A New Way of Thinking and Perceiving – Everything is Conscious Energy
Matter is Various Forms of Consciousness
How we look at things and the model we view them through as a means of attempting to understand them, determines what we see as a result. By looking at the world with new eyes, we experience everything in a brand new way. In order to find the secrets of the universe, we have to learn to perceive it in its most primal form, the form of energy. What is typically referred to as secret sciences or occult knowledge, is the scientific and intuitive awareness of the invisible, energetic realm of pure consciousness going on around us, in us, and through us all the time. Everything in the universe consists of vibration. Every element of the material world, whether organic or inorganic, vibrates at at different rates and modes of consciousness. Every subatomic particle that makes up what we experience as the phenomenal world exists as primarily empty or invisible space that displays psychic mind-like properties. These psychic particles are always interacting and exchanging energy as consciousness while morphing and intimately responding to all other particles. These psychic and mind-like qualities are aspects of consciousness that give it the physical attributes and characteristics it takes on. As it exchanges and acquires new forms of consciousness, it morphs into the shape equivalent to that conscious state as a new vibration.
The universe as we know it, is made up of different levels of consciousness, separated out and distinguished by different levels, frequencies and degrees of consciousness. The rate and mode of vibration form the state out of which an object is formed and animated through natural behaviors of that state and form. Organic living forms are active through natural growth processes and display specific behaviors based on its vibratory state as its energetic and material constitution which are always equivalent to each other. The material world exists in kingdoms as a natural categorization of levels of consciousness shaped by the elements; known primarily as the mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdoms. While the degree of consciousness varies between the kingdoms of the material world, they all possess the same type of consciousness in various formulas, and are in a constant form of interaction as an exchange of energy at the subconscious level. Each element of the subatomic chart that makes up the basic composition of the physical world consists of energy at different rates and modes of vibration.

Every material object also possesses or is accompanied by an energy field or energetic double, commonly referred to as its etheric body. This etheric energy field as what we could call its mind or soul, provides a kind of spatial mapping for the physical structure the form takes on at the molecular level of generation and regeneration. While DNA provides the basic information as sequences that make up the cellular intelligence that’s used to form it by regenerating material substance out of nothing, fabricating the substance of an entire body through a growth process, the etheric body or energetic double provides the 3-D mapping as the spatial structure the cells develop into through a series of specializations. While the outer form it takes on may differ, the energy that shapes it, gives it its unique properties, and hold it together, is the same energy that permeates and gives rise to all living things as a primordial form of consciousness. What separates objects into distinct categories based on the characteristics and activity levels is their vibratory frequency and degree of consciousness which range between passive and inactive states, to highly active and interactive states. The more active something is the higher its degree of consciousness, the more comprehensive, complex, and sophisticated its actions are, the higher degree of intelligence it possesses. Consciousness, intelligence, information, subtle energy and vibration are synonymous terms.
By realizing the basic nature of everything as varying degrees of consciousness, or an orchestration of vibratory frequencies all interlaced and interactively exchanging energy, we can begin realizing that the world around us is alive and always in the process of interacting with and responding to our consciousness, meaning, its responding to our feelings, emotions, thoughts, and imaginings. Our awareness of this basic realm of pure energy that underlies and gives rise to everything is the basis of intuition. We experience the energetic conscious world as the invisible realm that underlies the material realm through the intuitive faculty of the mind, which everybody has and are using all the time at the unconscious level. Whatever emotions we’re experiencing and thoughts we’re thinking connect with those same emotions and thoughts as a quality of consciousness in everything around us. As we connect to them by resonating with them, they stand out, become illuminated or highlighted, we notice them above everything else, think about them, and they act to accentuate or promote whatever mood we’re in by becoming the reality of that mood in realization.
When we look out over a large expansive area or greater reality, we only notice in that scene whatever matches us in mood, feelings, emotion, thought and actions. As we notice certain elements within a whole, we abstract them, place our attention on them and develop them into a new whole in order to create our experience of them as a representation of the greater whole we abstracted them from. Whatever is of a different vibration or quality of consciousness as a state of being than we are, fade into the background, and we don’t notice or think about them in the direct sense. Our attention is the active force of our consciousness that’s directed only into what matches it or can be used to recreate a reality as a representation of our mental model that we use to interpret the world around us, whether it’s in its active or passive aspect.
This realization of a conscious universe that’s alive and interactive through relationships is the foundation for our intuitive perception as our spiritual or energetic eyes. Once we realize that all of life and everything in our immediate awareness is responding to us, based on how we’re feeling and what we’re thinking about, we can come to understand how questions and answers are directly associated, and how by asking questions or contemplating an idea, we connect to the answer as being of the same reality as the question all around us, and the answers come to us synchronistically through signs, messages, events, and direct contact in the people and things around us. We have only to realize this and begin making it a practice to be present in our everyday life while paying attention to notions, urges, indirect associations, feelings we get about something for no apparent reason, coincidences and outright answers that come mysteriously out of the blue, in the most ordinary and unexpected ways. Whatever we concentrate on internally, starts talking to us externally.
When we begin seeing all of life as conscious beings and entities, it changes how we experience the world, and changes the relationship we form with it. When we realize that every living thing is a conscious being affected by our very thoughts, emotions, and actions towards it, that’s always interacting, communicating, and responding to us, it changes how we see and experience ourselves as conscious beings. When we realize that at the very moment we ask questions, we automatically begin connecting to the answer in the space around us, and it starts coming to us through the elements of our environment, life takes on a magical quality. We then begin realizing that intuitive notions are designed to guide us. When something stands out and we don’t know why for sure, yet we immediately make an association to why it’s standing out, it comes as a connection to something we’ve been thinking about, contemplating or wondering about, and is designed to lead us through further investigation into its significance, or by giving us more information about an idea.
Once we become aware of the conscious nature of things, we become much more aware of ourselves and the importance of our role in everything. We begin connecting with everything in a new way while seeing a whole new side to things. We begin realizing the affects of not only our behaviors, but of our very thoughts and feelings which ultimately serve to motivate our behaviors, and the fact that even when we don’t act on our feelings and thoughts, we promote, influence, and produce the same subtle effect with only our thoughts and emotions. Our emotions and the thoughts connected to them are what connect us intimately to everything else.
In the energetic realm of pure consciousness, thoughts are things. Thoughts are energetic forms that enter into, penetrate, and affect everything around us. We begin realizing that we are intimately connected through various subtleties to everything else. That everything is affecting us with its consciousness through a spontaneous energy exchange. That we are in fact solely responsible for our own consciousness and the affects we produce, which are largely unconscious in nature. We begin realizing that by waking up and becoming aware of what’s happening silently and invisibly all around us, we can begin not only directing ourselves, but determine how we influence everything else. We can begin viewing ourselves from an expanded perspective and see ourselves objectively as a part of a greater idea being played out all around us of which we play an important part. We can begin taking responsibility for who we are and how we’re being in even the most ordinary sense. We can begin intimately connecting to others, to animals, plants, trees, sunsets, mountains, the ocean, in a whole new way, falling in love, and becoming it’s caretaker and protector. We can influence things with love and adoration, with feelings of reverence and respect, that acts to bring out in it and in us, what warrants those feelings as a reality. What we do unto others, we simultaneously do to ourselves, because what connects us isn’t the outer physical reality, but the underlying invisible reality as our shared quality of consciousness, out of which feelings, thoughts, emotions, and actions naturally propagate as their offspring.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Mind-Body Medicine Practitioner, and Spiritual Mentor