The Psychology of Relationships – We Hurt Others in the Same Way We were Hurt
Relationships act as a Mirror for Reflecting back to us Unconscious Aspects of Ourselves What many people don’t realize is that we’re never conditioned to only one role or position is a dynamic as a behavioral pattern, but rather to the whole pattern. Whatever patterns as family dynamics that...
All Perception is Self-Perception – Projection, Energetic Entanglement, and Morphing
What We Think of Others is a Reflection of Ourselves in Them The true nature of what we refer to as perception, like consciousness itself, is still largely a mystery in scientific terms. We ask what is perception, and how do we form our perceptions? Perception is a product...
Understanding the Musical Nature of the Mind as a Vibratory Frequency
The Mind as a Frequency Creates a Consistent Experience of Reality When we use the term musical in this context, we’re not referring to music in the ordinary sense, but rather of the laws that govern music, which are the primary laws of vibration. Everything in the universe is...
Learning to Recognize and Understand Your Life Story and Identity
We’re always the ones Creating ourselves and our Life Experience by the Story we begin telling about things Our mind exists as a paradigm that forms a unified expression as a personal reality through a natural form of storytelling. As humans, we’re always in the process of telling a...
Learning How to Self-Reflect and Gain Self-Realization
Lessons for Spiritual Development The primary process of spiritual development is self-realization that allows for self-mastery. Self, in both of these cases means coming to recognize and understand the intimate relationship between the body and the soul spirit. One of the most natural tendencies we have as humans, is...
The Mind Generates Reality – We are the Sole Creators of Our Experiences
All Reality as we know it is Subjective Reality One of the most basic misunderstandings or confusion comes from our interpretation of reality as opposed to our experience of reality. Many people believe that what they’re experiencing as reality is the same thing that everyone else is experiencing, or...
How to Change Bad Habits – Learning How to Operate Your Mind
Using the Power of your Will to Change your Lifestyle Many people seek to change what they’re doing and what practices they engage in that they find enjoyable, gratifying, or pleasurable somehow, and because they don’t realize that the only reason they experience these activities in that way, is...
Karma and the Law of Cause and Effect – Changing Reactive Behaviors
Becoming Self-Aware Karma can probably be most clearly understood as the law of cause and effect, or action that produces an equal or greater reaction. Karma is the fundamental activity of our life, which is either repeating a pattern as a natural tendency or unconscious behaviors, which produces a...
Sacred Geometry – The Secret Language of Universal Laws
Sacred Geometry forms the basis for an intuitive system of philosophical mathematics and universal laws as operations for applying knowledge at the practical level to create on multiple planes simultaneously through resonance as equilibrium. Through resonance we draw down purely mental forces of the higher planes and use them...