Emotional Thoughts Transform Us to the Same Vibratory Frequency
There’s always a fundamental relationship between thoughts and emotions, which are always correspondence of each other in terms of vibration. A basic Principle of the mind is that it doesn’t know how to process a negative command. What this means is that it doesn’t work by way of being told what not to do, but rather by suggesting what to do. It simply holds an idea as a suggestion within the minds eye, and begins developing it by thinking about it. We then have an emotional response to the thoughts, which becomes the determining factor of how the thought is developed to create meaning through a story. The emotional component is one of the most important features because it forms the meaning the idea takes on which becomes the nature of the experience we have, which subliminally drives our behavior as an expression of the idea, as well as spawning other ideas of a similar nature with the connecting point being the emotional quality itself.
The mind as energetic essence is exquisitely sophisticated. The greater aspect of the mind, the subconscious and Higher-Conscious, as two-thirds of the mind, is slippery, elusive and impressionistic making it hard to fully realize. This is because not only is it primarily unconscious (functions outside our awareness), but it also perceives and communicates by different means and by using a different language than the conscious mind. It works out of feelings, ideas, emotions, images and symbolic metaphors that intuitively invoke a whole chain of associations. It exists in a state of unity and synthesis as a fully synchronized relationship with our environment. It doesn’t perceive itself as separate and apart from everything like the conscious mind does, but rather senses itself as the same thing. The true meaning of the Quintessence isn’t mind over matter necessarily, but rather matter as existing within the mind, of the same essence as the mind.
The conscious mind, which is what most of us are aware of, is the perceptual, conceptualizing mind that creates separation as the necessary means of self-perception. The conscious mind is the aspect of the mind that thinks in terms of words as internal dialogue. The word as a conceptual form calls forth life by breathing and vibrating it, by speaking it. All of life was brought forth by the word which moved across the living waters. Emotions give rise to thoughts by motivating them through animation. The spark as an inspired idea, heats the water creating a vapor as a cloud-like formation, creating thought-forms as ghost-like images. The more we think about them with strong emotions, the more defined they become. The more passionately we speak them as a means of expression, the quicker they manifest as a living reality.
When an idea as a thought-process is introduced into the mind as a form of suggestion by willingly allowing it in through a passive state, or magnetizing it through curiosity that draws it in through an active state, our mind begins developing it by thinking about it. Our emotional response to our own thoughts infuses the idea with meaning that fashions it as a personal reality. We personalize the idea making it our own, by how we develop it. Because all personal development is from the inside out, what we lend our thoughts to serve to develop us accordingly. We first choose them by allowing them in, and then use our will by imagining them, which floods our system with corresponding chemistry called hormones, that we experience as emotion that aligns and unifies our whole-being to the vibratory quality of the feeling idea. The idea that we imagine literally affects us at the molecular level because it forms a systematized process of correspondences that changes our chemical composition.
Just as our conscious mind serves to program our subconscious mind by how it chooses to use the imagination to create a virtual memory as a surrogate reality, which translates conscious thought into the language of the subconscious as experience, it simultaneously alters the memory of our cells, or our DNA by altering its memory through its indigenous language of chemistry. The body functions at the molecular level as energetic intelligence that formulates corresponding chemistry.
Alchemy, the Sacred Art of personal transformation from lower states to higher states of moral perfection that is self-induced and maintained, is the mastery of the mind to direct its own thoughts married to positive emotions that completely reprogram the entire system as an organic correspondence. The key faculty of the mind that codes, decodes and forms a unified interpretation in a variety of languages as analogies and correspondences, is the imagination. How we use our imagination to think about things is intimately creating us at the same time. The imagination as the primary function of the mind that spans the full range of consciousness is our personal power of choice and free will. We choose what we think about and it restructures us as a modified state-of-mind that aligns our whole being with the vibratory quality of the idea itself as transformed into personal experience. The internal experience birthed in the imagination becomes the memory that serves as a re-patterning that gives the subconscious a new program to operate out of.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher