our state of mind or “soul’s mood” is the vibratory frequency that contains both a pattern in it’s potential state and a self-organizing mechanism for assembling it through a process of synchronistic unfolding. 

Fractal patterns

All natural phenomena as we know it rises naturally out of our state-of-mind as our mood. How we feel mentally determines what we focus on, think about, what emotions we experience in relation to our thoughts, which memories we play out in our mind through association, what type of story we tell ourselves about something, and so on. Whenever we’re looking at one law, such as the Tetrad here in this article, which is represented by the number 4 (with the value of 5), we know that it comes as the full expression of 0 through 4, while still containing the latent potential of laws 5 – 9, which unfold out of it in a synchronized fashion as a natural growth process.

Each law represents a single aspect and specialized operation as a stage of development in the dynamic unfolding of an even greater creative process. A law is a organizing force that shapes an “idea” into a “coherent field” as a kind of “seed” for impregnating the womb of the subconscious. Whatever idea we inject into our subconscious is imagined as an actual experience of reality, and “magnetized” with sensations that produce an equivalent emotional response. It’s the “reaction” (movement) that causes it to begin vibrating at the frequency of the emotion that it birthed. As it begins vibrating at a certain rate and mode, it resonates with the light around it,  and organizes it into structured patterns that outwardly display distinct characteristics and express through specialized behaviors.They come as an interaction between spirit and matter as the mind and body working together as different densities of the same thing to produce what we experience as a coherent material reality.

This “reality”, which is a product of the “greater mind” operating through the “individual mind” on different scales, planes, and magnitudes simultaneously through a dynamic process of adaptation and modification, is first produced as a kind of original creation that’s purely unconscious in nature (based on the universal memory of the collective unconscious) and shared by the entire natural world and all its inhabitants. As we impregnate our own subconscious with an idea, we impregnate the entire space around us with that same idea, because we all share the same subconscious mind. What we refer to as “our” subconscious is also the group mind of the “collective unconscious” and what we call mass consciousness which all acts together harmoniously to produce the same reality as a theme or metaphor. This reality of mass consciousness provides us with the “objective foundation” as a starting point for creating a personal reality unconsciously through our very perception of it, and in a conscious manner by learning how to operate the higher capacities inherent in our own mind.

universal laws

When we understand how the universal laws of the mind work, we can work by way of those laws to create our self and our experience of reality, which are both simply symbolic outplays and projections of each other on smaller and larger scales and at higher and lower levels. When we fail to recognize and understand the laws that govern our own mind and reality, we often work in a way that contradicts them and we create in a haphazard and random way as a result. We experience our lives as though we have no control over what happens to us or why. We don’t realize in the ultimate sense that we are actually the one creating our experience of our self and reality through our “inner character” as an idea we’ve cultivated about ourselves and our natural ability to perceive that same idea in our outer world.

We form “ourselves” out of our own thoughts and emotions as a kind of archetype or mental model of the world that acts as a theme for producing both our inner and outer reality as a continuous part of the same idea played out at both the personal and universal level at the same time. This law is illustrated in the primary 3-in-1 Law of the Monad, which contains the seeded potential as a full expression of all laws that it acts to give birth to as a growth process of spirit becoming fully actualized in material form. Thought produces the physical form as a light-matrix, and sensation as emotion produces the feeling that animates it, which blend together to produce a certain “type” of experience. Whatever type of experiences we produce with our mental paradigm, we also experience our “self” through, and we shape our identity accordingly. Whatever we wrap our identity around we use as the means for creating ourselves through the story we live as the expression of the relationship that’s formed.

Monad - Torus
The Monad – the Mind, Soul, and Self

All of life as we know it is the result of combinations of polar opposites that form a dynamic relationship as new variations of a universal idea or theme. The Monad is represented as the combination of 0 and 1 (nothing and something) as a sphere or circle with a dot in the center, the same symbol that’s used to represent the sun as the center of our solar system. This can also be seen as the dual state of light (photons as the essence of matter) that exists simultaneously as both a particle and wave, or as the individual mind located within a material body and the outer reality of the universal mind that they experience themselves through as a cohesive version of the same metaphorical idea. All material forms are accompanied by a holographic electromagnetic field that forms its etheric double as a kind of “spatial blueprint” or 3-D model that’s used to inform, maintain, and animate it, giving it life temporarily.

