Tag: willpower

Creating a Well-Formed Outcome: “How to Make Smart Goals even Smarter”

There’s an art to setting goals that will make them much more achievable, called “SMART goals”. SMART is an acronym for making goals more Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. Goals that are developed mentally as a sensory experience of the outcome you want to accomplish, are far more...

Daimons, Elementals, and Astral Beings Formed on the Inner Plane of Astral Light

Astral Light, which makes up the basis for what we perceive as ‘reality’, exists fundamentally in a state of polarity, forming what we perceive as an inner and outer aspect of the same plane, and upper and lower parallel planes which are unified in producing what we can think...

Realizing Your True Self and Embodying Your Power to Consciously Create Yourself

The process of personal transformation (Alchemy) as a form of spiritual regeneration comes as a process that has two basic stages. The first stage is what’s often referred to as our psychological healing, where we shed our false ego built through our formative conditioning, and the second comes by...

Moral Strength – The Power of Being Willfully Directed

Strength is a virtue that’s employed as the means for subduing and bringing your lower, instinctual nature under your control so it can be utilized as a vehicle for higher forms of self-expression. It’s the moral strength and discipline you exercise by using your ‘will’ to control your own...

Mastering your Will to Create and Transform

Many people don’t fully understand what we mean when we use the term “willâ€, and as a result they don’t know how to use it in a deliberate and powerful way to create. Will is always associated to choice, because anytime we’re actually using our will , it’s to...

The Law of the Mind – Our Character, Nature, and Quality of Consciousness

The Law of Mentalism, which is the first principle of the seven primary principles of Hermetic Sciences, basically states that all of life and reality as we know it is a product of the mind. That Mind is all there is. Everything exists as a mental construct or dynamic...

Spiritual Guidance – “Why We Ask but don’t Receive”

Our life is the way it is right now based on how we have created it. We create our life based on our models that we use as a perceptual lens to interpret neutral events giving them meaning that determines how we experience them as a result. The meaning...

Spiritual Guidance – Birthing Our Higher Self within Our Lower Mind

The idea of spiritual guidance is a little bit different for everybody because it’s based on what we’ve been taught and accepted as true, what we’ve come to believe about ourselves and the nature of reality, and our own personal style which simply emerges naturally through practice. When we...