Category: Spiritual Sciences

The Dual Nature of Truth – The Relative and the Absolute

Truth, like all ideas that prevail within the material realm, is dual in nature. The entire material realm is formed by a universal (common) and personal (individual) aspect that are complementary in nature. These complementary aspects are separated from each other by degrees that that form a scale as...

The Mind-Body Connection: Frequency, Sympathetic Resonance, and Coherence

 The body and the mind exist in a polar relationship as passive and active aspects of the same frequency. The body serves as a passive receptor and vehicle for the mind, based on resonance. The mind is fundamentally non-local, and becomes located in the body as the entity that...

The Relationship of the Three Aspects of the Mind – The Art of Self-Creation

The primary law of the ‘3 in 1’, represented by the triad in Sacred Geometry, the Supernal in the Kabbalah, the Trinity in Christianity, and the 3 upper chakra’s of the subtle energy system of the body, is considered the primary law, because it’s inherent in every single aspect...

Forgiveness – Transforming Judgment, Detachment, and the Key to Liberation

 The idea of forgiveness can be a somewhat slippery subject in terms of what it actually means and how to do it. Many can put on the facade of appearing to forgive on the outside while still harboring the feelings that led to the perceived need to forgive on...

Decoding a Mystery – Interpreting the Symbolic Language of Higher Knowledge

 All spiritual knowledge is communicated in symbolic terms as a harmonious universal language of numbers, letters, sound, images, colors, modes of consciousness, and so on, that require interpretation in order to be obtained and understood in practical terms. This is because all true spiritual knowledge exits as universal laws...
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