What is the Mind?
There’s a tendency to refer to what we call the mind as being equivalent to the brain, or the heart, or some invisible undefined term that encompasses them both. If we look at the mind through the concept of Spiritual Sciences and the Quantum model of Subtle energy, we can realize the mind as an energy field that exists in a hierarchical form as smaller, individual minds that accompany all conscious sentient beings while expanding in range and magnitude to larger mind-fields that can reach universal proportions. It’s a series of mind-fields that are nested within greater fields, which like holograms, while varying in size and magnitude, are all of the same nature and operate according to the same sets of creative Laws.
The mind of the individual is the energy field that surrounds and envelopes the body in an egg-like essence that we commonly call the aura or electromagnetic field that’s imbued with distinct attributes and qualities that determine how the mind functions at an individual level. It’s the essence as what we refer to as electrified plasma as resonance that informs and animates the body, imbuing it with analogous characteristics referred to as the personality, which becomes the foundation for the identity it takes on through various levels of story-telling birthed as a natural evolutionary growth process. It develops and becomes in stages that are the enactment and development of different inherent aspects of the same essence in a sequential manner that first establishes the foundation out of which a spontaneous growth process as actualization takes place of its own volition.
All of life operates as Laws that evolve through a consistent growth process of becoming fully actualized. This natural growth process is a form of unfolding in a hierarchical fashion, where one phase sets the basis out of which the next is indicated and spontaneously emerges in what seems like an effortless movement. The lower (initial) is the foundation for the higher. Just as our childhood development determines the type of adults we become. They are dependent on each other and operate independently of each other in an interdependent fashion. These planes of existence as hierarchies are referred to as kingdoms or worlds, whole planes nested within greater planes as a unified reality that are ecological. Different aspects that perform different functions yet are of the same entity as a whole interdependent system that expresses by generating a coherent reality.
While we can separate and analyze each aspect in order to understand the laws that govern their operation, we must always perceive it in synthesis as being a fundamental part of a holistic operation. Each part has a specialization that’s a crucial part of a whole function. It operates as parts or aspects within a greater mind, just as the individual mind operates as parts of the greater family/group mind, community mind, national/cultural mind, and ultimately universal mind.
So the mind as viewed from the perspective of Spiritual Sciences as Subtle energy, can be thought of as individual consciousness that is self-aware, self-expressing, and self-creating all at the same time. A single thought process or act creates in a ripple fashion of expanding and including greater mind-fields, which serves to reinterpret them according to the same mind which perceives them to be of the same nature and likeness in terms of projecting our qualities, characteristics, preferences and tendencies onto them, seeing (perceiving) in them only what matches (forms correspondences) us in terms of our paradigm or vibratory frequency.
Our mind is a conscious field of energy as our “self” that’s also the perceptual lens we look through in order to perceive everything else. Qualities and characteristics in another that are of the same nature as ours, form resonance with us, causing a reaction of some sort that stimulates us inwardly. They stand out as what we notice, give attention to, and reshape by thinking about them to form a perception of them that’s actually a correspondence to us. The creative ability of the mind is to regenerate itself as a basic means of expression. Perception itself is a form of interpretation that modifies everything as a vibrational match to ourselves in terms of perceiving them through our mental/emotional filters that conforms them to our dominant tendencies as thematic dynamics or prevalent and ongoing story-lines that we mold them into in a way that makes sense. The story we tell about them is the translation that reforms them to be like us in some way. We only see in others what first exists in us, in what is often a hidden or unknown aspect of ourselves.
Just as the universal mind exists in a multitude of fragmentation’s as fractal patterns that are smaller minds of the same nature, our own mind exist in three basic aspects that have specialized functions known as the higher-self, the subconscious and conscious mind. The Higher-self is the greater mind-field which transcends into higher-dimensions of pure consciousness, while the subconscious is the body/instinctual (heart) consciousness, and the conscious mind is the brain/sensory consciousness. The Higher-self is what we commonly call the spirit-soul, the subconscious our basic personality, and the brain the creative function that forms self-awareness through it’s identity with the external world that ultimately births the ego as a result, which is the aspect of our identity that’s based on the physical realm of possessions and position, that are ultimately false in nature because they are dependent on external means in order to create a image of itself in relationship with it that are temporary and illusory in nature.
All aspects of the mind form a step-down process of conscious energy creating experiences of itself in the physical realm. It’s our inner nature that forms our personality that automatically expresses through our behavior, while the conscious mind creates illusions of itself that often tell a different story from the one that they naturally demonstrate through automatic behavior that they are seemingly unaware of, and therefore assume others are fooled by the same false image that they have created as a means of re-representing themselves to be what they wish they were, instead of what they actually are. They then make the basic assumption that others perceive their false image as well, when in reality, others are only seeing what matches their paradigm as their perceptual lens or the actual behavior a person demonstrates on an ongoing basis.
Likewise, each vital organ within the body generates an electromagnetic field that has its own level of consciousness and associated functions, which operate as a part of a greater whole. Every single entity pairs off in dual aspects that mimic the electromagnetic effect of mitosis as regeneration that multiplies in pairs of itself. The mind operates according to the same natural laws that govern all living systems. Duality and multiplicity is the fundamental nature of unity. Just as the body is comprised of billions of cells that all contain the same DNA for structuring and functions, that begin as one then divide and multiply in pairs, while migrating to different locations playing out different roles within the same body which operates as a greater single entity that’s an enclosed system.
Our primary consciousness doesn’t perceive the individual cells that make up our body, but only perceives itself as a whole body with a personality and identity that always perceives the world in terms of stories that play out in its mind and imagination and the feeling sensations that stimulate it from within as bodily sensations that form corresponding thoughts and emotions as a result. There’s a constant chain-reaction as a chain-of-association going on all the time, all prompted by an electrical impulse of some sort that comes from invisible forces that surround and interact with us on a constant and ongoing basis. Which ones influence us in lesser or greater proportions are based on the quality of consciousness which forms an equivalent as a vibratory frequency that not only tunes us into the thoughts and emotions prevalent on that plane that are of the same nature, but also determine what we form resonance with as the fundamental component for forming thematic realities that are of a congruent nature. Our energetic frequency as our mind-field determines what we notice in the objective outer world, where we place our attention, and how we reinterpret it as a means of using it as the basic components for telling the same type of stories that we always tell about others and the external world as an expression of our selves.
Reality in itself as objective, is a perception and projection of the larger Universal mind (original creation), while our subjective reality is a personal creation of our own making that creates our “self” as an expression of ourselves. All perception is ultimately a form of fundamental projection that restructures it through vibratory resonance that shapes it into a new pattern as a variation that’s a co-creation of us, the individual mind, with the greater, universal mind, forming a unified realty that’s unique to us as created by us. The Universal as absolute remains the same and is neutral in nature, allowing us the ability to co-create a separate reality by how we infuse it with meaning of some sort that shapes it into a story of some kind. That story is our signature and is always composed as a reflection of our inherent style. It always has the same theme and style of story-telling, not only in terms of the story itself, but also in terms of how we tell it.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher