Decoding a Mystery – Interpreting the Symbolic Language of Higher Knowledge
All spiritual knowledge is communicated in symbolic terms as a harmonious universal language of numbers, letters, sound, images, colors, modes of consciousness, and so on, that require interpretation in order to be obtained and understood in practical terms. This is because all true spiritual knowledge exits as universal laws (both energetic and material) and come as archetypal principles that lend themselves to a universal application to produce a unique variation each time it’s interpreted and applied to create. The most fundamental law is the Law of the Monad, Dyad, and Triad (trinity), that basically says every mind or sphere of consciousness vibrates at a unique frequency, and can only resonate with that same frequency (perception of reality) in everything else.
As we encounter other forms of consciousness, we enter into relationship with it by forming an interference pattern (Dyad), which, through a process of adaptation and modification, alters the shared frequency to form a new one by canceling out (contradicting) some aspects, while amplifying others, shaping it into a unique variation. This unique variation formed first as an internal concept, visualization, or working model, results from the coupling of two opposite (masculine and feminine) and complementary waves which produce an offspring as a harmonious combination of both.
Our mind exists as a mental paradigm or thematic model that vibrates at a certain frequency. All vibration is an invisible wave that acts as a carrier-wave for information of a certain frequency that exists in a purely potential state. This vibrating wave of information as a frequency also has a self-organizing mechanism inherent in it as life-force energy that constructs (grows and organizes it into a pattern) a holographic form out of it. Information that has the potential for building realities exists in an unformed state in the atmosphere around us and is available to be absorbed by another bio-field (mind in a body), modifying its vibration through a process of adaptation into a specialized variation, where it’s then formed into a personal reality by how it’s first imagined and built into an existing, ongoing story or version of reality in a congruent manner, and how it’s applied and utilized in order to create in the material sense.
All universal knowledge exists in its potential state (unformed) as Law and Information that’s purely creative in nature and requires interpretation in order to be known and used as tools for self-creation by creating realities out of it through the intuitive perception of it. Each individual will interpret the same symbolically encoded information differently, based not only on their mental model (vibratory frequency), level of maturity, personal knowledge and education, stage in life, circumstances and life situations, method of utilizing, and so on, but also based on their breadth of knowledge of the sciences and arts. It requires an in-depth knowledge of multiple disciplines (sacred geometry, mathematics, numbers, letters, words, pronunciations, and analogies that are of the same idea or nature) in order to be interpreted accurately.
As humans, we are all bestowed with choice and free will and the ability to willfully obtain the knowledge necessary through devoted study of the Sacred Arts and Sciences to be able to not only form our own interpretation and creative formula, but also to use that knowledge within our life in a willful manner to create by way of it. If we lack the knowledge to interpret information that comes as a mathematical formula, geometric shapes that represent scientific relationships, corresponding colors, sounds, icons, ideas, themes, etc., then the information as higher knowledge isn’t obtainable, and remains secretive. This is the basis of the Mysteries as Secret Knowledge that’s virtually unobtainable by the profane and untutored. A single geometric shape with specific attributes, qualities and characteristics, represents laws, ideas, and scientific relationships that are mathematical, psychological, philosophical, biological, and have semantic significance, that actually provide us with a whole formula as a process for creating a reality that brings us deeper and more profound realizations into the true nature of our creative abilities and the energetic substratum of what we call reality.
Because spiritual knowledge is communicated in the symbolic language of Universal Laws and Archetypal Principles, it requires us to utilize and develop our intuitive capacity to discern it. We discern things intuitively by forming a chain-of-association as natural relationships that exist between all ideas of the same nature (frequency). All frequency has natural patterns in it as the form, behaviors, and reality of that frequency. We have exquisitely sophisticated scientific systems that represent Universal Laws and the true method for decoding them. For example, the Qabalah, exists as a hierarchical mapping of Law and Principles in both a descending and ascending format, that corresponds to the key of the Tarot (Hermetic texts), which can be used to interpret them. The Qabalah has 11 Sephirot (10 visible, 1 invisible), and corresponds to the 22 principles of the major arcane of the Tarot, where the first 11 (0-10) are established as spirit descending into the material plane through our formative conditioning or original creation, and the second 11 principles representing ascending back into spirit as a rebirth that’s a willful process of self-creation and transformation.
