Year: 2017

Mastering your Will to Create and Transform

Many people don’t fully understand what we mean when we use the term “willâ€, and as a result they don’t know how to use it in a deliberate and powerful way to create. Will is always associated to choice, because anytime we’re actually using our will , it’s to...

The Unified Reality of the Lower Plane and the Nature of the Subconscious Mind

There’s always a Divine Paradox playing out in the most basic sense as what appears to be a single reality that’s actually three-fold in nature as multiple planes that act together to create the perception of a single, unified reality. This is because what we refer to as the...

Mental, Emotional, and Physical Purification – The Prerequisite for Transcending to Higher Forms of Consciousness

The definition for the purification process is to remove toxins, pollutants, and contaminates, returning it to an original state of purity. It’s the process of making something spiritually or ceremonially “cleanâ€. Free from anything that debases, pollutes, adulterates, degrades, or contaminates it. Clean of all “foreign†elements. In the...

The Law of the Monad – The Brain, Membrane, and Will of the Spoken Word

The Monad is represented in a geometric form as a sphere or circle with a dot in the center, symbolic of the inner expanding and extending to become the spatial sphere of the outer. The information of the core, germ, or brain expands equally in all directions and fills...

The Healing Power of Witnessing – Detachment, Relinquishing Judgment, and Mirroring

As a general rule, it’s very hard for us to ever really see anybody as they truly are, because just the act of perceiving another influences and distorts what’s being observed and interpreted as a means of creating an experience of it. All perception results from the relationship as...

The Dual Nature of Truth – The Relative and the Absolute

Truth, like all ideas that prevail within the material realm, is dual in nature. The entire material realm is formed by a universal (common) and personal (individual) aspect that are complementary in nature. These complementary aspects are separated from each other by degrees that that form a scale as...