The Monad represents the human soul as a medium that exists on the “Astral Plane” and serves to draw down and absorb ideas from the higher spiritual plane of archetypal ideas in order to create itself “as” a reality. Through a dynamic process of mental imagery, vibration, sympathetic resonance, and coherence, the human soul creates in an infinite variety of ways that are unique and diversified, yet still a part of the main, overall theme of humanity. The Monad is the combination of spirit as laws and principles that serve to imbue the personality of the body with attributes and characteristics through the medium of the mind, which acts to create the body out of archetypal memory, and then inhabits it in order to express as a material being. All creation within the material plane is produced by a combination of three corresponding planes and levels of the mind all vibrating in harmony as extensions of each other.

The Monad contains the life-force energy that causes a single cell to regenerate and multiply while undergoing a process of differentiation in order to specialize and play a unique part in an even greater unified whole. Through the process of Mitosis, a single cell regenerates itself in order to produce trillions of cells that all share the same basic information in different combinations and degrees necessary to perform different functions as a part of the same being. While we think of the body as being comprised of trillions of individual cells, the fact is, it’s actually comprised of one cell of coded information that regenerates and replicates itself trillions of times. This is the same principle that operates the DNA of our body where we form new combinations through the feminine and masculine aspects of the same genetic code and produce a unique variation as our offspring based on what’s turned on and turned off to produce a unique formula comprised of the same basic information.

Dyad - womb of the universe

The Monad regenerates and separates from itself forming the appearance of itself as another or as an outer reality that’s of the same nature (idea as a theme) on a larger scale. There’s never a total separation from ourselves in the real sense, but more of a projection and expansion of the inner that blends with itself in the outer, connecting to the core or center of being in everything else, transforming how it appears to us. The center (dot) of one exists on the periphery (outer boundary of the sphere) of the other. This act of self-regeneration, represented by the energetic substrata of the mind and matter intimately woven together as a whole, forms both the core self of the individual as a certain type of person, and the outer reality as the type of story that person acts to naturally tell by how they live their life.

The outer world as what we have come to call reality is produced and only exists through our perception of it. As we look though our mind as our mental paradigm, we can only see what matches it in everything else. We can only comprehend what can be constructed, described, explained, and given meaning using our mental model. We act unconsciously to shape the appearance of the outer world and everyone else to be of the same nature as we are. Our mental vibration forms a thematic pattern as a paradigm that serves to stimulate and bring out the same qualities as complementary opposites in everything around us, setting the stage necessary for expressing through a story we tell ourselves about things as a way of producing our experiences. As we create our inner experiences of an outer reality, we sense our self through those experiences and simultaneously create ourselves by how we associate and identify with our own story about things.

Dyad - vesica piscis
The Dyad – The Womb of the Universe    

The regeneration and projection of the Monad produces the Dyad, which creates the medium between the inner and outer world that gives rise to all of our thoughts and imaginings. The Monad is fundamentally androgynous in nature, and separates itself to produce the feminine (inner) and masculine (outer) aspect of the same thing necessary to procreate by producing offspring as new combinations and relationships with different aspects of ourselves in everything else. Our inner world of thought and emotions shaped into a reality in the imagination forms our perceptual lens that we use to view the outer world, and the outer world in turn acts to stimulate and influence the thoughts and feelings that form our internal world. All reality is produced by a self-perpetuating expansion and contraction of the self that acts to create itself on different scales within multiple planes simultaneously.

The inner and outer world exists in relationship with each other as a form of space-time continuum, represented by a straight line that connects the center (dots) of both spheres of consciousness as a shared inner nature. This horizontal line that connects the material bodies of both the self and others, as the inner that produces the outer, represents the material plane as being a product of or simulated reproduction of the mind (soul) creating it. We act on the outer environment to influence it into a new form by re-configuring it (resonance) by how we first view it and then interpret it, altering its vibration to form a new pattern (coherence). Once we’ve altered the appearance of the outer reality through a mental interaction and relationship, we then absorb and draw the experience of it back into ourselves, stimulating ourselves with our own creation. All of our perception and creative activities come through the relationship we form with ourselves (same idea as a life theme) in everything else.

Triad which forms the tetrad
The Triad – the Power of the Imagination

As we connect with and perceive ourselves in others through the activities and events of our life, we’re stimulated in ways that activate, call forth, and intensify some qualities, while returning others to a passive and latent state. We form thoughts as an internal representation of possible realities based on new combinations. We take a metaphorical idea and adapt it to our current life situation by how we apply it and form a modified version of the same basic idea. As we think and imagine, we alter our vibratory state and tune ourselves internally to the outer reality of our thoughts. Whatever idea we connect with and readily take in and begin thinking about, we become one with in spirit. By continuing to think about an idea that was stimulated in us by another, we integrate it into our paradigm through the reality we form of it in our imagination that sets the basis as a pattern for being able to first perceive it outwardly, then resonate and connect with it, forming a gravitational field between the inner idea and corresponding outer idea of the same nature or vibratory frequency.

This internal representation of reality produced in the imagination by the absorption and integration of a congruent idea, forms a new and unique combination of the same basic qualities to produce the triad. The triad is represented by a triangular shape whose base is formed by the straight line connecting the inner with the outer of the same nature, which then peaks in the center as a harmoniously “exalted state” on the upper plane as the imaginary creation of the mind / soul. The Law of the Triad represents the Law of the Imagination which forms an internal reality as the basis or energetic template for producing an outer reality of the same theme.

The reality created in our imagination as a potential reality tunes us energetically to the state of that reality, and forms the “vibratory template” as the “etheric hologram” for attracting, organizing, and perceiving that same type of reality outwardly. As we think and picture our thoughts as an internal representation or working concept, we form the filtering system and lens that we then look through in order to create our experience of reality. The same idea as a kind of metaphor or archetype is played out on multiple scales as the foundation for both a personal and universal reality. The inner is looked through and reflected downward in a polarized, reverse image on the lower plane, producing another triangle joined by the same baseline or foundation (horizontal line), producing a diamond shape as the Tetrad. When a diamond is reoriented horizontally, it forms a square or cube, which is symbolic of the material world shaped by the Four Elements. The Four Elements of the Pentad (5) form an equilateral square on the lower plane that’s shaped by the Fifth Element of the mind on the higher plane directly above it, all of which are symbolized by triads.

Womb of creation
The Tetrad – the Birth of Reality

The Tetrad is the complementary opposite of the Triad on a different (lower) plane and is produced in a similar fashion to the Dyad, which exists as a reflection or mirror image (opposite) of the Monad on the same correlating plane. In this sense, the inner and outer, and the upper and lower are complementary opposites of the same thing and are produced by the same fundamental law of self-replication and reproduction. One acts to produce the other as smaller and greater expressions of the same metaphorical idea. Our internal nature as the qualities that make up our character, become the basis for producing an outer reality that’s comprised of the same, yet opposite qualities and characteristics. We’re always creating our opposite outside of us as a means of contrasting and relating to it in order to define ourselves by way of it. We can only know ourselves as good, by contrasting and comparing ourselves to what we deem bad. The idea of good and bad are opposites of the same idea that are simply cast in different roles, and one is necessary in order to define the other.

The soul creates itself by whatever it has a natural connection with (resonates with) and desires to become one with in mind through that connection. The soul acts as a medium between upper planes of the spirit as laws and archetypes, and the lower plane of the material world as coalesced light that produces the material reality as the meaning of our thoughts. Whatever idea the soul takes in and produces a possible reality out of by thinking about it and applying to their daily life in a specific and detailed manner, becoming one with it in spirit, acts to create through a natural process of adaptation that modifies the idea to become a congruent and meaningful part of its natural outer perception and daily life.

Our inner nature forms our natural feelings of connection with whatever is of the same nature and idea all around us. As we become one with an idea in thought and form a picture of it internally as a potential reality that’s played out in our daily life, and we concentrate on it repetitively while infusing it with magnetism (passion), it becomes a perceptual filter and we systematically see, connect with, and produce it as a corresponding outer experience. The soul as the mind only learns through experience, and creates itself as having certain qualities and characteristics by producing an experience of itself as the outward expression of those qualities, producing a memory of it. As the soul produces the reality of an idea, it senses itself by way of and in relationship with that idea, and acts on itself to shape itself in a completely self-contained and self-perpetuating manner.