Both the Tarot and the Qabalah form a natural series of correspondences thru letters, numbers, attributes and relationships with numerous other scientific systems, such as Sacred Geometry, the Chakra system of the body, the multiple dimensions of the causal, mental, astral, etheric, and physical planes, as well as colors of the light spectrum, musical notes and scales, seasons, directions, Moon cycles, rhythms, etc. Through an intuitive chain of association as natural relationships you can interpret a symbolic idea to find the laws and principles it represents and obtain the information that’s encoded within it. All spiritual knowledge requires us to use our intuitive abilities to decipher it, and our creative abilities to utilize it by applying it. Any knowledge that’s not applied in order to create, is useless theory and a form of vain entertainment. A person who preaches and knows in theoretical terms, but doesn’t practice or creatively apply through experimentation, doesn’t benefit from the information, doesn’t know for sure if it’s true in terms of actually producing what it claims to, and doesn’t ingrain it as an experience that becomes a memory as the fundamental nature of the soul, which is eternal in nature and carried forward. We only truly obtain what we bring into practice by becoming one with it, providing the channel through which it expresses to form an experience of it as a perception of reality. Knowledge provides the theoretical basis for self-mastery that allows us to utilize our ability to self-create and determine the nature of our experiences through the relationship we form with all of life.
Nobody can do your work for you. Nobody can give you an interpretation or tell you what things mean. You always have to decide that for yourself, and are ultimately completely responsible for your own decisions and all the actions that result from your decisions. While interpretations made by others can teach you how to interpret symbolic language, the process and method used, so you can hone your own skills, they can never give you answers or tell you in a factual manner what something means. Meaning in and of itself is relative. Everything means something different to every person perceiving it. Our ability to utilize information in a creative fashion depends on our knowledge base and what meaning ideas have for us.
The most fundamental form of spiritual development comes through a desire for Higher Knowledge that engages us in a constant form of self-education through a devoted study of spiritual sciences and the Sacred Arts. Nowhere in our modern day society is this knowledge a part of our formative education. Only those who have a true desire to truly know pursue it and form a devoted practice of intuitive learning, while creatively applying it to their everyday life in order to self-create by way of it. All education in the most basic sense, like all healing and perceiving, is something we do within ourselves. It’s not acquired from someone else outside of us, and requires our interest, desire, connection, and ability to absorb it as a working concept, while developing the practical ability to apply and utilize it. We are always the one educating ourselves, and developing ourselves by becoming one with the ideas that we act as a channel of expression for. We are all ultimately responsible for the consequences of all our decisions and actions, and how we use our capacity of choice, imagination, and willpower to intentionally self-create.
All of what we call secret or hidden knowledge is only so because it’s written in a symbolic code using universal symbols. Our knowledge of this universal symbolic language has been lost through time with the onslaught of organized religion and the quest of the powers that be to own Higher Knowledge and keep it from the average person (burning the Alexandria Library) and brutally murdering those who possessed spiritual powers (the Great Acquisition) as a form of intimidation, that secured their position as the keepers of the Light. Throughout the centuries that followed, knowledge of the Spiritual Arts and Sciences, formerly known as Magic, was virtually lost except to a few initiates that kept it alive through secret brotherhoods, encoded texts and allegories, and covenants of various sorts. By learning the universal language of symbols, numbers, and letters, we can interpret any idea or formula to find it’s hidden (actual) meaning, while simultaneously gaining the formula for applying it to create miracles (the science of magic) by manipulating matter using our mind.
Spiritual Teacher and Mentor for Self-Mastery
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About The Author
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Linda is a scholar in Esoteric Sciences and holds a doctorate in Spiritual Sciences, and a BS in Clinical Hypnotherapy, along with numerous specialty certifications in various healing modalities. She's a certified Health and Success Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Board Certified in Regression Therapy. She's professional writer, artist, educator and Mentor, and offers a wide variety of Mentoring and Consulting Services, along with professional training programs. Her specialties include Personal Transformation, Self-Mastery, Spiritual Sciences, Transpersonal Psychology, and Integrative Mind-Body Medicine. For more info visit our Personal and Professional Services pages in the top menu bar of this site, or email us at: [email protected]