Sacred Geometry – The Secret Language of Universal Laws

Sacred Geometry forms the basis for an intuitive system of philosophical mathematics and universal laws as “operations†for applying knowledge at the practical level to create on multiple planes simultaneously through resonance as equilibrium. Through resonance we draw down purely mental forces of the higher planes and use them to animate the astral light of the material plane through conceptualizations born in the imagination that form the templates necessary to create in various ways on the lower, material planes.

Sacred Geometry forms a system of correspondences that connects a series of ideas that are all of the same nature or archetypal principle, as material forms of various types or degrees. These symbols as geometric shapes demonstrate basic laws as form, function, and order, which exist in a natural relationship with each other and make up the material world as we know it. All of life, whether organic or inorganic, are not only formed by the action of these laws which organize and concentrate light as matter, but also animate living forms through “energetic states of consciousness†that undergo growth processes, imbue it with attributes, properties and behaviors born out of a distinct and unique type of personality. Form always indicates function or how something behaves or the operations it naturally undergoes. The form something takes on, gives it properties as a dynamic series of relationships, that all exist in a harmonious and interdependent relationship as a unified body.

All forms exist as vibration of subtle energy as pure consciousness. The frequency something vibrates at, forms its qualities and characteristics as a “stateâ€, which then acts as an expression of its inner nature. The rate and mode of vibration, structures matter into distinct patterns as geometric (molecular) structures that are combined to form a unified whole. Vibration, as subtle energy is consciousness, which has an active, self-organizing component that grows organisms from a “seed†as a formula of information that undergoes a division and multiplication process guided by a spatial orientation as a holographic blueprint, where multiple structures that perform specialized processes as different parts of a whole body, spontaneously emerge out of each other. There’s an invisible intelligence to all of life that takes information in its purely potential state (as unformed), and activates it systematically in strategic stages, that ultimately creates whole material entities out of nothing. It (the invisible intelligence) structures a material body through a process of self-generation, cellular division, differentiation, and multiplication as “creationâ€.

Flower of Life on Tree of Life

Out of a packet of coded information, where certain aspects get “turned on†and become active, while others are “turned offâ€, and remain dormant (time regulated) while an active self-organizing force “grows†a living being. This material form consists of multiple layers of various types of interwove structures, all in geometric shapes, which, based on their specific structure perform certain types of operations, and play a specialized part in the operation of the whole. All of these different geometric structures that are an inherent part of the larger whole, emerge “out of each other†spontaneously as a natural growth process. Each structured based on the role it plays in a dynamic, interconnected relationship as a part of the whole entity. Each aspect of the whole as a cell or molecule, contains the full encoded information of the whole as its DNA, but through a self-organizing process of spatial mapping, each cell specializes by reforming the information, switching what’s turned on and turned off, to create a necessary part of the whole as a harmonious process. This reformulation of the same basic information, produces a unique cellular structure that naturally performs a different shape and function within the overall body.

Vibration as consciousness, through the same basic stuff as attributes, qualities and characteristics, form the basis for laws as the building blocks of life that perform natural behaviors and operations as the natural expression of the consciousness inherent in the form. The “state†of matter, as the consciousness inhabiting and animating it, form it’s “inner nature†as it’s essence which forms it’s outer appearance, not only in actual form (as a member of a species or class), but also in the personality, quality, and level of intelligence the form possesses and outwardly demonstrates through it’s natural behaviors and way of being.

These laws and principles as the life giving forces of the natural world, are represented by the geometric shapes they naturally produce, and the qualities and functions they naturally perform as the very expression of their nature. Each form correlates to a number that’s represented in its actual geometric shape, calculated by the equilateral angles of it’s form, a letter as the sound of that form as a tone, color as the vibratory frequency (frequencies produce color), state of mind, type of personality (planetary attribute), and so on. A system of analogy and correspondences form a series of associated ideas that are all different aspects or qualities of the same nature or essence as a vibratory frequency. A frequency forms a pattern imbued with qualities as degrees of consciousness, that give it characteristics that determines how it functions, and what part it naturally plays in a greater whole as a story, community, or ecology. In animated life forms, as in the human and animal kingdoms, these forms and behaviors are also imbued with a personality, which gives it a kind of signature in terms of the unique style in which it does what it does.

vesica piscis - dyad

Sacred Geometry is an intuitive language of science as law, and provides us with holistic information about the natural processes of life and the nature of the operations involved. It gives us explicit instructions on how to use our own mind-body system in intentional ways to produce physical realities by reformulating its material and chemical structure through the quality of consciousness being employed. This information about natural processes, gives us the theoretical processes necessary to apply through experimentation, to influence or outright produce material results. Naturally, our ability to accurately apply it along with the mental state we employ while applying it, determines the nature of the outcomes we’re able to produce. So while shapes, numbers, letters, colors, sounds, states, and so on, can give us the basis for making very generalized interpretations that are largely abstract in nature and identify an idea or desired experience, without giving us the necessary information about “how†to do it, if we understand how to interpret the geometric shapes as laws, we can gain the knowledge as distinct operations for undergoing mental processes necessary to create the ideas and quality of experiences they suggest.

Through this process of law, that gives us the full creative process for producing desired personal realities and experiences, we can learn how to utilize our own power of mind to self-create and influence the outer reality by how we exist in relationship with it, and how we reshape and direct it through the very nature of our perception of it. We can come to realize the true nature of reality itself, and how our own mind exists in intimate relationship with the elemental world of luminescent matter. We can realize that the outer shape of any geometric design is formed by the inner shape or invisible space forming and organizing it. We can realize that our experience of reality, both symbolically and literally, is a product of our own mind and inner being, and acquire the knowledge as practical processes for undergoing personal transformation, which, by changing our mind as our inner atmosphere, changes our very essence, and how things appear to us, or what we perceive in our ordinary reality.

By working with laws, we create in a fluent and spontaneous manner. By using their instruction as processes of the mind shaping matter to perform natural operations, we can begin consciously operating our own mind instead of letting it be haphazardly used by the suggestions we’re flooded with from the external world. We can realize that by changing the inner, invisible structure of our mind, we change our molecular structure, which changes our outer expression and how we’re being in the world. By acquiring the tools and creative processes for undergoing metamorphosis, we change our very relationship with the outer world and how we experience and interact with it. Through the science of the Spirit, and the practice of spiritual knowledge as universal law in how we live our daily life and conduct ourselves, we become self-determined, and truly responsible for our own creations. Sacred Geometry is the scientific language of the spiritual world as the Magicians toolbox for manipulating reality in a conscious and deliberate manner.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth