Acquiring Higher Knowledge: Condition, State, and Quality of Consciousness

We now know that the consciousness associated with the brain that serves to operate it isn’t produced by the physical organ itself, but the brain (all material bodies) merely act as a receiver and transducer for consciousness which exists in its potential form in the atmosphere around us, also known as the ether, Astral Plane, Akashic Field, Quantum Plenum, and the Unified Field of intelligence. We actually act to absorb thoughts and ideas from the universal mind of the collective unconscious, rather than actually being the one producing them, as many believe. We also act to absorb the thought-forms of others in a parallel manner, which also populate the astral plane around us as the instinctual field of the subconscious mind that are of the same nature as we are through a subliminal form of telepathy.

The brain, heart, and body itself only contains and possesses the consciousness it serves as a vehicle for by first absorbing it through various forms of suggestion and intuition that it then develops into a unique version of reality by continuing to think about it while picturing it in the minds eye, forming it into an imaginary reality as the basis for a personal creation. What we refer to as the body’s consciousness operates out of memory and it’s only creative capacity is by way of using memory as a thematic blueprint or template for creating material forms of the same nature. It lacks originality and individuality and is developed through conditioning as a form of training that establishes the personality as a mental paradigm or mental sphere of consciousness as a vibratory frequency, that it continues creating out of in a natural and repetitive manner.

Birthing ideas
State of Mind

In order to acquire, absorb, or call energetic entities as ideas into our sphere of consciousness, we have to create the conditions in which that consciousness naturally exists. We have to create the conditions as a vibratory state that’s equivalent to it, which is what allows it to be drawn into our mental sphere through resonance and sympathetic induction. If we don’t exist as the same state of mind and level or quality of consciousness, we don’t resonate with it and we can’t become a vehicle or medium for it to manifest within us as our very own thoughts and feelings. This is true not only for the energies as qualities of consciousness (memories) that naturally inhabit the material plane that we experience as emotional states that appeal to us and bring out in us complementary traits and characteristics, but also in regards to higher planes which are predominately archetypal in nature and provide us with distinct patterns for embodying as a way of becoming like them.

In the spiritual, invisible, energetic realm of subtle energy, the primary principles that are always operating is the Law of Mentalism, Law of Correspondences, and the Law of Vibration, all of which go hand in hand as extensions of each other and provide the means of manifesting within the material plane through the proper energy and moving energies necessary to manifest as qualities between parallel planes that together form a cohesive and coherent reality. As a soul within a material body, we can only act to acquire or draw in and absorb energy that’s of the same or similar vibration as we are. In order to draw in a select and desired energy as a quality that we don’t already possess in its active state, we have to align ourselves with and create the mental, emotional, and physical conditions that it naturally exists in or that are of the conditions of that dimension, and thereby resonate with it.

The energies of the upper and lower planes, commonly referred to as nature spirits, angels, demons, jeni, and so on, which can also be thought of as the Elements and natural forces that have creative potential and are singular in nature and perform distinct operations inherent in that quality faithfully without distortion. Humans are composite beings that are multidimensional in nature and possess and actively employ multiple qualities and characteristics of all planes in which it’s a part. We all have the ability to intentionally develop ourselves by choosing what qualities we align ourselves with and actively employ as the means of being able to perform the operations and behaviors that naturally ensue from that quality. Whatever and however we’re being as a quality of consciousness or state of mind, determines what we’re doing and how we’re acting. All actions as an expression of consciousness create realities on the material plane.

Archetypes and the Gods of Creation

The energies of a still higher plane, the Akashic field of universal memory, entities exist that are of a complex nature just as we are. These entities are archetypes, which have historically been referred to as the gods. An archetype exists as a whole idea that involves multiple qualities as a formula or dynamic that has a certain type of personality and character traits, an identity as a specific type of person prone to play a certain type of role and be ideal for acting out a certain type of story as a form of theme. Archetypes from these higher planes form the basis for all human development, and we are not only born into this world as a dynamic formula of multiple archetypes (zodiac birth chart), but we are an archetype ourselves. We embody and live out of a dominant archetype as a unique variation formulated by our souls ability to access, select, and draw in (embody) the archetypes of its choice and actively expressing those qualities as the means of creating ourselves by developing those same qualities to various degrees as a natural part of our personality and identity.

The gods of antiquity was a mythology that provided us with a kind of menu as to what was possible and available for practical use based on our nature and desire for how we want to be. We all resonate and feel an affinity for certain types of characters and heavily relate to certain types of stories that naturally result from the expression of certain ways of being. The gods of mythology represent archetypes as a way of being that provide us with a model that we can choose with precision and actively employ as a means of intentionally developing ourselves to be of a similar nature. We can only really embody and know how to bring a way of being into expression by imitating what’s being modeled and demonstrated for us. Archetypes are characters that are whole in nature as complex dynamic beings that provide us with a template to practice out of. They possess a certain combination of qualities in varying degrees that make up their character. By stepping into and practicing being like an archetype, we activate and bring out those same qualities in ourselves. Naturally by imitating we don’t become just like them, but we create a unique version of the same idea, or incorporate new qualities into our existing character that expand our range of expression.

If we have a desire to be more courageous and less prone to fear, for example, we choose and embody an archetype or god that is the full expression of fearless courage. We can study them, get a feel for their personality, and how they feel, think, and perceive things, what perspective they take, how they hold and conduct themselves, and just through imitating and being like them in body, posture, and behavior, we tap into and access the same consciousness and way of perceiving ourselves. Physiology forms a direct correspondence with state of mind, which corresponds with a distinct way of feeling and thinking. Thought, feeling, emotion, and action or behavior is always aligned with each other. So just be employing the same behaviors we adjust our state of mind to match it, creating a new experience of ourselves, and we begin perceiving in new ways. We gain a new sense of ourselves through our behaviors and ways of conducting ourselves that we then become associated and identified with, and through repetitive practice, it becomes a natural way of being. We’re not meant to worship the gods of mythology (or religion) as many have been led to believe, but rather use them as tools for self-development.

