How Karma Provides Us with the Basis for Learning Life Lessons, Healing, and Self-Administering Our own Spiritual Evolution
While the Law of Karma can be interpreted several ways, based on who’s interpreting it and their level of spiritual knowledge regarding the universal laws that all life faithfully operates according to, the most basic way of looking at it in the practical sense is as the Law of...
The Archetypal Nature of the Soul – The Mortal, Immortal, and Higher and Lower Nature of the Soul
All humans are multidimensional beings in the most basic sense of existing simultaneously on 3 interwoven planes, with a dual (polarized) nature that functions as complementary opposites in forming a single reality. Our dual nature is comprised fundamentally of both a conscious and unconscious mind which are directly correlated...
The Fundamental Unity of the Macrocosm and Microcosm, the True Nature of “Oneness”, and Our Origin as Celestial Beings
We’re often told in various spiritual doctrine that man exists as a microcosm formed as a reflection of the macrocosm, that the entire macrocosm exists in the nature of man, and that the Cosmos can be known intimately by observing and coming to understand our own inner nature. This...
The Principle of Quantum Entanglement, Superposition, and the Many Worlds Theory of Parallel Dimensions
Whatever model we use for interpreting phenomenon associated with universal laws form the basis for how we come to understand them in the practical sense of applying them to our everyday life as a means of creating the reality necessary for experiencing them. Many diverse models that pertain to...
The Art of Interpreting Symbolic Language: The Pinecone Courtyard of the Vatican
I chose the Pinecone Courtyard of the Vatican to demonstrate how to interpret symbolic language not only because it includes several different disciplines, but because the process it provides instruction for is profound in the spiritual sense. This interpretation is not based on religion, per se, but on the...
The Pineal and the Third Eye – The Seat of the Soul and the Alchemical Marriage
In this article I’m going to lay out a new model for understanding the principles involved in the function of the Pineal gland and its corresponding subtle organ of the Third Eye. My intention is to provide the basis for forming a new way of understanding the nature of...
The Cosmic Fire of the Mind – Piezoelectric Energy of the Brain and Third-Eye
I’m going to discuss this idea from the perspective of experience rather than hypothesis or following a common belief, so it may go outside of conventional thought and what many have been taught to believe. Many people have never experienced what I’m going to talk about because it typically...
The Absolute Law of Karma – Mortality, Immortality, and the Nature of Destiny
In most esoteric texts and spiritual doctrine Karma is referred to as the absolute law because its fundamental in nature and transpires naturally through our very nature and way of being. We’re all born into the world with a predisposition that naturally equips us with everything we need to...
Quintessence – The Fifth Element of the Pentad, Self-Perfection, and the Holographic Principle
The term ‘quintessence’, which can be translated as meaning the fifth element or primordial essence, is represented by taking an idea and forming it into an ‘ideal’ where it serves as a prototype for bringing divine qualities into perfect expression. It represents what you can think of as a...
The Astral Plane of the Aether, The Akashic Field of Cosmic Memory, and the Yetzirah World of Formation
What we call the spiritual world is comprised of invisible forces of a highly intelligent nature that act through universal laws to form what we experience as reality. In order to understand how invisible forces behave and operate in performing a creative process we have to use a model...