Learning How to Operate Your Own Mind – The Power of Questions, Wondering, and Curiosity

One of the best ways to Learn how to use the Power of Attraction, is by Learning how to ask Meaningful Questions

We’ve all heard the saying, ‘ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you’. But what many don’t realize is that this isn’t an inspirational saying designed to encourage, but is stating a law of the mind more as a fact in how to operate it. The brain has what’s called the reticular activating system (RAS) which is what directs our awareness and is literally operated by questions and inquiries of various sorts, and scans our environment looking for information that pertain to a possible answer. Questions and answers are opposites of the same thing. When the brain perceives information that may provide answers to our questions, it places our attention on them, we notice them, and we intuitively recognize them as pertaining to our questions through a form of association. These often come as insights, realizations around an idea, or as an intuitive awareness that’s a form of synchronicity.

Questions and answers are synchronized to each other, and are of the same frequency or nature. We are connected vibrationally to everything in our outer environment, and are always resonating with the information around us through attraction and repulsion. Activating same information by awakening and vibrating it, while having no effect on others. The heart center of the body is what connects us to our outer environment as our subconscious mind, and is what would we could call instinctual in nature, because it interacts with everything around us at the subconscious level. It’s always in a state of anticipation, and identifying what’s the same as we are (same vibration), and what’s not (like the immune system which is operated by the same principle and is regulated by the Thymus gland which is attached to the heart). All pertinent information from the environment (horizontal plane) that we resonate with comes into our system through the heart, where it’s distributed throughout the body, some of which is sent to the brain for sensory decoding, and the RAS of the brain directs our attention and awareness of certain aspects that pertain to the frequencies of our questions.

Vibratory spectrum

Whenever we wonder about something, or compose a thought into an actual question, we form a frequency that connects to the same frequency in everything around us, and sets into a motion a form of seeking out the answer. Even when we’re no longer thinking about it, the subconscious mind continues using it to scan and connect to the same idea in our everyday life, and when it resonates with information of the same nature, we notice it and it stands out. Sometimes we have a direct intuitive awareness of it, and realize it pertains to the answer, other times it seems like a coincidence that we’re not quite sure why we’re noticing it. All coincidences and intuitive recognition that are not investigated further or followed up on, don’t go anywhere. We have to discern and interpret it in order for it to have any meaning. We have to see it as a clue or sign of some sort and merge into it in order for an association to take place.

Most answers don’t come as a one-time realization, but more as one idea, that when recognized for its relevance and followed, leads to another idea, which leads to another idea, and formulates a chain-of-association that ultimately reveals the answer in its fullness. One idea or a notion often appears as a closed door, which has to be penetrated in order for the unknown to become known through observation and realization. It’s only ideas that we pursue and continuously form more questions around with every clue that lead us to actual answers that bring a full understanding. We only truly comprehend something through an experience of it.

Mental flow

Usually answers come that when digested and integrated into our current model only serve to form more questions, and so a single inquiry can set into motion a lifetime of learning. It’s only what we have an interest in and sense of curiosity around that engages and intrigues us that naturally forms the path of our development as a learning process that comes through direct experience. By realizing the answers in real life situations as the direct experience of them, they are automatically integrated into our mind, modifying our mental paradigm through incorporating them. All information obtained through experience becomes synthesized as memory and reforms our perceptual lens which readily sees it as a part of our outer reality from that point forward.

Experience, which brings self-realization, breeds understanding. What we understand through our own realization becomes known to us as an intuitive awareness. Intuitive perception comes as a knowing that seems to be an integral part of us without a direct awareness of why or how we know. It comes more in an automatic fashion. When we intuitively know about something as an in-depth understanding of its true nature, it doesn’t come by what’s communicated through its outer appearance, but is felt and understood inwardly. As we realize things through our experience of them, we realize things about ourselves at the same time, because it’s our realization, not one being explained to us by someone else or as an account of their experience that we substitute for our own. We form the understanding out of our own mind, and it automatically becomes a part of our mind as a new mental filter that allows us to see it as a natural part of our normal everyday perception.

Birthing reality

Once we realize how this process works as a law of the mind through resonance (attraction), sympathetic induction (absorption), and coherence (synthesis), we can gain a better understanding of the importance of questions. Many times we ask questions whose answers would not be valuable to us in any way, or as a means of drawing those types of ideas to us by giving our attention to them. By learning how to ask pertinent questions whose answers would provide us with valuable information and resources in the practical sense of gaining knowledge that can be utilized to create in a meaningful way, we facilitate our own growth and development while simultaneously connecting ourselves to those ideas all around us.

Questions and their answers are of the same idea, and one acts to initiate the other as a pathway of understanding by merging into and becoming one with ideas in their whole form. They are of the same idea as a frequency (pattern), and answers are drawn to us through resonance, then absorbed by us as induction (experienced), and integrated to form coherence as a shift in vibration through the incorporation of new information. Anytime we wonder about something, we become magnetized with the whole idea and we set a process in motion to find the answer in everything around us. As we study, imagine new ideas, and wonder about whatever remains unknown, we draw knowledge of the unknown factors to us as the fulfillment of a wish.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Mind-Body Health Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher


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