Multiple Personality Disorder – The Soul’s Ability to Create the Body and Reality
While we can look at the placebo effect all day long as a means of attempting to understand the minds ability to shape reality or regulate the chemistry and function of its own body, the true impact of this idea comes through what we call Multiple Personality Disorder, or...
Spiritual DNA, the Soul’s Code, and the Subconscious Mind
As humans we have what we can think of as a three-fold nature formed out of three aspects of the mind and soul operating in one body, which merely acts as the vehicle or instrument of the mind. Our mind is what serves to initially construct our body as...
Vibratory Scale, Planes of Existence, and Parallel Dimensions
Vibration is energy that moves in a circular, spiraling motion between two poles that are electric (positive) and magnetic (negative). The spiraling motion of vibration is created from the dual nature of energy known in scientific terms as polarity or electromagnetism, and in spiritual traditions as the dance between...
Resolving the Imaginary Controversy Between Science and Religion
Is God and Nature Different Ideas? Though science and religion seem posed against each other throughout our modern day society, in ancient societies they actually originated as the same thing. These ideas are now separated only by the onslaught of what we have come to call religion and science,...
What is Thought? The Local and Non-local Mind
Thought comes as the activity of the mind, not just as the verbal thought of what we call the conscious mind which comes primarily as what we call brain function, but also through the other aspects of the mind as feelings, images, and direct experience. Naturally, just as all...
Understanding Universal Laws and How to Use Them
Many of us have been taught to view everything as being separate and independent of everything else. We tend to take a single aspect of a living and fully functioning system, break it down into individual parts, and then study and make a whole out of what in reality...
The Soul as the Subconscious Mind and the Holographic Nature of Reality
The mind exists in a unified state that’s intrinsically dual or polarized in nature. It exists in a paradoxical state as being both local, or located within a particular situation, and non-local, or residing outside of the same situation, at the same time. It resides simultaneously as both a...
Intuition and Communication Between Multiple Levels of the Mind
How the Higher Self Communicates with the Lower Self The most fundamental law that permeates and governs all levels of life and reality, is the One that’s dual in nature, as complementary opposites that form a range of vibration as a scale or frequency. This 3 in 1 Law...
The Law of the Mind – Our Character, Nature, and Quality of Consciousness
The Law of Mentalism, which is the first principle of the seven primary principles of Hermetic Sciences, basically states that all of life and reality as we know it is a product of the mind. That Mind is all there is. Everything exists as a mental construct or dynamic...
The Axis Mundi – Black Holes, Wormholes, and Stargates to Parallel Dimensions
Throughout Spiritual Sciences the Axis Mundi has been portrayed as a tunnel or portal that connects higher dimensions to lower dimensions, or Heaven and Earth. This concept of a portal between dimensions has also been called the cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar, center of the world, world tree,...