Toroidal field of the mind
How the Soul Creates its own Reality

We can only truly do what we can first imagine ourselves doing. When we’re left to our own devices, all of our goals and desires emerge naturally in our imagination by thinking about them. As we create an internal sensory experience of an idea, we create an energetic template that provides the subconscious with the pattern as a form of virtual memory for producing as an outer correspondence. Just the act of imagining an idea as an actual experience gives us the pattern as a way of being and the pathway for creating it as an actual outer experience of the same nature. Our ability to create in the outer world is based solely on our ability to first create it inwardly. Both the inner and the outer are constantly being transformed by each other through the nature of their interaction to produce an endless variety as an evolution of the same idea.

The model of the Tetragrammaton shows us that the inner mind of the subconscious is also what produces the outer world of self-awareness. The core or central self of the personality produces the outer world that it exists in and uses to experience itself. In order to change the outer world of manifest reality, we have to change the inner world of the imagination. We have to learn how to seed our own subconscious as the means of producing new experiences. We do this by picking intentional thoughts as ideas that we hold in our mind, concentrate on and imagine as a detailed sensory reality while infusing it with very compelling emotions, forming a strong desire for it. The subconscious is experiential in nature as the faculty of the mind that acts to produce our outer experiences, and we have to program it for new realities by turning an idea into an experience that produces a form of virtual memory. The subconscious, as an aspect of the soul, creates in an automatic fashion based on the memory it’s programmed with.

Magic - creating worlds

Emotion is the motivating force of the subconscious and is what naturally produces all of our behaviors and activities while in a physical body. How an idea is expressed to produce an outer reality is based on how we present the idea to ourselves internally and what emotion it naturally acts to invoke in us as a natural response to the idea. Emotion is the active and formative energy and connecting medium of the material plane. Any emotion being inwardly experienced and outwardly expressed produces an electrical charge that’s transmitted through the atmosphere, stimulating the same emotion in everything around us, bringing it into an active state in order to create a joint reality out of it.

The subconscious is motivated instinctively by feelings of pleasure or pain, and as a general rule, moves towards pleasure and away from pain, as a form of attraction and repulsion. In order to manifest a reality intentionally, we have to make sure we present it to ourselves in a way that elicits the proper emotion and type of experience. Otherwise we act to repel and negate the very thing we say we want. All reality is produced by the congruent unification of a combination of factors. It’s a combination of unconscious ideas and behaviors that play out automatically without direct awareness and conscious intention that’s designed to transform and evolve natural tendencies to a higher and more beneficial expression.

Meditation and mental projection

Whatever we think about and picture in our imagination as an actual experience, we become one with in mind, and produce metaphorically as our personal reality. Whatever thoughts we think that produce and keep us in certain emotional states, become the nature of all our outer experiences and what serves to motivate all of our natural and automatic behaviors. If we’re feeling sad, we focus on and think about sad things, replay sad memories over and over in our mind, and act to create more sad experiences. The thoughts we naturally think in an automatic fashion are based on our souls nature and character, and come by strengthening and reinforcing certain parts of our souls nature through our formative conditioning. Whatever we think about we become one with in mind and spirit, and set as a mental template and request for producing as an outer experience of reality. On the higher spiritual planes, thoughts are actions and are creative.

To change our life and reality, we have to change our habitual thoughts and the emotional states they produce or were born out of, and seed our imagination instead with new thoughts that we imagine as intense experiences that act to naturally elicit strong positive feelings of desire and emotional pleasure in response to them. We have to upgrade and evolve our mental paradigm through the incorporation of new ideas conceived of and born in the imagination as a detailed internal representation. Once an idea is imagined as an emotionally intense experience of a pleasurable nature, it integrates into our mental model as a possibility and becomes a natural part of our make-up and perception of reality. We tune ourselves to the vibration of that idea, and form a gravitational field between us and whatever’s of that same idea around us that can be used coherently to co-create it as a joint experience.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Coach and Mentoring for Personal Transformation and Self-Mastery

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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