Articles that Educate

Articles that help form a deeper understanding of Spiritual Sciences, Sacred Sciences, Esoteric Wisdom, Mind Sciences, and Hermetic Sciences

The Pineal and the Third Eye – The Seat of the Soul and the Alchemical Marriage

In this article I'm going to lay out a new model for understanding the principles involved in the function of the Pineal gland and its corresponding subtle organ of the Third Eye. My intention is to provide the basis for forming a new way of understanding the nature of what...
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The Cosmic Fire of the Mind – Piezoelectric Energy of the Brain and Third-Eye

I’m going to discuss this idea from the perspective of experience rather than hypothesis or following a common belief, so it may go outside of conventional thought and what many have been taught to believe. Many people have never experienced what I’m going to talk about because it typically only...
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The Absolute Law of Karma – Mortality, Immortality, and the Nature of Destiny

In most esoteric texts and spiritual doctrine Karma is referred to as the absolute law because its fundamental in nature and transpires naturally through our very nature and way of being. We're all born into the world with a predisposition that naturally equips us with everything we need to form...
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Quintessence – The Fifth Element of the Pentad, Self-Perfection, and the Holographic Principle

The term 'quintessence', which can be translated as meaning the fifth element or primordial essence, is represented by taking an idea and forming it into an 'ideal' where it serves as a prototype for bringing divine qualities into perfect expression. It represents what you can think of as a state...
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The Astral Plane of the Aether, The Akashic Field of Cosmic Memory, and the Yetzirah World of Formation

What we call the spiritual world is comprised of invisible forces of a highly intelligent nature that act through universal laws to form what we experience as “realityâ€. In order to understand how invisible forces behave and operate in performing a “creative process†we have to use a model as...
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The Difference between the Personality of Our Lower Nature and Identity Formed by Our Higher Nature

An "idea", which originates in an invisible and generalized state, can only be understood in the practical sense by forming it into a working mental concept that serves to demonstrate how it functions as a fundamental part of our everyday reality. In order to understand the dual nature of our...
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The Law of the Tetrad – How we Manifest and then Act to Evolve Our Own Manifestation

In Sacred Geometry what's known as the Tetrad represents the principle of material manifestation. The Tetrad corresponds with the number "4", represented by a cube, because it's the fourth principle to evolve out of the primary principle of the Monad, and in science 4 is the number that represents the...
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Self-Realization and Empowerment – The Art of Keeping Yourself Separate from Others

One of the things that make fundamental ideas of what we call “reality†seem elusive and difficult to understand in the most practical sense, is because reality exists as a basic form of paradox. A paradox is formed when two ideas exist simultaneously as a part of the same reality...
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How to Work with Your Subtle Body as Your Mind in Order to Transform Your Reality

Many who have been tutored in the energetic arts have been taught that what we refer to as our subtle body serves as a form of blueprint and etheric double for constructing and sustaining our physical body, but don't know for sure how to work with this idea in the...
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A New Way for Understanding the True Nature of Your Mind and Soul

It’s interesting to notice how modern science and psychology are acting to steer us away from our own true spiritual nature by attempting to equate our “mind†with our brain and body, and our “memories†as something stored in the brain, while debunking the idea of the “soul†as being...
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How Our Mind Forms Reality out of Our Thoughts

As we think, we simultaneously tune ourselves to the frequency of our thoughts as they exist in the atmosphere around us. In the general sense, thoughts formed as pictures are symbolic in nature and vibrate at a particular frequency that sets up and establishes a form of “gravitational field†between...
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The Physics of the Soul, the Nature of Our Character, and the Holographic Nature of Reality

The most prevalent misconception formed in trying to understand the nature of the soul, comes by viewing it as being the body and personality of the body. The soul isn’t the body as a “personâ€, located in a particular place and time, confined to live within a specific set of...
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Intuition – Clairvoyance, Premonition, and Attaining Higher Knowledge

Intuition forms what we tend to call our sixth sense, which comes predominately as a feeling or sense we have about something based on its mental and emotional state, and by how it forms an intrinsic part of a greater whole. It can come as a direct awareness of the...
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Existing Simultaneously in Multiple Dimensions – The Two Stages and Levels of Spiritual Awakening

The idea of spiritual awakening refers to “self-awarenessâ€, and this awareness can take place on 2 levels simultaneously. Shifts in awareness usually come as fleeting moments where we truly transition into a different state of awareness that has a profound quality to it. As we step into a new way...
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My Experience and What I Learned about the True Nature of the Soul from doing Past Life Regressions

I was born into this life a natural skeptic and never took anything at face value. From as far back as I can remember, whenever I encountered a religious, spiritual, or psychic idea of any kind, whether it was in church or at a neighbor’s house who did astrology or...
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Realizing Your True Self and Embodying Your Power to Consciously Create Yourself

The process of personal transformation (Alchemy) as a form of spiritual regeneration comes as a process that has two basic stages. The first stage is what's often referred to as our psychological healing, where we shed our false ego built through our formative conditioning, and the second comes by learning...
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Moral Strength – The Power of Being Willfully Directed

Strength is a virtue that's employed as the means for subduing and bringing your lower, instinctual nature under your control so it can be utilized as a vehicle for higher forms of self-expression. It's the moral strength and discipline you exercise by using your 'will' to control your own emotions,...
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Karma – Beyond the Veil of Negative Existence and the Process of Rebirth

What’s portrayed in Esoteric texts as the “Veil of Negative Existence†can be a very elusive idea in the most basic sense because it deals with another realm of life on a higher plane of existence that’s hidden, and therefore unknown to us while living in this realm. Yet, like...
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Beliefs, Delusions, and the Mind’s ability to Perpetuate its Own Experiences

I'm not going to approach this idea from the conventional standpoint of attempting to describe the nature of beliefs, how we form them out of our conditioning, and the psychological process necessary for changing them, because a great deal has already been written on this subject. What I'm going to...
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The Nature of our “Self” as our State of Mind, and how we Create our Reality

As humans, we're always locked into a very fundamental paradox due to the fact that we have what you might think of as two different natures or aspects of ourselves, which, when left to operate in a purely unconscious and natural way, tend to contrast and seemingly contradict each other....
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