Our dual selves
Becoming One with our Higher Self

In a similar manner we can also connect to our Higher Self, which is what most are actually referring to when they think of God (as a person or entity), which exists on a higher plane and acts to guide and direct us through an internal voice while also orchestrating the events of our life based on karma and what we ask for through our thoughts and intention, and is also a constant companion to us. Our Higher Self is also commonly referred to as our Holy Guardian Angel, and is the part of us that remains fully within a higher plane and never manifests (blends with material substance) in the lower plane, and remains unaffected by magnetic forces (emotions) of the lower regions of the Astral Plane. It exists in a natural and unbiased state and doesn’t respond or even necessarily seem to acknowledge our emotional states, passions, and instinctual urges, and guides us instead through pure reasoning and absolute clarity that’s always taking into account the big picture of which we are commonly unaware of.

By forming a connection with our Higher Self, through deep feelings of reverence, trust, and devotion, and committing wholeheartedly and sincerely to our souls development (which is its only concern), and we invite (ask) our Higher Self to come into us and be the consciousness we look through as the means of acquiring a more accurate and objective perspective and perception, we act to pull down the energy by consciously embodying it. We blend with it and become one in awareness. We can only do this consistently by creating ourselves (body and mind) to be of an equivalent nature to our Higher Self. This means we have to purify ourselves of toxic emotions and the illusions born out of them, and not be subject to emotional states and the emotional projections of others. We have to cleanse ourselves of our emotions, passions for material pleasure, and be able to willfully resist compulsive urges (instinctual behaviors). As long as we exist as the equivalent of the lower, unconscious plane of animal instinct, driven by emotions, reactive behaviors, and passions, we can’t act as the vessel for higher energies, because these things don’t exist on higher planes (only lower planes of an unconscious nature), and so the conditions don’t correspond and aren’t appropriate. The higher mind is willful in nature and isn’t affected or controlled by the emotions intended to produce automatic behaviors.

So anytime we’re looking to acquire new qualities and ways of being, we have to recognize the natural conditions as the atmosphere that quality, entity, or archetype naturally exists in, and create the same conditions in our mental sphere through gaining rapport with it. By becoming like it as a state of mind. We have to become through an act of awareness, choice, and will, of the same nature. We have to vibrate at a similar rate in order to be able to draw it in or absorb it by resonating with it. Once we absorb it, embody and become one with it, it activates those same qualities within us and we’re able to express through them. Once forces become active within us and we’re able to express ourselves through them by becoming them, we create experiences as them, sense our self through those experiences, associate and identify with our own experiences, absorb them as memory, and through an accumulative process of consistent practice, they become a natural part of us. They become fully integrated into our mental sphere and built into our muscle. We begin employing them automatically as a natural part of our being. Once this is accomplished, we no longer need the entity or archetype, and we can release it back into the sphere from which it came.

3rd eye and our connection to our higher self

This is an important step many fail to recognize and do intentionally. The only purpose of an entity or quality that performs a certain function in a specific way is to stimulate, awaken, make active, and bring out in us that same quality, characteristic, and behavior or activity. It’s not meant to take up permanent residence within us where it can begin taking on a life of its own as a form of alter-ego. Once the desired result is achieved and obtained as a permanent part of our character, just as we consciously invoked and embody it, we have to thank it sincerely for the service it provided, then instruct it to leave by ushering it out of our body and back into the atmosphere and universe where it can continue to be of service to others.

This rule applies to every aspect except our Higher Self of course, which always exists as a fundamental part of us and our connection with it is eternal and nourishing in nature. It doesn’t offer qualities and archetypal personalities for us to embody and acquire, but rather exists as a neutral state of being that always acts to inform, advise through awareness, and instruct us without ever making decisions for us or imposing its will on us in a way that overrides our own ability to make decisions for ourselves.  All self-creation is our full responsibility and comes by way of what we choose and ask for and what we willfully bring about through our actions.

Our universal self

The easiest and most basic way to tell the difference between true guiding forces of a higher nature (some call spirit guides, angels, teachers, etc.) and those of a lower nature (emotions, passions, urges, impulses, etc.) is that Divine forces NEVER violate choice and free will, tell you what to do, or make decisions for you. They only act to educate, inform through increased awareness, and bring insights and realizations that reveal new choices and possibilities, increasing and expanding your ability to choose. Lower forces can only express by taking control of or commanding your will through emotional states and passions of various sorts that when allowed to take hold, can easily run your thoughts and make decisions for you as impulses, desires, passions, emotional reactions, and physical urges.

All forces, whether celestial or terrestrial, only have the ability to influence you and can’t actually make decisions for you. They have no will of their own, which is what’s required in order to step outside of instinct or a singular nature that’s a part of a collective unconscious, and make new decisions that require original thought that produces new behaviors and ways of being. Only humans have this ability within the creative realms. This is our God given ability to create that makes us capable of governing all of the natural forces that partake in the material world as a means of being fully responsible for our own creation. We have the ability to utilize these natural forces as the means of creating and creating ourselves by way of our own creations, but we have to not only realize that we do, but also know how to do it. Otherwise the creative forces of the material plane use us to create through and we become a product of unconscious instinct that’s determined by our animal nature instead of our higher Divine nature.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Initiate, Personal Transformation Consultant, and Spiritual Mentor

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